China|Public snaps up tickets for Universiade

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As athletes are busy making last-minute preparations to compete in the Chengdu FISU World University Games, which officially begin on Friday, the public competition to get seats to watch the games has long been underway.7月28日成都世界大学生运动会的正式开幕在即,运动员们正在进行最后的筹备工作,而公众抢购比赛门票的竞争早已开始。Almost all the tickets released so far, including those for the preliminaries and finals for all 18 sports, were sold out by Monday afternoon, and according to the official WeChat ticket platform for the games — also known as Universiade — only a few seats remain available for the basketball matches.到目前为止,几乎所有已经发售的门票都已售罄,其中包括18个项目的预赛和决赛的门票。在这次比赛的官方微信售票平台(世界大学生运动会)上,只剩下少量的篮球比赛的座位。The first phase of ticket sales started on June 16, and 90 percent of the nearly 30,000 tickets initially released for sale were snapped up by July 4. Since then, organizers have opened up more tickets in a series of staggered releases, but these have often been quickly grabbed.门票销售的第一阶段于6月16日开始,至7月4日,近30,000张门票中的90%已经被抢购一空。从那时起,组织者们通过分批发售的方式推出了更多的门票,但这些票也经常被迅速抢空。On Sunday, the latest round of tickets was released. While an additional 287,000 tickets have been made available, spectators have still found it extremely difficult to buy them online due to the surge in demand.7月23日,最新一轮的门票发售。虽然又有287,000张门票可供选购,但由于需求激增,观众们仍然发现在线购票非常困难。Many people have said that they waited by their phones for the exact time ticket sales would start to be sold online but still didn't manage to buy any because others were faster at picking seats and making payments.许多人说,他们盯着手机等着门票开始在网上售卖的准确时间,但是因为其他人选座和付款更快,他们仍然没能买到门票。Most tickets sold out within minutes, and people soon started asking other buyers for tickets to popular events such as the men's basketball finals, which have been impossible for many to get.大多数门票在几分钟内就被抢购一空,人们很快开始向其他购票者寻求热门赛事的门票,比如男子篮球决赛的门票,很多人根本买不到。Even athletes themselves have needed help to get tickets so that loved ones can be there to cheer them on.甚至运动员们也需要他人帮忙获得门票,以便他们的亲人前来为他们加油。Gao Yuwei, a member of China's women's rowing team at the Chengdu games, was forced to ask around on social media for tickets to a preliminary match on Aug 4 in which she is participating, so that her parents can see her in action.中国女子赛艇队成员高宇薇(Gao Yuwei)不得不在社交媒体上寻找8月4日她参加的一场预赛的门票,以便她的父母看到她的比赛。"I was shocked that the tickets sold out within minutes. I clearly underestimated people's passion for the Chengdu games," Gao said on Monday. "I cannot wait to compete in front of a home crowd."“我很震惊门票在几分钟内就售罄。我明显低估了人们对成都比赛的热情。”7月24日高宇薇说。“我迫不及待地想在家乡观众面前比赛。”Fortunately, she managed to secure tickets for her parents as a result of her post.幸运的是,最后她买到了父母的门票。Tickets cost between 30($4.20) and 580 yuan. Places for wheelchair users are available at all the venues, and when they book online, buyers receive a reminder asking them not to book seats reserved for wheelchair users and leave them for those who actually need them.门票的价格在30元到580元之间。所有场馆都提供轮椅通道,并在网上订票时会收到提示,要求他们不要预订留给轮椅用户的座位,请将他们留给真正需要的人。The Chengdu games will be the first large international sporting event to take place in China since it adjusted its COVID-19 response mechanism in January, and will be a focus of attention at home and abroad.自1月份调整对疫情的应对机制以来,成都大运会将是中国首次举办的大型国际体育综合赛事,受到国内外的关注。Targeted at younger athletes, the games not only allow competitors from around the world to hone their abilities, but also serve as a platform for communication, interaction and expanding international perspectives, said Wang Jiayi, vice-minister of education and deputy director of the Organizing Committee of the Chengdu games.教育部副部长、大运会组委会副主席王嘉毅说,大运会不仅是世界青年提高竞技水平的体育舞台,也是一个交流互动、开拓国际视野的平台。It's obvious that enthusiastic spectators are eager to cheer for young foreign athletes and enjoy the Chengdu games, Wang said.王嘉毅称,显而易见,热情的观众们渴望为年轻的外国运动员欢呼,享受成都的比赛。The games, which run from Friday to Aug 8, will be the third summer university games held on the Chinese mainland, following the Beijing games in 2001 and the Shenzhen games in 2011.这场比赛将在7月28日至8月8日举行,这将是继2001年北京大运会和2011年深圳大运会之后,在中国大陆第三次举行夏季大学生运动会。Athlete英/'æθliːt/美/'æθlit/n.运动员