英语新闻丨China urges US to put ties back on track

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Vice-President Han Zheng told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in New York on Monday that China hopes the United States will meet it halfway to bring their relations back on the right track.韩正副总理周一(9月18日)在纽约对美国国务卿布林肯说,中国希望美国同向而行,中美关系重回正轨。In a meeting held on the sidelines of the ongoing 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Han said a sound and stable China-US relationship will benefit both countries and the world.在正在进行的联合国大会第78届会议的一次会议上,韩正表示,健全稳定的中美关系将造福两国和世界。Describing China's development as an opportunity rather than a challenge, and a gain rather than a risk to the US, Han said the two sides can contribute to each other's progress and achieve common prosperity.韩正表示,中国的发展是机遇而不是挑战,对美国来说是收获而不是风险;他说,双方可以为彼此的进步和实现共同繁荣作出贡献。He said that China has maintained consistency and stability in its policy toward the US, and has always viewed and handled bilateral relations based on the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation as put forward by President Xi Jinping.他说,中国对美政策保持一致和稳定,始终按照习近平主席提出的相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的原则看待和处理双边关系。Han expressed the hope that the US will work with China to follow through on the important consensuses reached between President Xi and US President Joe Biden during their meeting in Bali, Indonesia, on Nov 14.韩正表示,希望美国与中国合作,落实习主席和美国总统拜登11月14号在印尼巴厘岛会晤时达成的重要共识。He also said that China hopes the US will take concrete actions, create favorable conditions and do more to enhance understanding, mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation, in order to put China-US relations back on a healthy and stable track and deliver benefits to both countries and the world.他还说,中方希望美方采取具体行动,创造有利条件,多做增进了解互信与互利合作的事,推动中美关系重回健康稳定轨道,惠及两国,造福世界。Blinken, who visited Beijing three months ago, said the US hopes that China will continue to achieve success and promote world economic growth.三个月前访问北京的布林肯说,美国希望中国继续成功合作,促进世界经济增长。The US looks forward to strengthening its communications with China, managing their differences and advancing cooperation, the top US diplomat said, according to a readout from the Chinese side.据中方报道,美国最高外交官说,美国期待加强与中国的沟通,处理好分歧,推进合作。US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said that Blinken and Han had "candid and constructive" discussions, building on recent high-level engagements between the two countries to maintain open lines of communication and responsibly manage the US-China relationship.美国国务院发言人马修·米勒说,布林肯和韩进行了“坦诚和建设性”的讨论,在最近两国高层接触的基础上,保持开放的沟通渠道,负责任地管理美中关系。Blinken emphasized that the US will continue to use diplomacy to advance its interests and values and to discuss areas of difference, according to the spokesperson.Blinken also explored potential areas of cooperation and advocated for progress on shared transnational challenges. "Both sides reiterated their commitment to maintaining open lines of communication, including follow-on senior engagements in the coming weeks," the spokesperson said.据发言人说,布林肯强调,美国将继续利用外交手段推进其利益和价值,并讨论分歧领域。布林肯还探讨了潜在的合作领域,并倡导在共同的跨国挑战上取得进展。发言人说:“双方都承诺保持开放的沟通渠道,包括在未来几周内进行后续的高层接触。”In his meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Han said the world today is confronted with accelerated changes unseen in a century, with various unstable and uncertain factors intertwined, making it more necessary to uphold true multilateralism and requiring a stronger United Nations.在与联合国秘书长古特雷斯的会晤中,韩正表示,当前世界百年变局加速演进,各种不稳定不确定因素相互交织。国际形势越是复杂严峻,就越需要坚持真正的多边主义,越需要一个强有力的联合国。The vision of building a community with a shared future for humanity, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative — all proposed by President Xi — are highly aligned with the ideals and goals of the UN, and have been widely recognized and actively supported by the international community, Han said.韩正表示,习近平主席提出的构建人类命运共同体理念和共建“一带一路”倡议、全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议同联合国的理想和目标高度一致,得到国际社会广泛认同和积极支持。China will, as always, be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order, and it will support the UN in playing a central role in international affairs, he added.他补充道,中国将始终做世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者,支持联合国在国际事务中发挥核心作用。Guterres thanked Han for China's contribution to the UN and its activities, and the two discussed the need to accelerate climate action as well as the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, according to a statement issued by the office of the UN spokesperson.古特雷斯感谢韩正中国对联合国及其活动的贡献,两人根据联合国发言人办公室发表的声明,讨论了加快气候行动以及落实可持续发展目标的必要性。A readout from the Chinese side said that Guterres also highly appreciated the important initiatives proposed by President Xi, and said he looked forward to China playing a more leading role in global development.中方的一篇报道说,古特雷斯也高度赞赏习主席提出的重要倡议,并表示期待中国在全球发展中发挥更多引领作用。Coexistence英/ˈkəʊɪ gˈzɪstəns/美/'koɪg'zɪstəns/n.共存,共处