英语新闻丨China sees delivery of 120b parcels

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China's parcel delivery sector has set a record by handling more than 120 billion items this year, demonstrating its strong resilience and showcasing the country's improving consumer market, the State Post Bureau said on Tuesday.12月5日,国家邮政局表示,中国快递业务量突破1200亿件,创历史新高,这展现出中国快递业的发展韧性,体现了中国消费市场不断向好发展。It is also a reflection of the nation's stable and positive economic momentum, the bureau added.国家邮政局补充说,这也反映了中国经济的发展稳中向好。"Now, China has become the most dynamic express delivery market in the world, and the parcel delivery business in China has become a calling card of the country," said Bian Zuodong, deputy head of the bureau's market inspection department.“如今,中国的快递市场已成为世界上最具活力的市场,中国的快递业务已成为中国的一张名片,” 国家邮政局市场监管司副司长边作栋说。According to a report released by the bureau last month, more than 200 billion parcels are expected to be handled globally this year.根据国家邮政局上个月发布的一份报告,预计今年全球将处理超过2000亿个包裹。China's parcel delivery sector continued to grow rapidly this year. Since March, the number of parcels handled each month has reached a record 10 billion. In 2013, the annual figure was under 9.2 billion.今年,中国的快递行业继续快速增长。自3月以来,每月处理的包裹数量已达到创纪录的100亿件。2013年,这个数字还不到92亿。"The volume of express delivery business (in China) has increased from about 10 million a year to 10 million a month," Bian said, adding that the expansion of the parcel delivery network has benefited people across the nation.“(中国)快递业务量已从每年约1000万件增加到每月1000万件,”边作栋指出,快递服务网络的扩大惠及全国各地的居民。"Express delivery promotes circulation and serves people's livelihoods. It has become a 'barometer' of economic development reflecting economic vitality. It is also an important factor in narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and promoting common prosperity," he said.他说:“快递促进流通,服务民生。已经成为反映经济活力的经济发展‘晴雨表’。这也是缩小城乡差距、促进共同富裕的重要因素。”The growing number also reflects China's economic vitality, he added.他还补充说,不断增长的快递服务量也反映了中国的经济活力。"The growth of express delivery comes from the improvement of consumer demand. The business has also become one of the important indicators of China's economic development," Bian said.“快递的增长来自于消费者需求的改善。快递业务也已成为中国经济发展的重要指标之一,”边作栋说。"The recovery of the macroeconomic environment in China has promoted demand for express delivery services," Bian said.“中国宏观经济环境的复苏促进了对快递服务的需求,”边作栋说。Since the beginning of this year, China's economy has steadily recovered, while production and consumption demand have gradually picked up, he said.他说,今年以来,中国经济稳步复苏,生产和消费需求逐步回升。According to the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to October, online retail sales of physical goods in China reached 10.3 trillion yuan ($1.44 trillion), accounting for 26.7 percent of the total retail sales of consumer goods.根据国家统计局的数据,1月至10月,中国实物商品在线零售额达到10.3万亿元人民币(1.44万亿美元),占社会消费品零售总额的26.7%。"The rapid growth of market sales and service consumption has not only provided opportunities for the express delivery industry to better play its supporting role, but also provided opportunities for the sector's sustained high-quality development," Bian said.“市场销售和服务消费的快速增长,不仅为快递行业更好发挥支撑作用提供了机遇,也为行业持续高质量发展提供了机遇,”边作栋说During the "Double 11" period, the online shopping festival in November which caused a peak in parcel deliveries from Nov 1 to Nov 16, China handled 7.77 billion parcels, a year-on-year increase of 25.7 percent.11月,在“双11”期间,购物狂欢节使11月1日至11月16日的包裹递送量达到高峰,中国快递服务量达到 77.7亿个包裹,同比增长25.7%。China's parcel delivery sector handles a daily average of about 350 million packages, he said.他说,中国的快递服务行业平均每天处理的包裹数量约为3.5亿个。According to the bureau's big data platform, a package from Kunming, Yunnan province, which was sent at 6:26 pm on Monday, was the nation's 120 billionth parcel of 2023.根据国家邮政局的大数据平台,12月4日下午6时26分从云南省昆明市寄出的一个包裹是中国2023年第1200亿个包裹。The parcel, containing a bouquet of lilies, was ordered from an online store by a customer surnamed Zhang in Chengdu, Sichuan province.这个包裹里一束百合花,是由四川省成都市一位姓张的顾客从一家网店订购的。At 3:39 pm on Tuesday, Zhang received the flowers.第二天下午3时39分,张女士收到了这束百合花。"I placed the order yesterday afternoon, and it was fast," she said, while opening the wrapping to check her order.“我是昨天下午下单的,快递的速度很快,”她一边说,一边打开包装检查她的订单。Zhang said she often buys flowers and other daily goods online.张女士说,她经常在网上购买鲜花和其他日常用品。"The prices are better, and there is more choice online," she said.“电商的价格更好,也有更多的选择,”她说。The record-breaking flowers took a bullet train from Kunming to Chengdu, according to Li Weichen, head of the Sichuan office of SF Express, the major parcel delivery company that handled the 120 billionth parcel.负责运送第1200亿个包裹的公司是顺丰速运,该公司四川办事处负责人李伟辰(音译)说,这束鲜花通过高铁从昆明运送至成都。Since the company started cooperating with the high-speed rail service, parcels between Sichuan and Yunnan can be delivered just one day after an order is placed, instead of two days previously.自从顺丰速运与高铁服务合作以来,四川和云南之间的包裹可以在下订单后一天送达,而之前的不是两天。"It is faster and greener," said Zeng Jing from SF Express.“高铁更快,也更环保,”顺丰速运的曾静(音译)说。 Reporter: Luo WangshuThe State Post Bureaun. 国家邮政局Parcel delivery sectorn. 快递服务业