China丨Torrential rains displace thousands from homes

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Heavy floods triggered by torrential rains have displaced thousands of people across the country as Beijing and areas nearby experienced a brief respite from recent scorching temperatures.由于暴雨引发的严重洪灾,致使全国各地数以千计的人口流离失所,而北京及其周边地区最近的炎热天气得到了暂时的缓解。The country may continue to simultaneously suffer floods and sweltering heat waves this month, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management.根据中国应急管理部的数据,本月内,中国可能继续同时遭受洪涝灾害和酷热天气。Downpours have battered parts of Hunan province since Thursday, with the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture one of the worst-hit areas, according to the province's flood and drought control headquarters.湖南省防汛抗旱指挥部称,从6月29日开始,暴雨袭击了湖南省的部分地区,其中湘西土家族苗族自治州是受灾最严重的地区之一。Over 95,000 people in the prefecture have been affected, and more than 14,000 of them were relocated or evacuated, local authorities said on Sunday. Direct economic losses are estimated to be around 575 million yuan ($79.5 million).7月2日,当地政府表示,该自治州已有超过9.5万人受灾,其中超过1.4万人被重新安置或疏散。直接经济损失估计约为5.75亿元人民币(约合7950万美元)。"The rain was so heavy that the water level rose by over 1 meter within about 10 minutes," Luo Jiashun, a resident of Mengke village in the prefecture's Baojing county, recalled about the time when the rain started to pour down on Friday, triggering floods that left the lowlying village isolated.“好大的雨,眼看着水位十分钟猛涨出一米多高。”村民罗家顺回忆起6月30日雨势倾盆时的情景,湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州保靖县阳朝乡猛科村被洪水包围沦为“孤岛”。Forty-four houses in the village were swamped, over 50 hectares of farmland were inundated and 163 residents were evacuated. Local authorities are still trying to restore water and power supplies to help get village life back to normal.猛科村里有44间房屋被淹,50多公顷的农田被淹,163名村民被紧急转移。当地政府仍在全力抢修,恢复水电供应,以加快恢复生产生活秩序。Shortly before 1 pm on Tuesday, the Xiangxi meteorological station issued a yellow alert for heavy rainfall, warning of maximum hourly precipitation of 24 millimeters from noon to 6 pm in Fenghuang county. The alert was soon upgraded to orange, as the latest forecast showed that the largest hourly precipitation from 1 pm to 4 pm may reach 36 mm.7月4日下午1点前不久,湘西州气象台发布暴雨黄色预警信号,预计预计凤凰县12时至18时最大小时雨强24毫米。随后,最新预警显示,预计凤凰县13时至16时最大小时雨强36毫米,预警很快由黄色升级为橙色。China has a four-tier, color-coded weather alert system, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue.中国有一个四级色彩编码的天气预警系统,其中红色代表最严重的预警,其次是橙色、黄色和蓝色。Local observatories in at least four counties in the prefecture also issued yellow or orange alerts for downpours on Tuesday afternoon.该自治州至少四个县的地方气象台也在7月4日下午发布了暴雨黄色或橙色预警。In Zhenba county, Shaanxi province, downpours from 6 pm Sunday to 6 pm Monday forced the evacuation of more than 7,800 people, according to the emergency services bureau of Hanzhong city, where the county is located.陕西省汉中市镇巴县的应急管理局称,7月2日18时至7月3日18时,暴雨迫使全县撤离群众7800多人。The bureau said workers are still laboring round the clock to clear 80 roads cut by floods and restore power supply to affected areas. Luckily, the rain subsided in the county on Tuesday.镇巴县应急管理局表示,正在全力除险保畅受损中断的80条道路,并恢复受灾地区的供电。幸运的是,该县在7月4日雨势减弱。In Sichuan province, local authorities have evacuated more than 85,300 people as of 7 am on Tuesday to avoid potential dangers from a downpour forecast to strike vast stretches from Monday to Tuesday.在四川省,截至7月4日7时,当地政府已经疏散了85300多人,以避免7月3日到4日大范围暴雨带来的潜在危险。The rain was expected to affect five prefecture-level cities, including Guang'an, Luzhou and Panzhihua, and parts of Yibin city and Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, bringing a maximum precipitation of 100 to 120 mm, Sichuan meteorological station said.四川省气象台表示,预计降雨将影响广安、泸州和攀枝花等五个地级市,以及宜宾市和甘孜藏族自治州的部分地区,最大降水量将达到100至120毫米。In Henan province, 66 of its 157 county-level areas were pummeled by heavy rainfall from 8 am Sunday to 7 am Monday, and 26 of them received more than 100 mm of precipitation. Downpours continued in many of the counties till Tuesday morning, local authorities said.从7月2日8时到7月3日7时,河南省157个县级行政单位中有66个受到强降雨的袭击,其中26个县级行政单位的降水量超过100毫米。当地政府表示,许多县区的暴雨一直持续到7月4日上午。In Queshan county in the province, a car with five passengers was washed away by floods when it was passing a bridge on Monday evening. One of the passengers was saved, but the other four remain missing, according to media reports.7月3日晚,河南驻马店确山县发生事故,一辆载有五名乘客的汽车在经过一座桥时被洪水冲走。据媒体报道,其中一名落水人员获救,但其他四人仍处于失联状态。Many other regions were expected to experience torrential rains from Tuesday to Wednesday, according to the National Meteorological Center.根据国家气象中心的预报,预计从7月4日到5日,国内许多地区将迎来暴雨天气。On Tuesday, the center renewed a blue alert for downpours, warning of maximum hourly precipitation of 20 to 50 mm in parts of the Inner Mongolia and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous regions, and Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces in the 24 hours starting 2 pm on Tuesday.7月4日,国家气象中心再次发布降雨蓝色预警,预计当天14时开始,未来24小时内,内蒙古和广西壮族自治区部分地区以及黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、云南和贵州等省的最大小时雨强将达到20至50毫米。Precipitation in northern Liaoning may even reach 100 to 120 mm, the center said, adding that some areas in these regions may be hit by severe convective weather — a sudden and destructive weather phenomenon that often includes thunderstorms, hail, gales and heavy rain.该中心表示,辽宁北部的降水甚至可能达到100至120毫米,并补充说,这些地区的部分地方可能会受到剧烈的对流天气影响,这是一种通常包括雷暴、冰雹、大风和大雨的突发和破坏性天气现象。Sometimes spanning only 10 kilometers, such events can produce intense precipitation.这种天气现象有时在只有10公里的范围内发生,可以产生密集的降雨。In contrast, a light rain that lasted from Monday night to Tuesday morning allowed Beijing to have some respite from heat waves with temperatures above 35 C. The capital, however, is forecast to be enveloped by sweltering heat with temperatures up to 38 C once again from Wednesday to Thursday.相比之下,从7月3日晚到7月4日早的一场小雨让北京从超过35摄氏度的热浪中得到了短暂的缓解。According to the National Climate Center, the number of days with temperatures above 35 C in June in Beijing outpaced the same month in all other years since 1961. A tour guide was reported to have died of heatstroke in the capital on Sunday at the Summer Palace, as the scorching heat wave lingered in the city.根据国家气候中心的数据,今年6月以来,北京35摄氏度以上的平均高温日数是自1961年以来同期最多的。据报道,7月2日,在北京市颐和园,一名导游因中暑而不幸身亡,而炎热的天气仍在城市中持续蔓延。The Ministry of Emergency Management has warned of a grim situation for flood control and drought relief this month.中国应急管理部警告称,本月的防汛抗旱形势严峻。The precipitation in central and eastern parts of Northeast China, the northern part of Central China, and western part of Southwest China will receive more precipitation than the yearly average in July, it said.该部门称,中国东北地区中部和东部、华中地区北部以及西南地区西部7月份的降水量将超过全年平均水平。It forecast floods in parts of the country's two longest watercourses — the Yangtze and the Yellow — and in some sections of Qiantang and Songhua rivers. Torrential rains may raise water levels in these rivers above their warning marks, it said.据预测,全国两大最长水系,即长江和黄河的部分地区,以及钱塘江和松花江的一些河段可能会发生洪水。暴雨可能导致这些河流的水位上涨超过警戒线。It said higher temperatures and less precipitation are expected in many other areas, including the northern part of North China and some areas in Inner Mongolia.据称,预计包括华北北部和内蒙古部分地区在内的许多其他地区将出现较高的气温和较少的降水量。"The supply of water and power will be relatively tight in these regions," it noted.并指出,“这些地区可能出现水电供应偏紧的情况。”Torrential英/təˈrenʃ(ə)l/ 美/təˈrenʃ(ə)l/adj.(水)奔流的;(雨)倾泻的Flood英/flʌd/美/flʌd/n.洪水,水灾