英语新闻丨Cats safely relocated from zoo

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Two cats were safely relocated from the monkey mountain enclosure at Kunming Zoo in Southwest China's Yunnan province on Saturday night following public outrage sparked by videos showing the monkeys dragging and pulling the stray cats.此前有关猴子拖拉流浪猫的视频引发了公众的愤怒。据悉,1月27日晚,两只猫已从中国云南省昆明动物园的猴山围栏被安全转移。After the two cats were removed from the enclosure, the zoo commissioned an animal hospital attached to the Yunnan Agricultural University to conduct a comprehensive examination. It confirmed that the two cats were in good health and had no external injuries.两只猫被移出围栏后,动物园委托云南农业大学附属动物医院进行了全面检查。经证实,两只猫身体健康,没有外伤。The China Small Animal Protection Association, which sent staff members to help relocate the cats on Friday, said on Sunday afternoon that the two cats had arrived in Beijing. They will be cared for and rehabilitated at the association's facility, it said.1月26日,中国小动物保护协会派出工作人员帮助转移这些猫,周日下午表示,这两只猫已抵达北京。声明称,他们将在协会的设施中得到照顾和康复。Video clips showing the monkeys at the enclosure dragging and hitting the cats went viral recently. Thousands of netizens questioned whether the zoo was mistreating the cats, and urged the authorities to ensure they were treated well and protected.最近,一段显示猴子在围栏里拖拽和殴打猫的视频片段在网上疯传。数千名网友质疑动物园是否虐待这些猫,并敦促当局确保它们得到良好的对待和保护。On Jan 18, the zoo said stray cats were introduced in the enclosure in 2013 as a rodent control measure. The cats did a good job of keeping rodents away. The zoo said the cats and monkeys had coexisted peacefully for many years without any instance of mutual harm, and some cats had even reproduced in the enclosure. It said the issues raised by netizens involved playful interactions between the animals, and there was no evidence of abusive behavior.1月18日,动物园发表声明表示,2013年,为了控制啮齿动物,将流浪猫引入围栏。这些猫能帮助驱赶啮齿动物。猫和猴多年来和平共处,没有发生过互相伤害的情况,有些猫甚至在围栏内繁殖。网友提出的问题只是动物之间的嬉戏互动,没有证据表明存在虐待行为。Despite the explanation, netizens posted video clips again on Thursday questioning the zoo for housing monkeys and cats together, claiming the monkeys were pulling the cats' whiskers and tails.尽管做出了解释,1月25日网友们再次发布视频片段质疑动物园将猴子和猫关在一起,声称猴子拉扯猫的胡须和尾巴。Another video clip posted online on Friday showed visitors thwarting a woman's attempt to jump into the enclosure to rescue the cats. In a video posted later, the woman said she never intended to jump into the enclosure and only wanted to draw attention to the plight of the cats.1月26日发布在网上的另一段视频显示,一名女子试图跳进围栏营救猫,但游客们阻止了她。在后来发布的视频中,这名女子表示,她从来没有打算跳进围栏,只是想引起人们对猫的困境的关注。A netizen who has been following developments said: "Rescuing two cats may not change the world, but it can change their lives. It is recommended to regularly send inspectors to check the management conditions of zoos across the country to prevent similar incidents."一位一直关注事态发展的网友表示:“拯救两只猫可能不会改变世界,但可以改变它们的生活。建议定期派出检查人员检查全国动物园的管理情况,防止类似事件发生”。On Sunday morning, Kunming Zoo posted a statement on its micro-blog account which said: "We will carefully reflect on and improve the shortcomings and gaps in our work, and promptly incorporate opinions and suggestions from the public, to provide better living conditions for the animals."周日上午,昆明动物园在其微博上发布声明称:“我们将认真反思和改进工作中的缺点和差距,及时吸纳公众的意见和建议,为动物们提供更好的生活条件。”Rodents animals啮齿动物Inspectors英 /ɪnˈspek.tər/ 美  /ɪnˈspek.tɚ/n. 检察员