Editorial丨Rallying call for concerted fight agains

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The white paper the State Council Information Office published on Tuesday offers a systemic review of the institutional progress the country has made in the fight against terrorism, and demonstrates the country's commitment to upholding the rule of law in its efforts to counter terrorism.2024年1月23日,国务院新闻办公室发布的白皮书系统回顾了中国在打击恐怖主义方面取得的制度性进展,表明了中国在打击恐怖主义方面坚持法治的决心。The document, China's Legal Framework and Measures for Counterterrorism, introduces in detail the legal framework for the fight against terrorism, the provisions for the determination and punishment of terrorist activities, as well as the measures that are taken to protect human rights in the process of effectively protecting people's lives and property and safeguarding national security.这份名为《中国的反恐法律框架和措施》的文件,详细介绍了打击恐怖主义的法律框架,对恐怖活动的认定和惩罚规定,以及在有效保护人民生命财产和维护国家安全的过程中采取的保护人权的措施。By shining a light on its counterterrorism work, China has highlighted the straightforwardness of its undertakings, which is in contrast to some countries which seek to manipulate counterterrorism for geopolitical purposes. The white paper offers other countries the means to gain a better understanding of China's policies, laws and practices pertaining to counterterrorism. It is to be hoped that it can help promote closer international cooperation and exchanges in this crucial endeavor by building trust.中国通过公示其反恐工作,强调了其事业的坦率性,这与一些国家试图出于地缘政治目的而操纵反恐形成鲜明对比。这份白皮书为其他国家提供了一个更好地了解中国在反恐方面的政策、法律和做法的途径。这份白皮书有望能通过建立信任,促进在这关键领域中的国际合作和交流。As a nation that has paid a heavy price for terrorist attacks, China's resolve to fight against terrorism and eradicate all terrorist roots in Chinese soil and its capacity to accomplish that objective should never be underestimated.作为一个曾经因为恐怖袭击而付出沉重代价的国家,中国严厉打击和从根源上铲除恐怖主义的决心和能力绝不应该被低估。The document can also be regarded as a powerful rebuttal of the double standard adopted by some countries in criticizing China's counterterrorism efforts under the pretext of defending the "rule of law" and "human rights".该文件也被视为对某些国家以维护“法治”和“人权”为借口,对中国反恐采取双重标准的有力反驳。Those Western politicians attacking China's counterterrorism cause, citing "human rights violations", are doing nothing but smearing the country for their own narrow political ends. They are selectively blind to the heavy loss of life in China as a result of terrorist attacks. As long as the terrorists can cause social unrest and chaos, or in other ways hinder or disturb China's development, they are regarded as friendly forces in the same trench with the China hawks in the West, and even be praised as "brave freedom fighters". This double standard has weakened the foundations for counterterrorism cooperation, severely hampering the global fight against terrorism.那些西方政客以“侵犯人权”为由攻击中国的反恐事业,无非是出于自身狭隘的政治目的而抹黑中国。他们选择性地忽视了中国因恐怖袭击而遭受的巨大生命损失。只要恐怖分子能够造成社会动荡和混乱,或以其他方式阻碍或干扰中国的发展,他们就被视为与西方鹰派对华立场一致的友好力量,甚至被称赞为“勇敢的自由战士”。这种双重标准削弱了反恐合作的基础,严重阻碍了全球反恐斗争。China has established cooperation mechanisms with dozens of countries and law-enforcement departments to combat terrorism in border areas, and it has engaged in pragmatic exchanges and cooperation in intelligence, border control, and the investigation and handling of cases, and cut off funds for terrorism.中国与数十个国家的执法部门建立了边境地区反恐合作机制,在情报、边境管控、案件侦办等方面开展务实的交流与合作,以切断恐怖主义的资金来源。With the release of the white paper, China hopes that more countries will recognize its efforts and actively cooperate with it so that the scourge of terrorism can be eradicated.中国希望通过白皮书的发布,让更多国家认识到中国的努力,积极与中方开展合作,共同铲除恐怖主义的祸害。white paper n. 白皮书scourgen. 灾祸;鞭子;苦难的根源