英语新闻丨Education ministry cautions about precooked meals

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China's Ministry of Education has warned against schools serving precooked meals to students, after parents complained they may be unhealthy and unsafe for children to eat.教育部在家长们投诉学校供应预制餐可能对孩子的健康和食品安全造成不良影响后,对学校供应预制餐发出了警告。A senior official from the ministry told Xinhua News Agency on Friday that school food safety and nutritional health are important issues that can affect students' well-being.上周五,教育部一位高级官员告诉新华社,学校食品安全和营养健康是影响学生福祉的重要问题。The official was quoted as saying that due to a lack of unified standards, certification and traceability systems for precooked meals, schools should be extra cautious about serving such meals, and there are no plans from the ministry to introduce them.据报道,该官员表示,预制菜还没有统一的标准体系、认证体系、追溯体系等有效监管机制,教育木目前也不计划推行预制菜。Many parents have expressed opposition to their children eating precooked food at school canteens after it was revealed that several schools and kindergartens in Ganzhou, Jiangxi province, had served them.在江西省赣州市的一些学校和幼儿园供应预制餐的消息曝光后,不少家长表示反对让孩子在学校食堂吃预制菜。In the wake of the complaints, many schools across the country have released statements reassuring parents that their canteens do not serve precooked meals.此次风波之后,国内许多学校发布声明向家长保证食堂不供应预制餐。Wang Liang, principal of a primary school in Changsha, said the canteen there provides lunch to students, and all the ingredients are purchased and cooked in the morning.长沙某小学校长王亮(Wang Liang)说,食堂为学生提供午餐,所有食材都是当天早上采购并制作。"All food at the canteen is fresh, and there is not even one frozen ingredient," he told local media outlet Xiaoxiang Morning News. Many other principals also said their schools do not serve precooked food to students.他告诉当地媒体《潇湘晨报》:“食堂的所有食品都是新鲜的,没有冷冻食材。”其他的许多校长也表示,学校不向学生提供预制菜。A principal of a primary school in Jinan, Shandong province, told Xinhua News Agency that many public schools are not equipped with canteens, so they rely on catering companies to deliver lunch.山东济南一所小学的校长告诉新华社记者,很多公立学校没有配备食堂,靠餐饮公司送午餐。However, the principal said the school has made it clear to its caterer that it must not serve precooked food to students.然而,这位校长表示,学校已明确告知餐饮公司不得向学生供应预制食品。Many public schools in Haikou, Hainan province, also released statements saying they do not use precooked food in their canteens.海南海口的许多公立学校也发布声明称他们的食堂不使用预制菜。Deng Li, a mother of a third-grade student in Changsha, told China Daily that her daughter eats lunch at her school canteen on weekdays and her school has also promised not to serve precooked food.长沙市一位三年级学生的家长邓丽(Deng Li)告诉《中国日报》说,她女儿平时在学校食堂吃午餐,学校也承诺不供应预制菜。The school sometimes sends photos of the food to parent WeChat groups, and Deng makes sure to ask her daughter every day whether she has eaten a good meal at school, she said.她说,学校有时会通过家长的微信群发送餐品的照片,她每天都会问女儿在学校吃得怎么样。"I think it is very important for children to eat healthy as they are still growing. If I were less busy, I would pick her up during lunch and we'd eat at home," she said.她说:“我觉得孩子健康饮食很重要,他们还在长身体。如果我不忙的话,我会在午餐时间接她回家,我们一起吃饭。”Deng said she does not allow her daughter to eat meat cooked after being frozen, let alone precooked food, so she is extra cautious about the meals she eats at school.邓丽表示,她不允许女儿吃经过冷冻处理的肉类,更别说预制菜了,所以她对女儿在学校吃的饭菜格外谨慎。According to Jimu News, several primary and middle schools and kindergartens in Rongjiang district in Ganzhou began using a central kitchen to serve precooked food to students without gaining approval from parents.据极目新闻报道,赣州榕江区的几所中小学、幼儿园在未取得家长同意的情况下,使用中央厨房为学生提供预制菜。Some parents said the food was cold and didn't taste good, while others said their children had stomachaches after eating it.一些家长表示食物冷冷的,口感也不好,还有一些家长表示他们的孩子吃了之后胃痛。According to China National Radio Online, the district stopped offering food to kindergartners through the central kitchen on Sept 7. Meanwhile, primary and middle school students are still offered food cooked by the central kitchen, and parents can decide whether to let their children eat at school or not.据央广网报道,该区于9月7日停止通过中央厨房向幼儿园供应食物。与此同时,小学和中学学生仍然可以选择在学校食堂就餐,食物由中央厨房烹制,家长可以决定是否让孩子在学校就餐。Zhang Chunhui, a researcher at the Institute of Food Sciences and Technology at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said in certain situations precooked food can be convenient. However, some businesses might use substandard materials and production processes, leading to unsafe or even spoiled food being served.中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所研究员张春晖表示,在某些情况下,预制食品可能很方便。然而,一些企业可能使用劣质材料和生产工艺,导致供应不安全甚至变质的食品。Lei Wanghong, a lecturer at the School of Public Administration at Central South University, said schools should be cautious about allowing precooked food to enter their campuses.中南大学公共管理学院的讲师雷望红表示,学校在预制菜进校园方面需谨慎。In order to boost profits, some food companies reduce their costs by choosing cheap vegetables or buying a large quantity of one kind and only using that one in the food, she said.她说,为了提高利润,一些食品公司通过选择廉价蔬菜或大量购买某一种类的蔬菜以减少成本。Schools should have more say in deciding which ingredients the companies buy for students and ensure that the companies offer diverse food options to students. Education authorities should also strengthen checks on food and finance management, she added.学校应在决定供应商为学生购买哪些食材方面发表更多意见,并确保供应商向学生提供多样化的食物选择。教育部门还应加强对食品和财务管理的检查。Precook英/priː'kʊk/美/priˈkʊk/v.预煮,预先烹调