英语新闻|China to further upgrade its virus control policy

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英语新闻|China to further upgrade its virus control policyChina's COVID-19 prevention and control work is facing new situations and new tasks, with the weakening pathogenicity of Omicron, increasing uptake of vaccination and growing disease response experiences, Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan said on Wednesday.11月30日,孙春兰指出,随着奥密克戎病毒致病性的减弱、疫苗接种的普及、防控经验的积累,我国疫情防控面临新形势新任务。During a meeting with top public health and medical experts in Beijing, she said China will "take small steps" to further upgrade its virus control policy and "keep moving", as well as continuing to improve its diagnostics, testing, treatment and quarantine measures.国务院副总理孙春兰30日在国家卫生健康委召开座谈会,听取有关方面专家对优化完善防控措施的意见建议。走小步不停步,不断完善诊断、检测、收治、隔离等措施。She also stressed boosting mass immunization, especially among the elderly, accelerating preparations of drugs and medical resources, while ensuring a balance between disease control work and social and economic development.孙春兰同样强调要加强全人群特别是老年人免疫接种,加快治疗药物和医疗资源准备,落实好“疫情要防住、经济要稳住、发展要安全”的要求。Sun said that China has always put the safety and health of its people first during its three years' fight against the virus.孙春兰指出,疫情防控近三年来,党中央、国务院始终把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位。Over the course, China has released nine versions of disease prevention and control protocols and published a package of 20 modified measures, in accordance with the latest epidemic circumstances.因时因势优化完善防控措施,先后印发九版防控方案,出台二十条优化措施。Its steady but agile action has effectively tackled uncertainties of the epidemic, she added.以防控战略的稳定性、防控措施的灵活性有效应对了疫情形势的不确定性,统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展取得重大积极成果。During the meeting, eight senior experts made statements, namely Zhang Boli, a renowned traditional Chinese medicine expert; Shen Hongbing, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Wang Junzhi, a top expert on biological products and biochemical drugs; Liang Wannian, a member of the National Health Commission's disease response expert panel; Du Bin, intensive care specialist, and three experts with the China CDC.座谈会上,张伯礼、沈洪兵、王军志、梁万年、杜斌、冯子健、杨维中、董小平8位专家作了发言,高度评价我国防控取得的重大成就,对优化完善二十条措施提出意见建议。8位都是抗疫“老将”,在过去3年的抗疫过程中多次出现在公众视野中,包括中国工程院院士、天津中医药大学名誉校长张伯礼,国家疾控局副局长、中国工程院院士、中国疾控中心主任沈洪兵,科研攻关组疫苗研发专班专家组副组长、中国工程院院士王军志,国家卫健委疫情应对处置工作领导小组专家组组长梁万年,北京协和医院内科重症医学科主任杜斌。Agile英[ˈædʒaɪl];美[ˈædʒ(ə)l]Adj. 敏捷的,灵活的Protocol英[ˈprəʊtəkɒl];美[ˈproʊtəkɑːl]n. 科学实验计划;医疗方案uptake 英[ˈʌpteɪk];美[ˈʌpteɪk]n. 使用,利用,应用