China丨University Games set for start of torch relay

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The official flame for the 31st Summer World University Games was flown from Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, to Beijing on Thursday for the torch relay due to start at the weekend.6月8日,第31届夏季世界大学生运动会官方火炬从成都启航前往北京,本周末,火炬传递活动将开始。Under escort, the flame, carried in sealed pots, was taken aboard a plane specially named Universiadeat Chengdu Tianfu International Airport.在护送下,火种被装在密封的罐子里,运上了一架专门命名为“成都天府国际机场大运会”的飞机。As the official partner of the University Games, Chengdu-headquartered Sichuan Airlines selected eight crew members to transport the flame, said Wang Ke, general manager of the airline's cabin service department.作为大学生运动会的官方合作伙伴,四川航空选派了八名乘务人员来运送火炬,川航客舱服务部分部总经理、资深乘务长王珂说。The crew, with Wang serving as chief steward, included four pilots led by Liu Chuanjian.王珂担任此次乘组的乘务长,乘组包括刘传健等四名飞行员。Liu was awarded the title of "hero captain of China's civil aviation" by the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the Sichuan provincial government last year.去年,刘传健被中国民用航空总局和四川省政府授予“中国民航英雄机长”称号。On May 14, 2018, he safely landed an Airbus plane with 128 people on board after a cockpit window broke at 9,800 meters and his co-pilot was sucked halfway out of the aircraft.2018年5月14日,在9800米高空驾驶舱窗户破裂,副驾驶被吸出飞机后,刘传健安全降落了一架载有128人的空客飞机。The torch relay of the University Games will be launched in Beijing on Saturday. The relay involves five cities: Beijing; Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang province; Shenzhen, Guangdong province; Chongqing; and Yibin, Sichuan.大运会火炬传递将于6月10日在北京启动。火炬传递涉及五个城市:北京哈尔滨、深圳、重庆和宜宾。The torch will then return to Chengdu and ignite the main cauldron tower of the games on July 28.随后火炬将返回成都,于7月28日点燃大运会的主火炬塔。In January 2022, the torch for the Chengdu games was collected in Turin, Italy. On Feb 25 that year, a welcoming ceremony for the torch of the 31st Summer World University Games was held at Jinsha Site Museum in Chengdu. The museum is located in the Jinsha Ruins, one of Sichuan's most important archaeological sites.2022年1月,成都大运会火炬在意大利都灵完成采集。2月25日,第31届世界大学生夏季运动会火种交接欢迎仪式在成都金沙遗址博物馆举行。成都金沙遗址博物馆位于四川最重要的考古遗址之一金沙遗址。The games will be held from July 28 to Aug 8 after being deferred twice due to COVID-19. Chengdu is the third Chinese mainland city to host the biennial Summer University Games, following Beijing in 2001 and Shenzhen in 2011.因新冠疫情,成都大运会被迫两次延期,将于7月28日至8月8日举行。成都是继2001年北京、2011年深圳之后,中国大陆第三次举办世界大学生夏季运动会的城市。Chengdu has built 13 new venues and renovated 36 existing ones for the games. All the facilities, including the Dong'an Lake Sports Park where the opening ceremony will be held, were put into use by early 2021.成都为举办大运会新建13处场馆,改造现有场馆36处。包括开幕式场地东安湖体育公园为新建场馆在内的所有设施已于2021年初投入使用。Athletes from universities across the globe are expected to compete for 269 gold medals in 18 sports.来自世界各地大学的运动员将在18个项目中角逐269枚金牌。To boost interaction among young athletes from all over the world, cultural events will be staged during the games, including an art exhibition themed on "Chengdu, a city of parks", an intangible cultural heritage exhibition, music, dancing and Sichuan Opera performances. Visits for the athletes to a panda sanctuary and local museums are also planned, the organizers said.为促进来自世界各地的年轻运动员之间的互动,比赛期间将举办文化活动,包括以“公园城市成都”为主题的艺术展、非物质文化遗产展、音乐、舞蹈和川剧表演。组织者称有计划让运动员参观熊猫保护区和当地博物馆。The Chinese delegation is expected to number more than 800 members, including around 500 athletes competing in all 18 sports.中国代表团预计将有800多名成员,其中包括约500名运动员,将参加所有18个项目的比赛。Games英/ɡeɪmz/ 美/ɡeɪmz/n.运动会Torch英/tɔːtʃ/ 美/tɔːrtʃ/n.火把