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上海万圣节的cosplay,构成侵权吗?Though not widespread in China, the celebration of Halloween, involving dressing up as ghouls and ghosts and going "trick or treating", has struck a chord with some of the nation's youth.尽管万圣节在中国并未普及,但“不给糖就捣蛋”等万圣节庆祝活动已经引起了部分中国年轻人的共鸣。Celebrations in Shanghai on Tuesday night not only saw many revelers dressed up as skeletons, witches and Western superheroes such as Spider-Man and Batman, but also celebrities and characters from Chinese folklore, history and fiction.10月31日晚上海的庆祝活动中,人们不仅装扮成骷髅、女巫,以及蜘蛛侠、蝙蝠侠等西方超级英雄,还出现了中国民间传说、历史和小说中的名人与角色。One partygoer dressed up as Lu Xun, a famous Chinese writer living in the early 20th century, while another dressed up as Chinese singer Na Ying.有人打扮成20世纪初的中国著名作家鲁迅,也有人打扮成中国歌手那英。Another dressed up as An Lingrong, a character in the Chinese TV series The Legend of Zhenhuan, and re-created scenes from the drama, which tells a story of the schemes and plots between Emperor Yongzheng's concubines in the imperial palace during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).还有人装扮成中国电视剧《甄嬛传》中的角色安陵容,重现了剧中场景。《甄嬛传》讲述了清朝(1644-1911)雍正皇帝的嫔妃们在皇宫中的勾心头角。The costumes seen this year in Shanghai received a great deal of attention among netizens.今年上海万圣节的戏服受到了网友的广泛关注。A topic with the hashtag "Shanghai Halloween", had been viewed more than 120 million times on Sina Weibo social media platform as of 5 pm on Wednesday, with some netizens lauding the creativity and diversity of the costumes.截至11月1日下午5时,新浪微博社交媒体平台上以“上海万圣节”为标签的话题浏览量已超过1.2亿次,部分网友称赞了万圣节服装的创意与多样性。However, some legal professionals have expressed concerns about whether some of the costumes may infringe upon copyright and intellectual property.也有法律专家担心部分服装会侵犯版权及知识产权。"If the partygoers (dressed as characters from film and TV) performed for free and just for fun, and not for profit, during Halloween, their costumes and behaviors wouldn't constitute copyright infringement," said Liu Bin, a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property cases at Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm.北京市中闻律师事务所专门处理知识产权案件的律师Liu Bin表示:“参加派对的人(打扮成影视中的角色)在万圣节期间免费表演,只是为了好玩而非盈利,那么他们的服装和行为并不构成版权侵犯。”"But if someone dresses up as movie or TV characters for commercial purposes, such as to attract more online views to sell goods or advertise, they may infringe upon copyrights," he explained.Liu Bin解释说:“但若有人出于商业目的装扮成影视剧角色,如为了吸引更多网络浏览量,进而兜售商品或打广告,便可能涉及侵权。”He said that people needed to be careful in dressing up as celebrities or public figures, "because if there is an act of vilifying these people, it may also be suspected of damaging their reputation."他说,人们在打扮成名人或公众人物时需小心,“因为若装扮者的行为受到诋毁,公众人物的声誉将可能受损。”According to Liu, dressing up as popular TV drama or movie characters during holidays and then sharing the pictures or videos on social media, including WeChat and Weibo, generally will not face legal risks.据Liu Bin说,在节日期间打扮成热门影视剧角色,并在微信、微博等社交媒体上分享照片或视频,通常不会面临法律风险。"It's necessary to pay special attention to those who have thousands or even millions of followers online, as their posts may bring a large number of online views, and it's difficult to determine whether they are associated with commercial organizations," he added.他补充说:“我们应格外关注拥有上千甚至数百万粉丝的群体。他们的帖子可能会吸引大量在线浏览,而且很难确定他们是否与商业组织有联系。”Copyright英/ˈkɒpiraɪt/美/ˈkɑːpiraɪt/n.版权;著作权Intellectual propertyn.知识产权Infringement英/ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt/美/ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt/n.侵犯