英语新闻|Emotional farewell to light up the heart

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With over two weeks of world-class sporting action nearing its end, organizers of the 19th Asian Games have promised to stage a romantic and touching closing ceremony to bid an emotional farewell to all Games participants.两周前开幕的世界级体育赛事杭州第19届亚运会临近尾声,一场浪漫感人的闭幕式即将上演,向赛事的所有参与者告别。With records broken, legends created and friendships built on and off the field of competition, the Hangzhou Asian Games will wrap up the quadrennial celebration of athletic achievement, mutual respect and continental unity at a closing ceremony on Sunday night at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium.运动员们在赛场上屡破纪录、创造传奇,在场上场下结交朋友,展现出竞技体育的成果、对彼此的尊重和全亚洲的团结。亚运会每四年一届,今年的闭幕式将于10月8日晚在杭州奥体中心体育馆举行。A salute to the athletes for the sacrifices made in pursuing their athletic dreams and gratitude to all the volunteers for helping pull off such a spectacular event in a welcoming way will be the main highlights of the closing ceremony, according to the show’s creative team.闭幕式的主创团队称,表演的核心是向运动员为追求梦想做出的牺牲致敬,向所有用热情推动盛会顺利进行的志愿者表达感谢。“Athletes and volunteers will be the two main aspects that we will appreciate and promote during the closing ceremony, which will last about 75 minutes,” said Sha Xiaolan, chief director of the ceremony.闭幕式总导演沙晓岚说,“闭幕式将持续75分钟,需要突出的两个重要主题是向运动员和志愿者表达感谢。”“We are trying to make it a celebration party for the athletes who all did their best in Hangzhou and made new friends off the field of play.“我们希望把闭幕式变成运动员的庆祝聚会,他们在杭州的赛场奋力拼搏,在场下结交新朋友。”“We will also extend our utmost gratitude to all of the volunteers, who have played a crucial role in the success of the Games and deserve to take center stage at the end.”“我们也想向所有志愿者致以崇高的敬意,他们为亚运会的成功举办发挥了至关重要的作用,理应成为舞台的焦点。”The farewell party, however, is expected to infuse all participants with a heartwarming sense of love and respect, with the excitement of meeting each other again, rather than being overwhelmed by the sorrowful sentiment of departure, said Cui Wei, deputy director of the ceremony.闭幕式副导演崔巍说,我们希望闭幕式能带给所有参与者暖心的爱与尊重,期待彼此的重逢,并非因即将分别而伤感。The use of technology is once again set to impress everyone, following the stunning opening ceremony, but in a more romantic and aesthetic way, according to Sha.沙晓岚介绍道,继惊艳众人的开幕式后,科技将在闭幕式再一次大放异彩,且更添浪漫艺术之风。With only a 24-hour break at the main stadium between the conclusion of all competitions and the closing ceremony, the giant oval-shaped LED floor screen that played such an instrumental role during the opening ceremony won’t be deployed again.闭幕式与主场馆的最后一个比赛日间仅有24小时的间隔,在开幕式发挥了重要作用的巨型椭圆形LED地面屏幕无法再次安装。The creative team, though, came up with another innovation to make up for it. A “digital turf”, a large mesh with over 40,000 illuminated spots evenly woven in, will cover the football field to turn the field into a giant color palette, where shifting images, such as starry skies, flowers and waves, can be displayed in a glittering way.然而,主创团队创造性地想出了解决方案。数控草坪藏有4万个均匀分布的发光点,能够将整个足球场地变为巨大的调色盘,轮番呈现星空、花朵、波浪,美轮美奂。“The grass will still look and feel like grass, yet the sparking colors and images will make the ground shimmer, welcoming athletes to center stage for a party,” said Sha.沙晓岚透露说,“数控草坪看起来和摸起来都像是真的草坪,但发光的颜色和图案让地面变得闪亮,将迎接运动员进入舞台的中央。”A memory river will flow across the stage toward the end of the show, reflecting on all the hard work and thoughtful services provided by volunteers during the Games, before welcoming them to join the athletes in the final celebration.在闭幕式的尾声,一条记忆之河将流过舞台,向亚运会志愿者的辛苦付出和细致服务致敬,迎接他们走到运动员的身边,进行最后的欢庆。The giant virtual torchbearer, which lit up the main flame together with Olympic champion — and 19th Asian Games gold medalist — swimmer Wang Shun at the opening ceremony, will return to witness the flame being extinguished, together with the volunteers and athletes, according to Sha.沙晓岚还说,巨型虚拟火炬手与奥运冠军、第19届亚运会金牌得主、游泳运动员王顺一同点亮了开幕式的主火炬,他们将在闭幕式与志愿者和运动员一同见证火焰熄灭。“The digital giant will then bid his own farewell with a very emotional gesture before disappearing from the show. This will be a reference to the opening ceremony, which we’d like to keep a secret for now,” said Sha.“数字巨人将以自己的方式,满怀情谊地进行告别,然后消失在屏幕。这将是对开幕式的回应,需要暂时保密。”To prepare for the closing ceremony, over 2,100 performers have completed over 200 drills and dress rehearsals at a spare venue since July 10, according to Wu Yan, chief producer of the show.闭幕式总制作人吴艳说,为了准备闭幕式,自7月10日起,2100多名演员已在一个空闲场馆进行了超过200次训练和彩排。Quadrennial英/kwɒ'drenɪəl/美/kwɑd'rɛnɪəl/a.四年一度的Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadiumn.杭州奥体中心体育馆Digital turfn.数控草坪