英语新闻丨China not to blame for prices

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Experts: Issue exaggerated, should not be politicized专家:问题被夸大,不应政治化China should not be blamed for offering cost-effective new energy technologies and products to the world amid rising accusations of so-called overcapacity concerns, industry experts said on Wednesday.4月10日,电车行业专家表示,现在有人越来越担心中国电车产业出现产能过剩问题,进而对中国加以指责,无视中国为世界带来的高性价比新能源技术和产品,这是不合理的。They made the comments as United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen reportedly cautioned that China's overcapacity in electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and solar products will distort global prices.此外,有报道显示美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦也发出了类似警告:中国电动汽车、锂离子电池和太阳能产品产能过剩将扰乱全球价格。"In conflating overcapacity and the broader issues of the EV market, Washington's narrative is way off the mark. It is the US market's high prices, not Chinese overcapacity, that hinder widespread EV adoption, given that Chinese EVs are completely excluded from the US currently," said Wang Xin, associate professor of China Studies and director of Asian Studies in the department of languages and cultures at Baylor University in the US.美国贝勒大学语言与文化系中国研究副教授、亚洲研究主任王欣表示,美国财政部部长将产能过剩和电动汽车市场的系统性问题混为一谈的说法完全不切实际。因为美国市场目前根本不允许中国电动汽车进入,阻止电车在美国大范围推行的不是中国的产能过剩,而是自身的高价。Wang said that last year, the EV share of the total US vehicle market was only 7.6 percent, and while US consumers have limited choices with new EVs averaging around $50,000, China's largest EV maker, BYD, offers a subcompact, Seagull, for less than $10,000.王欣认为,去年电动汽车占美国汽车市场总量的份额仅为7.6%。美国电车市场选择有限,平均售价在5万美元左右。而中国最大的电动汽车制造商比亚迪推出的小型电车Seagull价格仅不到10,000美元。"In contrast, the US is lagging in realizing even its EV infrastructure ambitions. China has nothing to do with this slow rollout. Unlike the protectionist stance adopted by the US, China's approach prioritizes industry-wide growth rather than narrow corporate and political interests," he added.与中国相比,美国在电动汽车基础设施方面也“落后于人”。这显然不能归咎于中国。与美国的保护主义立场不同,中国永远将行业整体增长摆在首位,而非狭隘的企业利润和政治利益。Zhang Xiang, an auto sector researcher at North China University of Technology, said that the rise of China's new energy industry is fundamentally a result of its ultra-large-scale market, complete industrial system and abundant human resources. "It is not reasonable to leverage political power to hinder the public's access to China's cost-effective new energy technologies and affect the prospects of global green transformation," he said.华北理工大学汽车行业研究员张翔表示,中国新能源产业的崛起,离不开超大规模的市场、完整的产业体系和丰富的人力资源。美国政府不应该利用政治力量阻碍美国公众享受中国高性价比新能源技术带来的好处,不应该成为全球绿色转型的绊脚石。Zhang added that China's overcapacity problem has been "exaggerated", as industrial overcapacity could happen in any sector in any country, and should not be politicized. "Whether there is overcapacity should be based on global market demand and future development potential, and the market adjusts itself according to the law of value," he added.张翔补充说,中国的产能过剩问题被“夸大”了,因为工业产能过剩可能发生在任何国家的任何行业,不应该被政治化。是否存在产能过剩,要参考全球市场需求和未来发展潜力,市场会根据价值规律进行自我调节。Bloomberg also said in a recent report that from the rest of the world's perspective, overcapacity can be felt through lower prices, and China's automobile exports, which surged last year as the country overtook Japan as the world's top car exporter, actually became more expensive, which suggested their rising attractiveness isn't due to price cuts.彭博社最近的一份报告也表达了同样的观点,纵观世界其他地区的汽车市场,产能过剩会导致低价格。而去年中国超越日本成为全球最大汽车出口国,出口大幅增长,价格也水涨船高。这都说明中国电车日益受欢迎并不是因为降价。Lu Yan, an industry veteran and independent analyst, pointed out that China is indeed in the process of gradually optimizing the structure of the production capacity of traditional fuel vehicles and increasing the production capacity of new energy vehicles. "Some regions are doing well and some are not doing well enough. But it is a structural and cyclical excess and that is where strategies will need to be adjusted in some regions in the future," Lu said.行业资深人士、独立分析师卢岩指出,中国确实正在优化燃油车产能,增加新能源汽车产量,推进电车行业的结构调整。有些领域做得很好,有些还做得不尽如人意,但这是个系统周期问题,未来确实需要下功夫解决。On the contrary, rising protectionism from Western economies like the US and Europe will not offer a fair competition market for green energy, and may lead to the penetration of NEVs not occurring in an expected way, he added.The EU Commission also announced earlier this week that it will launch an inquiry into alleged Chinese subsidies for suppliers of wind turbines.反观美国和欧洲等西方经济体,保护主义抬头,拒绝为绿色能源提供公平竞争的市场环境,这极有可能导致新能源汽车保有率无法达到预期。欧盟委员会本周早些时候还宣布将对中国涉嫌向风力涡轮机供应商提供补贴的指控展开调查。lithium-ion battery锂离子电池penetration of NEV新能源汽车保有率