英语新闻|Cardiac disease likely cause of panda death

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Le Le, the giant panda that died early this month at Memphis Zoo, may have succumbed to cardiac disease, according to an autopsy by zoologists from China and the United States.据中美动物学家的尸检显示,本月初在孟菲斯动物园死亡的大熊猫乐乐可能死于心脏病。After discovering a cardiac lesion, the experts' preliminary judgment was that this was the cause of the death of the 25-year-old male panda, according to a media release from the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens on Sunday.据中国动物园协会2月26日发布的一份媒体新闻稿称,在观察到心脏病变后,专家们初步判定是这只25岁雄性大熊猫死亡的原因。"But that judgment still needs to be confirmed through pathological examinations," it said.他们表示:“但这一判断仍需要通过病理检查来证实,”The autopsy was conducted following the arrival of a Chinese team at the zoo recently. Experts from both countries ruled out a number of common conditions, including an intestinal twist, a rupture of the aorta or a ruptured pyogenic liver abscess.尸检是在中国团队最近抵达动物园后进行的。来自两国的专家排除了导致动物意外死亡的如肠扭转、主动脉破裂、肝脓肿破裂或大出血等常见病因。Le Le died in his sleep on Feb 3 before he could be returned to China, according to the zoo.动物园方面表示,乐乐于2月3日在睡梦中死亡,还没来得及送回中国。"Over the last 20 years Le Le has delighted millions of visitors, served as an exemplary ambassador for his species and remains a shining symbol of conservation partnership with the People's Republic of China," it said in a statement on Feb 3.2月3日的一份声明中说:“在过去的20年里,乐乐带给了数百万游客欢乐,成为了熊猫模范大使,熊猫仍然是与中华人民共和国保护伙伴关系的光辉象征。”Le Le arrived in Memphis accompanied by a female giant panda, Ya Ya, in 2003. Last December, the zoo said that the famous duo would make the journey back to China within the next few months, as the current loan agreement with the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens was coming to an end.2003年,乐乐在一只雌性大熊猫“丫丫”的陪同下来到Memphis。去年12月,该动物园表示,由于目前与中国动物园协会的租借协议即将到期,这对著名的大熊猫将在未来几个月内回国。The Chinese team also examined Ya Ya, and checked her medical and monthly health reports, according to the Chinese association.据中国动物园协会称,中国团队还检查了丫丫,并查看了她的医疗和每月健康报告。Despite hair loss resulting from a skin disease, the female panda was found to have a good appetite and was maintaining a stable weight, it said, adding that no abnormalities were observed in its feces.报道称,尽管这只雌性熊猫因皮肤病而脱发,但它的胃口很好,体重也保持稳定,还补充说,它的粪便中没有发现异常。Aside from holding a discussion with Memphis Zoo about Ya Ya's skin condition, the group gave advice on how to feed and nurse the female giant panda.除了与孟菲斯动物园就丫丫的皮肤状况进行了讨论外,中国动物园协会还就如何喂养这只雌性大熊猫提出了建议。"China and the US are coordinating the handling of procedures so that Ya Ya can be returned to China as soon as possible," it noted.声明指出:“中国和美国正在协调处理程序,以便尽快将丫丫送回中国。”China has completed all necessary preparations to receive the female panda. Import and quarantine permits have been issued and the quarantine location has been determined.中方已经完成了接收这只雌性大熊猫的所有必要准备工作。进口检疫许可证已经签发,检疫地点也已经确定。Two other zoos in the US — the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington DC and Zoo Atlanta in Georgia — are also home to giant pandas.美国的另外两个动物园也是大熊猫的家园,分别是华盛顿特区的史密森尼国家动物园和乔治亚州的亚特兰大动物园。Conservation英 [ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃ(ə)n]   美  [ˌkɑːnsərˈveɪʃ(ə)n]n. 保护quarantine英 [ˈkwɒrəntiːn]   美  [ˈkwɔːrəntiːnn. 检疫,隔离