英语新闻丨C919 planes net more new ordersat air show

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China's domestically developed single-aisle passenger jet C919 netted 40 new orders from Tibet Airlines at the opening day of the Singapore Airshow on Tuesday, while its debut at an overseas air show signals the model's official entry into the global civil aircraft market, said an industry expert.2024年2月20日,在新加坡航展开幕日,中国自主研发的单通道客机C919从西藏航空获得了40架新订单,同时这也是它在海外航展上的首次亮相。一位行业专家表示,这标志着该机型正式进入全球民用飞机市场, Tibet Airlines, a regional carrier based at Gonggar Airport in Lhasa, Xizang autonomous region, signed a deal with Commercial Aircraft Corp of China for 40 C919 aircraft in the plateau variant. The variant meets transportation requirements in high-altitude areas by shortening the fuselage and featuring high-altitude modifications.西藏航空是一家位于西藏自治区拉萨市贡嘎机场的区域性航空公司,与中国商用飞机股份有限公司签署了40架C919高原变型客机的协议。这种变体通过缩短机身和高原改造来满足高原地区的运输需求。"The C919 aircraft participated in an overseas air show for the first time, promoting its global sales. We hope that the model will gain new orders from overseas carriers," said Lin Zhijie, a civil aviation industry analyst.民航业分析师林智杰称:“C919飞机首次参加海外航展,将推动其全球销售。我们希望该机型能从海外航空公司那里获得新订单,”So far, the C919, comparable with the narrow-body Airbus A320 and the Boeing B737 series, has netted more than 1,100 orders from home and abroad. Two C919 and three ARJ21 regional aircraft made their debut at the Singapore Airshow.迄今为止,与窄体空客A320和波音B737系列相当的C919已从国内外获得了1100多架订单。两架C919和三架ARJ21支线客机在新加坡航展上首次亮相。As the global air travel market continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, the C919 is expected to meet growing travel demand and break the market duopoly of Boeing and Airbus.随着全球航空市场从新冠疫情中持续复苏,C919有望满足不断增长的旅行需求,打破波音和空客的市场双头垄断。Tibet Airlines also signed an agreement with COMAC, the aircraft's manufacturer, for an order of 10 ARJ21 jetliners in the plateau variant.西藏航空还与C919的制造商中国商飞签署了一项协议,订购10架ARJ21高原变型喷气式客机。The ARJ21 is China's first home-developed regional passenger jet, and the plateau variant has good crosswind resistance at high-altitude airports.ARJ21是中国首架自主研发的区域性喷气式客机,其高原变型在高海拔机场具有良好的侧风阻力。Currently, more than 110 ARJ21 aircraft are in commercial operation, with most operating at regional airports.目前,超过110架ARJ21飞机在商业运营中,其中大多数在区域性机场运营。Meanwhile, Henan Civil Aviation Development and Investment Group signed an order with COMAC for six ARJ21 aircraft.与此同时,河南民航发展投资有限公司与中国商飞签署了6架ARJ21飞机的订单。Airports located at an altitude above 1,500 meters and below 2,438 meters are considered high-altitude, and those at 2,438 meters and above are ultra-high-altitude airports. Such airports face significant difficulties due to the high altitude and sparse oxygen.海拔在1500米以上、2438米以下的机场被视为高海拔机场,而海拔在2438米以上的机场则为超高海拔机场。这类机场由于海拔高、氧气稀薄而面临重大困难。High-altitude airports are mainly in China, Nepal, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Among the top 10 airports with the highest altitudes worldwide, China has eight, according to industry reports.高海拔机场主要分布在中国、尼泊尔、秘鲁、玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔。根据行业报告,在全球海拔最高的10个机场中,中国有8个。The C919's high-altitude variant has 140 to 160 seats, and its takeoff and landing performance meets the requirements of all ultra-high-altitude airports in China. The regular C919 passenger jet has 158 to 192 seats and a flying range of 4,075 to 5,555 kilometers, COMAC said.C919的高原变型有140至160个座位,其起降性能满足中国所有超高海拔机场的要求。常规C919客机有158至192个座位,航程为4075至5555公里,中国商飞表示。"China boasts the world's biggest demand for high-altitude planes. The C919's plateau variant has a smaller passenger capacity, shorter fuselage and lighter weight. Corresponding modifications have been made to the engine and the oxygen system," Lin said. "The plateau variant is of great significance for meeting the travel demand of passengers in high-altitude regions of China," he added.林智杰称:“中国对高原飞机的需求居世界首位。C919的高原变型载客量较小、机身较短、重量较轻,对发动机和氧气系统进行了相应的改造。高原变型对于满足中国高原地区旅客的出行需求具有重要意义。” The Civil Aviation Administration of China has been implementing an initiative to better integrate regional connectivity with the trunk air travel market during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period.在“十四五”(2021-2025年)期间,中国民用航空局一直在实施一项举措,以更好地将区域连通性与干线航空旅行市场相结合。"China should further promote the development of the regional aviation market and launch more regional routes, and build a group of specialized and scaled regional carriers," said Li Guijin, a professor at the Beijing-based Civil Aviation Management Institute of China.“中国应进一步推动区域航空市场的发展,开辟更多的区域航线,并建设一批专业化、规模化的区域航空公司,”中国民航管理学院的李晓津教授说。The C919 aircraft made its first commercial flight in May 2023. So far, four C919 jets have been put into commercial operations by Shanghai-based China Eastern Airlines and they have handled more than 110,000 passenger trips.C919飞机于2023年5月进行了首次商业飞行。迄今为止,总部位于上海的中国东方航空已将四架C919飞机投入商业运营,处理了超过11万人次的旅客出行。All four C919 planes were put into operation during the Spring Festival travel rush, which started on Jan 26 and will conclude on Mar 5.这四架C919飞机均在春运期间投入运营,春运从1月26日开始,将持续至3月5日。The planes operate on regular round-trip routes connecting Shanghai Hongqiao and Beijing Daxing international airports, as well as Shanghai Hongqiao and Chengdu Tianfu International Airports in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province.这些飞机在上海虹桥和北京大兴国际机场之间,以及上海虹桥和成都天府国际机场之间运营定期往返航线。travel rush 旅游高峰five-year plan五年计划