英语新闻丨China, South Africa elevate relations

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President Xi Jinping and visiting South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the elevation of bilateral ties to an all-around strategic cooperative partnership for the new era on Monday, charting new directions for bolstering diplomatic relations and pragmatic cooperation.9月2日,国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂同来华出席中非合作论坛北京峰会并进行国事访问的南非总统拉马福萨举行会谈。两国元首宣布,将中南关系提升为新时代全方位战略合作伙伴关系。Xi hosted Ramaphosa at the Great Hall of the People in a welcoming ceremony marked by red-carpet treatment and a guard of honor, underscoring Beijing's unwavering commitment to deepening ties with Africa's most industrialized nation.The two leaders jointly witnessed the signing of bilateral agreements on the application of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System, two-way trade, market access for agricultural products and cultural heritage, further cementing the partnership.会谈后,两国元首共同见证签署北斗卫星导航系统应用、人居建设、双边贸易、农产品市场准入、文化遗产等多个双边合作文件。A joint statement issued after the talks reaffirmed the commitment of both nations to collaborate on global issues and support each other's development goals."Despite the ever-changing international landscape, the missions of both our countries to pursue modernization and promote China-Africa cooperation remain unchanged," Xi told the South African president, emphasizing the historic and global significance of stronger China-South Africa ties.习近平强调,当前,世界百年变局加速演进,人类社会面临前所未有的挑战。国际形势越是复杂,全球南方国家越要坚持独立自主、团结协作,共同维护国际公平正义。Ramaphosa is also among African leaders visiting China for the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, scheduled from Wednesday to Friday.拉马福萨是出席2024年中非合作论坛峰会的非洲领导人之一,峰会定于9月4-6日举行。"In the new era and on the new journey, strengthening unity and cooperation between China and South Africa aligns with the shared expectations of the peoples of both countries, resonates with the historical process of the Global South's growth and expansion, and holds significant contemporary relevance and global impact," Xi said.双方高度评价建交26年来两国关系实现跨越式发展,赞赏2023年8月习近平主席第四次对南非国事访问引领两国关系进入“黄金时代”,各领域合作取得长足发展。新形势下,两国关系的全球意义和战略影响持续增强,成为发展中大国和“全球南方”国家团结合作、携手发展的典范。The meeting came one year after Xi's state visit to Pretoria, and South Africa is the country in Africa most visited by the Chinese president.此次会晤是在习近平对比勒陀利亚进行国事访问一年后举行的,南非是我国国家主席访问最多的非洲国家。Xi outlined three key directions for the newly elevated partnership: pursuing mutual progress to advance political trust, deepening win-win economic cooperation, and fostering people-to-people exchanges.习近平强调,着眼中南关系新定位,双方要把握好“三个方向”:共同进步的政治方向,互利共赢的合作方向,世代友好的民意方向。He advocated enhanced cooperation in emerging fields such as the digital economy, artificial intelligence and new energy. Xi also pledged increased opportunities for South African youth, through scholarships and vocational training, to ensure that the benefits of the partnership extend to future generations.双方将完善两国合作顶层设计,高质量共建“一带一路”,推动数字经济、人工智能、新能源等领域合作。The Chinese president explained that FOCAC is a model of South-South cooperation and leads international cooperation with Africa.新形势下,两国关系的全球意义和战略影响持续增强,成为发展中大国和“全球南方”国家团结合作、携手发展的典范。The nation's doors to African countries will open wider and wider, and China is willing to work with South Africa and other African countries to continuously create new momentum for cooperation, promote high-quality development in China-Africa cooperation, and ensure that the "express train" of China-Africa cooperation runs faster and better, he said.中国对非洲国家开放的大门将越开越大。中方愿同南非等非洲国家不断打造合作新动能,促进中非合作高质量发展,中非合作的快车必将越跑越快、越跑越好。Ramaphosa told Xi that the elevation of bilateral ties will strengthen mutually beneficial political and economic ties for the benefit of both countries and their people.拉马福萨表示,双边关系的提升将加强互利的政治和经济关系,互利两国人民。According to a statement from the South African presidency, Ramaphosa reaffirmed that "political rapport is the foundation of an unwavering and valuable friendship".根据南非总统府的一份声明,拉马福萨重申:“政治互信是两国坚定不移的宝贵友谊的基础。”"Our two countries share many common objectives. Building on the firm foundation of solidarity, we continue to provide support in promoting our interests and those of the African continent and the Global South," he said.南中两国拥有高度政治互信和深厚传统友谊,在很多问题上立场相似、目标一致。经贸合作基于平等尊重、互利共赢,联系日趋紧密。South Africa is willing to continue being a trustworthy and reliable friend of China, he said, adding that his country aims to enhance people-to-people exchanges and cooperation in education and culture.南非愿继续成为中国可信任和可靠的朋友,密切人文交往和教育文化合作。Premier Li Qiang also met with Ramaphosa in Beijing on Monday. Li said China would like to work with South Africa to implement the important consensus reached between the two heads of state and jointly promote the steady development of bilateral ties and cooperation.9月2日,国务院总理李强也在北京会见了拉马福萨。李强表示,中方愿同南非一道努力,落实两国元首重要共识,推动中南关系与合作稳健发展。China is South Africa's largest trading partner, and South Africa is China's largest trading partner in Africa. In 2023, bilateral trade reached $55.62 billion. Over 200 Chinese companies have invested in South Africa, creating more than 400,000 local jobs, according to the Chinese embassy in South Africa.中国是南非最大的贸易伙伴,南非也是中国在非洲最大的贸易伙伴。截止2023年,双边贸易额达556.2亿美元。据中国驻南非大使馆统计,已有200多家中国公司在南非投资,为当地创造了40多万个就业岗位。Zhou Yuyuan, a senior research fellow and deputy director at the Center for West Asian and African Studies at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, said the fact that Xi and Ramaphosa have made mutual visits over the past year serves as another testament to the "golden era" of China-South Africa relations.上海国际问题研究院西亚非洲研究中心副主任、研究员周玉渊表示,习近平主席和拉马福萨过去一年的互访是中南关系“黄金时代 ”的又一见证。"It signifies that China and South Africa see each other as a priority partner and strategic partner in their foreign relations," Zhou said, adding that bilateral cooperation in strategic and emerging sectors will spur the African country's development and provide valuable experience for China-Africa cooperation.“这标志着中国和南非将对方视为对外关系中的优先伙伴和战略伙伴,”周玉渊说,“双边在战略性新兴领域的合作将推动非洲国家的发展,并为中非合作提供宝贵经验。”The elevation of ties will pave the way for taking China-South Africa cooperation to higher levels and broader scopes, he added.他补充说,两国关系的提升将为中南合作迈向更高水平和更广范围铺平道路。