Editorial丨West's prolonging of bloodshed unconscionable

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After China openly announced it would try and mediate between Russia and Ukraine and dispatched an envoy to solicit opinions on how to get the two sides back to the negotiation table in May, more members of the international society have stepped up the promotion of peace talks.中国宣布将斡旋俄乌冲突,并在5月派出特使就如何推动俄乌重回谈判桌征求意见,在此之后,国际社会更多成员加紧劝和促谈。In April, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva supported China's call for peace and proposed forming a group to mediate in the Ukraine crisis. On June 3, Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto also proposed a peace plan at the annual session of the Shangri-La Dialogue.4月,巴西联邦共和国总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦支持中国的和平呼吁,提议组建一个小组调解乌克兰危机。6月3日,在香格里拉对话会上,印尼国防部长普拉博沃·苏比安托也提出了一项和平计划。The latest initiative is from Africa. A delegation of leaders from seven African nations and the representatives of three others met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday in Saint Petersburg, one day after talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv.最新的倡议来自非洲。6月16日,来自7个非洲国家的领导人代表团和其他三个国家的代表在基辅与乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基会谈,6月17日,非洲领导人代表团在圣彼得堡会见了俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京,Although neither Russia nor Ukraine fully agreed with their proposed "road to peace" that seeks agreement on a series of "confidence-building measures", their mediation effort is still noteworthy as it is "the first time that Africa is united behind the resolution of a conflict outside of our continent", as South African President Cyril Ramaphosa's office said ahead of the trip. The fact that the African delegation made the trip and held in-depth talks with leaders of the two nations is further evidence that an increasing number of members of the international community recognize that peace best serves everyone's interests.尽管俄罗斯和乌克兰都没有完全同意非洲代表团提出的寻求就一系列“建立信任措施”达成一致的“和平之路”,但他们的斡旋努力仍然值得关注,因为正如南非总统西里尔·拉马福萨办公室在出访前所说,这是“非洲第一次团结一致支持解决非洲大陆之外的冲突”。非洲代表团一起出行并与俄乌两国领导人进行深入会谈,这进一步证明越来越多的国际社会成员认识到和平最符合所有人的利益。The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, however, seems to have other ideas. Led by the Cold War warriors in Washington and the hawkishly antipathetic-to-Russia head of the organization Jens Stoltenberg, the transatlantic alliance continues to fuel the flames by supplying weapons and other military assistance to Ukraine, as their objective is to permanently weaken Russia.然而,北大西洋公约组织似乎有其他想法。在北约这一美国冷战战士和强硬反俄组织的秘书长延斯·斯托尔滕贝格的领导下,北约将继续通过向乌克兰提供武器和其他军事援助来火上浇油,因为北约的目标是永久削弱俄罗斯。On Thursday, the day before the African delegation arrived in Ukraine, NATO held a defense ministers' meeting with the participation of senior executives from 25 major Western defense companies. The fault line in the international community demarcates those countries that cherish peace and those that seek geopolitical advantages at the cost of lives.6月15日,也就是非洲代表团抵达乌克兰的前一天,北约举行了一次国防部长会议,25家西方大型防务公司的负责人参加了会议。在国际社会中,珍爱和平的国家和以牺牲生命为代价谋求地缘政治优势的国家之间存在分歧。China and the other responsible members of the international society have already demonstrated they are on the former side of that divide. Now it is time for certain Western politicians to prove they don't belong to the latter.中国和国际社会其他负责任的成员已经表明了站在珍爱和平的这一边。现在是某些西方政客证明他们不属于以牺牲生命为代价谋求地缘政治优势的国家的时候了。Bloodshed英/ˈblʌdʃed/ 美/ˈblʌdʃed/n.流血;杀戮Mediate英/ˈmiːdieɪt/美/ˈmiːdieɪt/v.调停,斡旋