Editorial丨Business circle knows what's best for US

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The Joe Biden administration is not assuming any breakthrough will happen in Sino-US trade relations as deputy US Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi said last week, but Tesla CEO Elon Musk's visit to China on Tuesday shows US entrepreneurs do not agree with its trade policy.不同于美国副贸易代表萨拉·比安奇上周所言,拜登政府并没有假设中美贸易关系会取得突破,但特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克5月30日对中国的访问表明美国企业家并不认同中国的贸易政策。In his meeting with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, Musk compared China to an economic twin of the US. Those in the administration and US Congress might dislike this notion, but there is no way for the US to decouple from China as they desire without suffering great pain.在与中国国务委员兼外交部长秦刚的会见中,马斯克将中国比作美国在经济上的孪生兄弟。美国政府和美国国会可能不喜欢这种观念,但美国没有办法按照政府与国会的愿望,既中国脱钩又不遭受巨大痛苦。Musk expressed his objection to any "decoupling" attempt from the US side. As well as Nvidia Chief Executive Jensen Huang, who in a recent interview with the Financial Times said that "If we are deprived of the Chinese market, we don't have a contingency for that."马斯克表示,他反对美国方面的任何“脱钩”尝试。美国芯片制造巨头英伟达首席执行官黄仁勋也在最近接受《金融时报》采访时说:“如果我们被剥夺了中国市场,我们没有应急措施。”Highlighting the importance of China to US companies, the CEOs from giants such as Pfizer and Starbucks are in Shanghai to attend JP Morgan's 19th Global China Summit.辉瑞和星巴克等商业巨头的首席执行官们正在上海参加摩根大通的第19届全球中国峰会,突出了中国对美国公司的重要性。US businesspersons apparently view China differently than US politicians. China remains attractive to US companies despite the anti-China sentiment in Washington and the "decoupling" shouts by US politicians. Which is natural considering the huge potential of the Chinese market.美国商界人士对中国的看法显然与美国政治家不同。尽管面对美国但反华情绪和美国政客的“脱钩”呼声,中国对美国公司仍有吸引力。考虑到中国市场的巨大潜力,这是很正常的现象。As Qin said in his meeting with Musk, China's modernization involves a huge population, common prosperity of all the people, and harmony between humans and nature, which will create unprecedented growth potential and market needs.正如秦刚在与马斯克的会谈中所说,中国式现代化是人口规模巨大、全体人民共同富裕、人与自然和谐共生的现代化,将创造前所未有的增长潜力和市场需求。Qin also said the new energy vehicle industry, for example, has a bright future in China. That applies to all high-tech sectors related to the green transition and sustainability which characterize China's modernization path.秦刚还说,中国新能源汽车产业发展前景广阔。这适用于所有与绿色转型和可持续发展有关的高科技行业,而这正是中国现代化道路的特点。By shouting "decoupling" certain politicians in Washington mean to rally more votes from incited populists, but it is those entrepreneurs such as Tesla's Musk that suffer the losses and US workers that suffer the jobs that are lost in the process.某些美国政客高喊“脱钩”,意在从被煽动的民粹主义者那里争取更多的选票,但真正遭受损失的是企业家们,比如特斯拉的马斯克,而美国工人则在这一过程中失业。The visit is the best evidence that people in China and the US have huge interests in common. It is not a case of China versus the US, but those promoting mutual benefit versus the few selfish China hawks obsessed with ideological bias.这次访问是中国和美国人民有巨大共同利益的最好证据。这不是中国与在美国对抗,而是那些促进互利的人和少数自私的、执着于意识形态偏见的中国鹰派在对抗。Decouple英/diːˈkʌpl/ 美/diːˈkʌpl/vt.脱钩Modernization英/ˌmɒdənaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/ˌmɑːdərnəˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/n.现代化