英语新闻丨Earlier summer travel surge expected this year

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Chinese tourism agencies are gearing up for an earlier-than-usual summer travel surge, fueled by pent-up demand.在被压抑的需求推动下,中国旅行社正为更早到来的夏季旅游激增做准备。Traditionally, the peak travel season runs from July to August. However, platforms like Tuniu predict the first wave this year will hit as early as late June due to people's growing desire to travel and optimized visa processes.以往的旅游旺季为7月至8月。然而,途牛等旅行社预测,由于人们的旅行欲望日益强烈,加之签证政策优化,今年的第一波旅游浪潮最早将于6月下旬到来。Long-distance family vacations are the trend, with destinations like the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and overseas locations attracting significant interest. Border regions offer cooler climates and unique cultural experiences, making them popular choices.长途家庭度假是大势所趋,新疆维吾尔自治区和海外地区引人入胜。边境地区气候凉爽,文化独特,也是(人们的)热门选择。Data from Trip.com Group highlights this shift, with summer trip bookings to domestic destinations already significantly exceeding last year's numbers, and overseas bookings nearly doubling. Half the bookings are for family trips.Trip.com携程给出的数据突出了国内旅行地的夏季旅行预订量已远超去年,海外预订量几乎翻倍,家庭旅行占其中一半。The drama To the Wonder, showcasing the breathtaking scenery of Xinjiang's Altay region, has given it a boost as a top summer pick. The region's cooler temperatures and exotic cultures make it a welcome escape from scorching heat.电视剧《我的阿勒泰》展示了新疆阿勒泰地区令人叹为观止的风景,凉爽的气温和异域文化使其成为远离酷暑的最佳选择。Yang Nan, a human resources professional in the nation's capital, has planned a seven-day family trip to Xinjiang in late July.杨楠是北京的一名人力资源从业者,他计划在7月下旬与家庭成员一起进行为期七天的新疆旅行。International sporting events such as the Paris Olympics and the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in Germany are also expected to drive outbound tourism growth.巴黎奥运会和在德国举办的2024欧洲足球锦标赛也有望推动出境旅游增长。Other popular overseas destinations include Japan, Thailand and Singapore, with bookings to longer-haul locations in Europe, Central Asia and Africa also on the rise.其他受欢迎的海外旅行地包括日本、泰国和新加坡;欧洲、中亚和非洲的长途旅行地预订量也持续增长。Trip.com Group reports a significant increase in visa applications for long-distance destinations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Half of its customers who plan to travel in summer have applied for visas to such destinations so far this year, compared with less than a third last year.据携程报道,美国、英国、澳大利亚和加拿大等长途旅行地签证申请量大幅增加。截至目前,已有半数计划夏季旅行的游客申请了前往这些国家的签证,而去年的夏季签证数还不到今年三分之一。Qunar, another online travel agency, said Euro 2024 is a major draw for European travel.另一家旅行社去哪儿表示,2024年欧洲杯是欧洲旅游的一大亮点。Bookings for Berlin have surged 400 percent year-on-year, and those for Munich are up 300 percent. Meanwhile, summer travel bookings to Italy, France, Spain and the UK have doubled or tripled.柏林的预订量同比增长了400%,慕尼黑的预订量增长了300%。前往意大利、法国、西班牙和英国的夏季旅游预订量增加两倍或三倍。The tourism industry anticipates a rise in inbound tourism as well, given China's welcoming attitude and relaxed entry policies for international travelers. The recent announcement of a unilateral 15-day visa-free policy for Australian tourists exemplifies this shift.出于中国对国际游客的欢迎态度和宽松的入境政策,今年夏季入境旅游预计也将增加,近期对澳大利亚游客的单方面15天免签政策也映证这一预测。Trip.com Group reported an 80 percent surge in searches for trips to the Chinese mainland by Australian travelers within 30 minutes of the policy's announcement. Australia is already the fifth-largest source of tourists to China, with trip bookings up 155 percent year-on-year.携程报告称,在免签政策宣布后的30分钟内,澳大利亚游客对来华旅游的搜索量突增80%。澳大利亚已成为中国第五大游客来源国,旅游预订量同比增长155%。Xinjiang Uygur autonomous regionn. 新疆维吾尔自治区Paris Olympicsn. 巴黎奥运会Euro 2024 soccer tournamentn. 2024欧洲足球锦标赛