英语新闻丨China's robust IP progress highlighted.mp4

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Shanghai is determined to consolidate its leading position in intelligent manufacturing by building 70 new intelligent factories this year, and 200 new intelligent factories and 20 benchmark factories by the end of 2025, official sources said on Thursday.官方人士周四表示,上海决心巩固智能制造领先地位,今年将新建智能工厂70个,到2025年底新建智能工厂200个,标杆工厂20个。Some 70 new intelligent factories covering key industries, including automotive, high-end equipment and electronic information, will be built this year in an effort to achieve systematic optimization and overall enhancement in products' full life-cycles, manufacturing procedures and various supply-chain processes, said Zhang Ying, director of the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization, during a smart factory construction promotion conference in Shanghai on Wednesday.1月3日,智能工厂建设推进会在上海举办,上海市经济和信息化委员会主任张颖在会上表示,今年将新建70家左右智能工厂,覆盖汽车、高端装备、电子信息等重点行业,实现产品全生命周期、制造流程、各供应链的系统优化和全面提升。The East China cosmopolis is the nation's largest integrated solutions provider for intelligent manufacturing systems and one of the core equipment industrial clusters of intelligent manufacturing.坐落在华东地区的上海是全国最大的智能制造系统综合解决方案提供商,也是智能制造核心装备产业集群之一。As manufacturing is critical for China's overall development, intelligent manufacturing is vital in enhancing core competitiveness of the nation's industries. It also plays an important role in accelerating new industrialization, said Chen Jie, vice-mayor of Shanghai.制造业是我国发展全局的关键,智能制造对于提升国家产业核心竞争力至关重要。上海市副市长陈杰表示,智能制造对加快新型工业化也发挥着重要作用。"Therefore, it is an inevitable choice for megacities like Shanghai to take smart factories as a key area for the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector, and to accelerate the construction of smart factories," Chen said.陈杰说:“因此,对于上海这样的特大城市来说,把智能工厂作为制造业数字化转型的重点领域,加快智能工厂建设是必然选择。”In the past few years, Shanghai has consolidated its development of intelligent factories, expanding the ecosystem of intelligent manufacturing. It has also gradually improved the toolbox of innovative development policies.With equal focus on both quantity and quality, Shanghai's intelligent manufacturing has developed well with all-around achievements to show for it, Zhang said.近年来,上海巩固智能工厂发展,拓展智能制造生态圈。创新发展政策工具箱逐步完善。张颖说,上海智能制造数量与质量并重,发展良好,各项成果有目共睹。"Shanghai has so far built 19 national-level smart factories, 100 municipal-level smart factories and more than 1,000 intelligent manufacturing applications. More than 70 percent of the city's industrial enterprises above the designated size, or with an annual revenue of 20 million yuan ($2.79 million) or above each, have conducted intelligent factory evaluation," said Zhang.张颖表示:“上海迄今已建成国家级智能工厂19家、市级智能工厂100家、智能制造应用1000多个。全市规模以上工业企业70%以上或年收入达2000万元以上或以上,已进行智能工厂评估。”According to Zhang, the construction of intelligent factories has improved industrial enterprises' quality and efficiency. Production efficiency of Shanghai's intelligent factories has increased by more than 50 percent on average, while operational costs fell by more than 30 percent and energy consumption was down by nearly 14 percent.张颖提到,智能工厂建设提升了工业企业质量和效益。上海智能工厂生产效率平均提升50%以上,运营成本下降30%以上,能耗下降近14%。"With support and help from various government divisions, we have constantly improved our intelligent manufacturing, and finally reached a high level of automation," said Xu Xiaoying, director of operations at Aptiv Electrical Centers (Shanghai) Co. According to Xu, enterprises are increasingly benefiting from the integrated resources and industrial chain created by the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization.安波福电气中心(上海)有限公司运营总监徐小英表示:“在政府各部门的支持和帮助下,我们不断提升智能制造水平,最终达到了较高的自动化水平,市经信委打造的整合资源和产业链惠及越来越多企业。”。Through accelerated cultivation of a batch of world-class intelligent manufacturing system integration businesses, Shanghai has seen this segment's output value exceed 60 billion yuan, while the industrial scale of intelligent manufacturing equipment sector has surpassed 100 billion yuan, Zhang said. For example, Shanghai's current robot density in key industries is 383 units per 10,000 people, the highest worldwide, said Zhang.张颖表示,通过加快培育一批世界一流的智能制造系统集成企业,上海智能制造系统集成产业产值突破600亿元,智能制造装备产业规模突破1000亿元。例如,目前上海重点行业机器人密度为每万人383台,为世界第一。Robot density is a key gauge to measure the adoption of automation in manufacturing, and is expressed by the number of robots per 10,000 people working in the manufacturing industry.机器人密度是衡量制造业自动化程度的关键指标,以制造业中每万名员工拥有的机器人数量来表示。"By laying out detailed plans for advanced manufacturing and modern services, Shanghai looks to strengthen in-depth integration of technological innovation and industrial innovation, promote a new model of industrialization and the high-quality development of key industrial chains, thereby serving as a role model for a modern industrial system led by technological innovation," said Qian Feng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.中国工程院院士钱峰表示:“上海通过制定先进制造业和现代服务业详细规划,加强了科技创新和产业创新深度融合,在推动新型工业化模式和重点产业链高质量发展过程中发挥了引领作用。manufacturer英/ˌmæn.jəˈfæk.tʃər.ər/美/ˌmæn.jəˈfæk.tʃɚ.ɚ/noun 制造商megacity英 /ˈmeɡ.ə.sɪt.i/ 美 /ˈmeɡ.ə.sɪt̬.i/noun 超大城市