英语新闻丨China to accelerate development of railway tech

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China aims to accelerate research and development of key core technologies and application-oriented technological innovations this year, with a focus on developing a faster bullet train capable of traveling at 450 kilometers per hour and intelligent high-speed rail technologies, said Liu Zhenfang, the president of China State Railway Group, which operates the national railway system.运营国家铁路系统的中国国家铁路集团有限公司董事长的刘振芳表示,中国今年的目标是加快关键核心技术的研发和面向应用的技术创新,重点是开发时速为450公里的更快的子弹头列车和智能高速铁路技术。Liu, who is also a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress, said the company will continue to promote independent research and the industrial application of key core technologies this year, enhancing self-reliance in railway technology.刘振芳是第十四届全国人大代表,他说公司今年将继续推动关键核心技术的自主研究和产业化应用,增强铁路技术的自主能力。"Technological innovation can foster new industries, new models and new momentum," he said. "It is the core element for developing new quality productive forces.他说:“科技创新可以催生新产业、新模式、新动能。”这是发展新质生产力的核心要素。"China's high-speed railways are a successful example of independent innovation in our country, and the overall technological level of China's railways has entered the forefront of the world."“中国的高铁是我国自主创新的成功范例,中国铁路的整体技术水平已进入世界前列。”The group plans to unveil a more advanced bullet train, the CR450-with a top operating speed of 400 km/h and an experimental speed of up to 450 km/h — by next year.该集团计划在明年推出一款更先进的子弹头列车cr450,最高运行速度为400公里/小时,实验速度可达450公里/小时。It plans to complete a prototype this year and begin testing.计划在今年完成一个原型机并开始测试。Liu said achievements in promoting self-reliance in railway technology had been made last year.刘振芳说,去年在促进铁路技术自力更生方面已经取得了成就。"In 2023, the alliance to promote science and technology innovation in the railway sector was established," he said. "The CR450 science and technology innovation project has achieved major breakthroughs."刘振芳说:“2023年,促进铁路部门科技创新的联盟成立了。CR450科技创新工程取得重大突破。”Last year, bullet trains traveled at speeds of 453 km/h on test runs in Fujian province, collecting data on trains running at different speeds on tracks that include tunnels, bridges and curves.去年,子弹头列车在福建省以453公里/小时的速度进行了测试,收集了列车在包括隧道、桥梁和弯道在内的轨道上以不同速度运行的数据。Currently, the fastest bullet trains in China operate at speeds of 350 km/h along several lines, including the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway and the Beijing-Tianjin High-Speed Railway.目前,中国最快的子弹头列车在包括京沪高铁和京津高铁在内的几条线路上以350公里/小时的速度运行。A train traveling at 400 km/h would shorten the journey from Beijing to Shanghai to 2.5 hours.时速400公里的火车将把北京到上海的行程缩短到2.5小时。Liu also said China aims to achieve technological breakthroughs to improve operational safety, enhancing key equipment and infrastructure.刘振芳表示,中国的目标是实现技术突破,以提高运行安全性,加强关键设备和基础设施。"Research efforts will be increased in the application of cutting-edge technologies in the field of railways," he said. “将加大前沿技术在铁路领域应用的研究力度。”"We'll focus on promoting the system's informatization and network security and enhancing the construction of digital railways. We'll also carry out the standardization, interconnection and sharing of railway information systems, aiming to empower the innovative development of railways through digital intelligence."“我们将重点推进系统信息化和网络安全,加强数字铁路建设。我们还将开展铁路信息系统的标准化、互联互通和共享,旨在通过数字智能为铁路的创新发展提供动力。”By the end of last year, China's national railway network extended for 159,000 km, including 45,000 km of high-speed lines. About 80 percent of China's planned high-speed railway network has been completed, with a further 15 percent under construction.截至去年年底,中国全国铁路网延长了15.9万公里,其中包括4.5万公里的高速铁路。中国计划中的高速铁路网大约80%已经完工,另有15%正在建设中。"China's overall level of railway infrastructure has reached the forefront globally, providing the foundation and conditions for further advancement toward a higher level of modernization," Liu said.刘振芳说:“中国铁路基础设施的整体水平已达到全球前列,为进一步向更高水平的现代化迈进提供了基础和条件。”He said China aims to have 165,000 km of track by the end of next year, 50,000 km of which will be high-speed.中国的目标是到明年年底拥有16.5万公里的铁路,其中5万公里将是高速铁路。According to the national plan, by 2035, the railway network in China will reach 200,000 km, with about 70,000 km of high-speed lines, including some high-speed inter-city railways.根据国家规划,到2035年,中国铁路网将达到20万公里,其中高速铁路约7万公里,其中包括一些高速城际铁路。national railway国有铁路new quality productive forces新质生产力