英语新闻|CIIE seen boosting tech innovation

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The expanding spillover effects of the China International Import Expo will help the country's centrally administered State-owned enterprises better cooperate with foreign firms in areas such as technological cooperation and global supply chain development, injecting vitality into the nation's economic growth, said government officials on Monday.11月6日,有关部门官员表示,中国国际进口博览会的溢出效应不断扩大,将帮助由国家集中管理的国有企业更好地在技术合作和全球供应链发展等领域,与外国企业合作,为中国经济增长注入活力。Speaking at a sub-forum during the ongoing sixth CIIE, Gou Ping, vice-chairman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the country's Cabinet, said that with China creating more favorable conditions to advance high-standard opening-up, the annual CIIE has emerged as a pivotal driving force for central SOEs to engage with global partners and secure the stability of supply chains.在正在举行的第六届中国国际进口博览会期间,国务院国资委副主任苟坪在一个分论坛讲话时表示,随着中国创造更有利于推动高水平开放的条件,每年举办的中国国际进口博览会已经成为央企与全球合作伙伴互动、确保供应链稳定的关键驱动力。"China's central SOEs are willing to harness both technological supply and demand, and reach tangible tech breakthroughs to further enhance the efficiency and level of international innovation cooperation, thus jointly addressing global challenges," Gou said.苟坪表示:“中央企业将从技术供给和需求牵引双向发力,以实实在在的技术突破和项目成果,进一步提升国际创新协作效率和水平,共同应对全球性挑战。”He said the government will provide guidance to central SOEs to fully utilize global innovation resources, collectively fostering a more open, inclusive and vibrant innovation ecosystem. This approach aims to fully unlock innovation potential and drive development momentum in the next phase.他说,中国国务院国资委将指导推动中央企业最大限度用好全球创新资源,共同营造更加开放、普惠、共享、充满活力的创新生态,充分激发创新潜能、释放发展动能。Central SOEs — including China Petroleum & Chemical Corp, China Energy Investment Corp, COFCO Group and State Development and Investment Corp (SDIC) — have already signed purchase and cooperation deals with foreign enterprises such as QatarEnergy, Saudi Aramco, Kuwait Petroleum, Vitol Group, Dow Chemical and Cargill during this year's CIIE. They have remained the main force facilitating the signing of business deals with overseas partners.今年的中国国际进口博览会期间,包括中国石油化工股份有限公司、中国能源投资集团有限公司、中粮集团和国家开发投资公司在内的中央企业,已经与卡塔尔能源公司、沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司、科威特石油公司、维多集团、陶氏公司和嘉吉公司等外国企业签署了购买和合作协议。一直以来,中央企业都是促成与海外合作伙伴业务协议的主要力量。For instance, SDIC signed procurement intent agreements worth almost $1.06 billion with 18 countries and regions, covering critical areas such as textile raw materials, grains, oil and minerals in Shanghai on Monday.例如,11月6日,国家开发投资集团有限公司在上海与18个国家和地区签署了价值近10.6亿美元的采购意向协议,涵盖了纺织原材料、粮食、石油和矿产等关键领域。Chinese conglomerate Sinochem Holdings Corp Ltd also signed in excess of $13.5 billion in procurement deals with over 30 clients from more than 10 countries, including Argentina, Ethiopia, France, Saudi Arabia, the United States and Japan during the ongoing CIIE.中国中化控股有限责任公司在正在进行的中国国际进口博览会期间,与来自阿根廷、埃塞俄比亚、法国、沙特阿拉伯、美国和日本等10多个国家的30多家客户签署了价值超过135亿美元的采购协议。These agreements cover various fields such as crude and refined oil, foodstuffs and agricultural products, chemicals, manufacturing equipment and trade in services.这些协议涉及原油和精炼油、食品和农产品、化学、制造设备和服务贸易等各个领域。Syngenta Group, Adisseo, Elkem and KraussMaffei — four of Sinochem's overseas subsidiaries — also showcased their latest products, technologies and services in sustainable agriculture, animal nutrition, chemical materials and intelligent equipment during the expo. They signed multiple supply agreements with expected total sales exceeding $1.9 billion during the event.中国中化旗下的四家海外子公司:先正达集团、安迪苏集团、蓝星埃肯集团和克劳斯玛菲集团也在博览会上展示了它们在可持续农业、动物营养、化学材料和智能设备方面的最新产品、最新技术和最新服务。它们在进博会期间签署了多份供应协议,预计总销售额将超过19亿美元。"Through the CIIE platform, we can further understand the needs of users and continue to conduct innovative activities, as well as provide high-quality products, services and solutions for the Chinese market," said Li Yong, CEO of KraussMaffei.“通过中国国际进口博览会的平台,我们可以进一步了解用户需求,继续开展创新活动,并为中国市场提供高质量的产品、服务和解决方案,”克劳斯玛菲集团的CEO李勇表示。To build a better environment for global innovation cooperation, Guo Tingting, vice-minister of commerce, said China will take a more proactive role in integrating into the global innovation network. It will advance the development of pilot zones for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation and leverage the CIIE platform to accelerate the transformation and commercialization of more innovative achievements.为营造更好的全球创新合作环境,商务部副部长郭婷婷表示,中国将更加主动地融入全球创新网络。推进“丝路电商”合作先行区建设,继续实施“一带一路”科技创新行动计划,高质量共建“一带一路”。更好发挥进博会平台作用,推动更多创新成果加速转化和落地。The China International Import Expon.中国国际进口博览会State-owned enterprises (SOE)n.中央企业Silk Road e-commercen.丝路电商