英语新闻丨China, NZ agree to scale up trade ties

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China and New Zealand have agreed to scale up bilateral trade and bolster cooperation in e-commerce, trade in services, the green economy and establish a dialogue mechanism for new energy vehicles, according to a joint statement released by the two countries on Wednesday.根据6月28日中国和新西兰发布的联合声明,双方愿加强双边贸易,拓展电子商务、服务贸易、绿色经济等领域合作,推动建立新能源汽车对话机制。The joint statement came after talks between Premier Li Qiang and New Zealand's Prime Minister Chris Hipkins in Beijing.这份联合声明是在国务院总理李强和新西兰总理克里斯·希普金斯在北京会谈后发表的。New Zealand supports China's efforts to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership as well as Beijing's participation in ongoing talks over China's joining the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, the statement said.声明中提到,新方欢迎中方申请加入《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》。关于《数字经济伙伴关系协定》,新方欢迎中国加入工作组正在进行的深入讨论。Li, who hosted a welcoming ceremony for Hipkins at a red carpet ceremony at the Great Hall of the People, said that China will become more open, and the nation stands ready to share with New Zealand opportunities from its high-quality development.李强在人民大会堂为希普金斯举行红毯欢迎仪式,他指出,中国开放的大门只会越开越大。中方愿同新方分享中国发展带来的新机遇。He called upon both nations to forge new drivers for growth in emerging sectors, jointly champion free trade and support cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, saying that bilateral cooperation on education and tourism must be advanced to build up people-to-people exchanges.他呼吁双方打造新兴领域合作“新动能”,共同倡导自由贸易,支持亚太区域合作,推动教育、旅游等领域合作,拉紧人文交往“新纽带”。Hipkins said his country remains steadfast in following the one-China policy and looks forward to opportunities from China's greater strides in opening-up. He urged better bilateral communication and coordination over issues related to Pacific Island countries, and urged joint efforts to promote economic recovery and the response to climate change.希普金斯表示,新方坚定奉行一个中国政策,对中方扩大开放带来的机遇感到振奋,愿同中方就太平洋岛国和多边事务加强沟通协调,携手应对气候变化等全球性挑战。Hipkins also extended an invitation for more Chinese entrepreneurs, tourists and students to go to New Zealand.希普金斯还表示,欢迎更多中国企业家、游客和留学生来到新西兰。The two nations signed agreements to improve cooperation on agriculture and quarantine requirements for the export of kiwi fruit from New Zealand to China.两国签署了关于改善农业合作和新西兰向中国出口猕猴桃的检疫要求的协议。China is the largest export market and source of imports for New Zealand, with bilateral trade volume reaching $25.15 billion in 2022, up 1.8 percent year-on-year.中国是新西兰最大的出口市场和进口来源国,2022年两国双边贸易额达到251.5亿美元,同比增长1.8%。Mongolia蒙古国The Chinese premier also held a welcoming ceremony for visiting Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrai Oyun-Erdene in Beijing on Wednesday.6月28日,国务院总理李强在北京为蒙古国总理罗布桑那木斯来·奥云额尔登举行了欢迎仪式。During their talks, Li said that China stands ready to work with Mongolia to continue enriching the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, deepen political mutual trust and win-win cooperation, and accelerate the building of a bilateral community with a shared future. The two nations should extend support to each other on issues relating to respective core interests and major concerns, and deepen pragmatic cooperation in various sectors, he said.在会谈期间,李强表示,中方愿同蒙方一道,落实好两国元首重要共识,继续丰富中蒙全面战略伙伴关系内涵,深化双方政治互信与互利合作,加快构建两国命运共同体。他指出,中方愿同蒙方在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切的问题上相互支持,中方愿同蒙古国深化各领域合作。The premier urged both sides to better align development strategies, promote the high-quality building of the Belt and Road and enable unimpeded trade and investment. It is also important to scale up cooperation in the mining and energy sectors, strengthen connectivity at border ports, and deepen cooperation over control and prevention of desertification, Li said.他指出,两国要做好战略对接,高质量共建“一带一路”,畅通贸易投资往来,扩大矿产能源领域合作,加强边境口岸互联互通,深化防沙治沙合作。Oyun-Erdene said that enhancing cooperation with China is Mongolia's foreign policy priority, adding that his country looks forward to aligning its long-term development strategy with major initiatives proposed by China.奥云额尔登表示,加强对华合作是蒙对外政策首要方向。蒙方愿加强蒙“远景2050”长期发展政策同“一带一路”倡议及全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议对接。The two sides should scale up cooperation over ports, mining and desertification control to elevate bilateral relations to new heights, he added.他补充道,双方应深化两国口岸、能矿、防沙治沙等领域合作,把蒙中关系推向新高度。Bilateral英/ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/ 美/ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/adj.双方的,双边的Cooperation英/kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/koʊˌɑːpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/n.合作,协作