英语新闻丨Chip coercion further undermines trust

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The United States is intensifying its tech war against China. In yet another act of "economic coercion" targeting Chinese companies, the US has revoked export licenses that allowed tech giants such as Qualcomm and Intel to supply chips to Chinese telecommunications equipment company Huawei, which Washington has already put on a trade restriction "entity list" since 2019 on the grounds that it poses national security risks to the US.美国正在加紧对中国的科技战争。在针对中国公司的又一次“经济胁迫”行动中,美国撤销了允许高通和英特尔等科技巨头向中国电信设备公司华为供应芯片的出口许可证,而华盛顿已经自2019年起将华为列入贸易限制“实体名单”,理由是华为对美国构成国家安全风险。The move comes after the Chinese company unveiled its first AI-enabled laptop last month, and announced that its first-quarter profits surged more than fivefold year-on-year, making some China hawks in Washington to complain that previous US crackdowns on the Chinese company have not yielded the intended results. They have pushed for the US administration to further tighten the screws on the company.此前,这家中国公司上个月推出了首款支持人工智能的笔记本电脑,并宣布其第一季度利润同比增长五倍以上。这让在华盛顿的一些鹰派人士抱怨说,美国此前对中国公司的打压并未取得预期效果。他们要求美国政府进一步收紧对中国公司的限制。Speaking before the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo made no bones about Washington's abuse of export controls. "I tell semiconductor companies that they can't sell their chips to China," she told the panel.5月8日,商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多在众议院拨款委员会上公开阐述了华盛顿滥用出口管制的行为。她对小组成员说:“我告诉半导体公司,他们不能把芯片卖给中国。”The new sanctions will certainly undermine the smooth development of Sino-US relations, which the two sides have managed to stabilize since last year through a series of high-level visits. The latest move not only runs counter to the World Trade Organization rules, but also belies the commitment the US has repeatedly made to China that it does not seek to "decouple" from the country or to contain its development.自去年以来,中美双方通过一系列高层互访成功稳定了两国关系,新的制裁措施必将破坏两国关系的顺利发展。最新举措不仅违背了世界贸易组织的规则,也有悖于美国多次对中国做出的承诺,即美国不寻求与中国“脱钩”,也不寻求遏制中国的发展。The fact that the latest US restrictions are targeted at purely civilian consumer chip products exported to China also makes the promise that US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made during her visits to China that US national security actions in the economic sphere are narrowly scoped and based on clearly defined national security concerns sound empty.美国最新的限制措施针对的是出口到中国的纯民用消费芯片产品,这也使得美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦在访华期间做出的承诺,即美国在经济领域的国家安全行动范围狭窄,且基于明确界定的国家安全关切,沦为空谈。There is increasing evidence that the US is trying to erect a technological "iron curtain" to isolate China from the rest of the world in the realm of high technologies.While unveiling US International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy at a major tech forum in San Francisco on Monday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken declared that the US intends to enhance international technology collaborations — or "digital solidarity" — with its allies and partners in technological advancements ranging from artificial intelligence to quantum computing, which obviously is aimed at countering China's progress in these fields."越来越多的证据表明,美国正试图在高科技领域设置一道技术“铁幕”,将中国与世界其他国家隔离开来。5月6日,美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯在旧金山举行的一个重要科技论坛上公布美国国际网络空间和数字政策战略时宣称,美国打算在从人工智能到量子计算等技术进步领域加强与盟国和伙伴的国际技术合作,即“数字团结”,这显然是旨在对抗中国在这些领域的进步。"Today's revolutions in technology are at the heart of our competition with geopolitical rivals. They pose a real test to our security," he said, adding "it is critical that we work with trusted vendors and exclude untrustworthy ones from the ecosystem".“今天的技术革命是我们与地缘政治对手竞争的核心。它们对我们的安全构成了真正的考验,”他补充说,“我们必须与值得信赖的供应商合作,将不值得信赖的供应商排除在生态系统之外,这是至关重要的。”The US has not achieved its goal of impeding China's technological advances with its sweeping technology restrictions in the past. It will not do so in the future.美国过去通过全面的技术限制阻碍中国的技术进步,但这一目标并未实现。今后也不会实现。semiconductor半导体sanction制裁US International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy美国国际网络空间和数字政策战略