China丨Lawmakers draw up plan for key topics

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Thirty-five legislative items, including on national security, financial stability and livelihood, are scheduled to be reviewed this year to promote high-quality development in the new era, according to China's top legislature.我国最高立法机关称,今年将审议包括国家安全、金融稳定和民生在内的35部法律案,以促进新时代的高质量发展。The items have been listed in the 2023 legislation plan that was disclosed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the country's top legislative body, on its website recently.这些法律案已列入我国最高立法机构全国人大常委会最近在其网站上公布的2023年度立法工作计划。Of the total, three items have already been accomplished. In March, the NPC adopted an amendment to the Legislation Law, and in April the NPC Standing Committee passed a law on ecological conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and a revision to the Counter-Espionage Law.在其中,有三项已经完成。3月,全国人大常委会通过立法法修正案,4月,全国人大常委会通过青藏高原生态保护法和反间谍法修订案。In the following months, the NPC Standing Committee will review multiple draft laws concerning the economy, such as those on value-added tax, tariffs and financial stability, with deliberation on a draft amendment to the Corporation Law, to help build a high-level socialist market economic system, according to the plan.未来数月,全国人大常委会将审议增值税、关税、金融稳定等多项经济法草案,审议公司法修正案草案,助力高水平建设社会主义市场经济体制。It revealed that legislators will advance high-quality growth in livelihood and security fields, preparing to amend a law on the popularization of science and technology, and to formulate laws on preschool education, academic degrees, atomic energy and food security.据悉,立法者将推动民生保障领域高质量发展,准备修改科学技术普及法,制定学前教育法、学位法、原子能法、粮食安全保障法等。"The legislation plan was made after soliciting opinions. It aims to improve a legal system that can strengthen State governance, meet the public's ever-growing demand for a better life and safeguard national security," Legal Daily quoted Yang Heqing, an official from the NPC Standing Committee's Legislative Affairs Commission, as saying.《法治日报》援引全国人大常委会法工委成员杨合庆的话表示:“立法方案是在广泛听取有关方面意见后制定的,围绕健全国家治理急需、满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要必备、维护国家安全所急的法律制度。”Highlighting the importance of implementing the Constitution and upholding the whole-process people's democracy approach in legislation, Yang told the paper that the plan focuses on legislative affairs in major, emerging and foreign-related areas.杨合庆向《法治日报》强调了贯彻落实宪法和立法工作中践行全过程人民民主的重要性,表示立法工作计划要求突出重点领域、新兴领域、涉外领域立法。Draft laws on foreign State immunity and external relations have been included in the plan, which shows that both will be submitted to the NPC Standing Committee for review late this month.外国国家豁免法和对外关系法草案已被列入立法计划,这表明两者都将在本月下旬提交全国人大常委会审议。The plan requires lawmakers to make full use of grassroots-level stations to collect legislative opinions from all walks of life, increasing communication with residents and learning their demands, in a bid to solve their difficulties by legislation.方案要求,立法者要充分利用基层立法联系点,广泛征集各界立法意见,加强与居民沟通,了解群众诉求,以立法解决群众困难。It also calls for upholding the spirit and authority of the Constitution, stressing that the process of formulating and amending laws must not contradict the Constitution, the country's fundamental law.立法方案坚持维护宪法精神和权威,强调法律制定和修改过程不得同宪法这一国家根本大法相抵触。A few legislative items involving public health, a prominent issue in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, are also in the plan.立法方案中还包括一些涉及公共卫生的立法项目,这是新冠疫情之后的一个重要议题。The NPC Standing Committee said in the plan that it will research 25 legislative items, such as real estate registration and prevention of online and telecom crimes, with the endeavor to help create a sound business environment, ensure fair competition, optimize the fiscal budget and promote social insurance.全国人大常委会在方案中表示,将研究不动产登记、网络犯罪防治等25个立法项目,着力营造良好营商环境,保障公平竞争,优化财政预算,促进社会保障。Whether the 25 items can be submitted to the NPC Standing Committee for review this year will depend on the results of the research, according to the plan.按照计划,这25个项目是否能在今年提交全国人大常委会审议将视研究结果而定。Lawmaker英/ˈlɔːmeɪkə(r)/ 美/ˈlɔːmeɪkər/n.立法者Legislative英/ˈledʒɪslətɪv/ 美/ˈledʒɪsleɪtɪv/adj.立法的;(与)立法机关(有关)的