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The chatbot ChatGPT, developed by American company OpenAI, has taken the world by storm in the past few months. This new research, however, has not been welcomed in education as expected. Faced with the threat of ChatGPT, the education community in many countries began to take measures.美国OpenAI公司研发的聊天机器人ChatGPT,在过去的几个月席卷全球。然而,这项新研究并没有在教育领域受到预想中的欢迎。面对来势汹汹的ChatGPT,多国教育界开始采取措施。New York City's Department of Education announced a ban on the wildly popular chatbot ChatGPT — which some have warned could inspire more student cheating — from its schools’ devices and networks.在美国,纽约市教育部1月初宣布禁止学生在其学校的设备和网络上使用ChatGPT,以预防学生作弊的行为。The education department blocked access to the program, citing “negative impacts on student learning, and concerns regarding the safety and accuracy of content,” a spokesperson said. The move from the nation’s largest school system could have ripple effects as districts and schools across the country grapple with how to respond to the arrival of the dynamic new technology.一位发言人表示,教育部以 “对学生学习的负面影响,以及对内容安全性和准确性的担忧” 为由,禁止了该技术的使用。而纽约的 “禁令”,可能会在美国其他州产生连锁反应。In addition, Sciences Po in Europe, a number of Canadian universities, and several Australian states are developing policies on student use of ChatGPT.除此之外,欧洲的巴黎政治学院(Sciences Po)多所加拿大大学,以及澳大利亚的多个州都正在制定有关学生使用ChatGPT的政策。Acting vice-provost and associate vice-president at UBC Vancouver, Simon Bates, said that all AI tools come with both potential benefits and real challenges, adding that the university is in the process of developing a newsletter and FAQ as part of its educative approach to academic integrity.卑诗大学温哥华分校代理副教务长兼副校长西蒙·贝茨(Simon Bates)在一份声明中说:“人工智能工具既有潜在的好处,也有真正的挑战;它有可能帮助学习,但也可能会让学生找AI代做作业。”。该大学正在拟一份简报和常见问题解答,为学生提供学术诚信方面的教育指导。In order to find out what the public thinks about using ChatGPT in schools, online course provider Study.com surveyed more than 100 educators and more than 1,000 students over the age of 18.为了解大众对在学校使用ChatGPT的看法,在线课程提供商Study.com调查了100多名教育工作者和1000多名18岁以上的学生。The results showed that 72% of college professors who are aware of ChatGPT, are concerned about its impact on cheating. Over a third (34%) of all educators believe that ChatGPT should be banned in schools and universities. 66% support students having access to it.调查结果显示:72%了解ChatGPT的大学教授担心它会引发作弊行为。超过三分之一(34%)的教育工作者认为学校和大学应该禁止ChatGPT。而66%的人支持学生使用ChatGPT。Surprisingly, 72% of college students believe that ChatGPT should be banned from their college's network.出乎意料的是,在是否禁用ChatGPT这一问题上,学生们的观点却相对一致:72%的大学生认为应该在学校网络中禁止ChatGPT。Inspire英 [ɪnˈspaɪə(r)]   美  [ɪnˈspaɪər]v. 鼓励ripple英 [ˈrɪp(ə)l]   美  [ˈrɪp(ə)l]n. 涟漪grapple with英 [ˈɡræpl]   美  [ˈɡræpl]v.应对困境