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Billionaire Elon Musk has found Twitter's "new CEO" and said that he is "so much better than that other guy". Musk introduced his pet dog Floki to the world.亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克找到了推特的 “新首席执行官(CEO)” ,并表示他“比那个人强太多了”。他向世界介绍了他的宠物狗Floki。The photo shared by Musk shows his Shiba Inu dog seated on the CEO's chair. The pet dog is seen wearing a Twitter-branded black T-shirt with CEO written on it. A couple of documents and a small laptop can be seen lying in front of the pup.马斯克分享了一张柴犬Floki坐在CEO椅子上的照片。这只宠物狗穿着一件印有CEO字样的推特品牌黑色T恤,面前放着几份文件和一台小型笔记本电脑。Sharing the picture, Musk wrote, "The new CEO of Twitter is amazing", in a follow-up tweet, he wrote, "So much better than that other guy!"马斯克在配文中写道:“推特的新任CEO太棒了”,在后续推文中,他写道,“比那个人强多了!”。In another tweet, he wrote, "He's great with numbers!"在另一条推文中,他写道, “他擅长与数字打交道!”In the third tweet, Musk wrote that Floki "has style".在第三条推文中马斯克写到Floki有 “爆红气质” 。The post triggered hilarious reactions on Twitter. A user commented, "I guess he was the only one crazy enough to take the job."该帖子在推特上引发了热烈讨论。一位用户评论称:“我猜他是唯一一个疯狂到可以接受这份工作的人。”Another user wrote, "Truly inspiring how Floki went from fetching balls to having interns fetch him coffee. I want to be like him when I grow pup!"另一位用户评论:“从捡球到让实习生给他端咖啡,Floki的经历真励志。我想长大后像他一样!”In October 2022, Musk fired chief executive Parag Agrawal. Mr Agrawal went to court to hold the Tesla chief to the terms of a takeover deal he had tried to escape.2022年10月,马斯克解雇了首席执行官帕拉格·阿格拉瓦尔。阿格拉瓦尔曾诉诸法庭,要求马斯克遵守他试图违反的收购交易条款。He also laid off nearly half of Twitter's workforce after his $44 billion takeover of the company.在以440亿美元收购推特后,马斯克裁掉了推特近半员工。In December, he said he will resign as Twitter CEO as soon as he finds someone "foolish enough to take the job".去年12月,他表示,一旦发现有人“愚蠢到可以接受推特CEO这份工作”,他将辞去这一职位。Musk launched a poll on Twitter asking his Twitter followers to vote on whether he should step down as CEO of the platform.此前,马斯克在推特上发起一项民调,请他的推特粉丝投票决定他是否应该辞去该平台的首席执行官一职。According to the results of the poll, 57.5% of users voted in favor of Musk, with the majority saying Musk should step down as CEO of Twitter.投票结果显示,有57.5%的网友投了赞成票,多数网友认为马斯克应该辞去推特CEO职务。Among the 17.5 million votes cast in Musk's 12-hour poll, which closed early Monday, 57.5 percent were in favor of his exit, with 42.5 percent indicating he should stay.马斯克发起该投票12小时后,有1750万人参与,57.5%的人支持他辞职,42.5%的人表示他应该留下来。Hilarious英 [hɪˈleəriəs]   美  [hɪˈleriəs]adj. 滑稽的indicating英 [ˈɪndɪkeɪtɪŋ]   美  [ˈɪndɪkeɪtɪŋ]v. 表明