英语新闻丨Experts say US forcing nation to hit back

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The US' decision to impose additional tariffs on Chinese imports marks a further escalation in Washington's efforts to curb emerging industries in China, forcing Beijing to adopt measures to defend its interests, said analysts and heads of business associations on Thursday.5月16日,分析师和商业协会负责人表示,美国决定对中国进口商品征收额外关税标志着华盛顿遏制中国新兴产业的举措进一步升级,迫使北京方面采取措施捍卫其利益。In addition to the existing tariffs under the Section 301 of the US Trade Act of 1974, the US announced on Tuesday additional tariffs on a range of Chinese imports, including electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, photovoltaic cells, critical minerals, semiconductors, steel and aluminum.除了美国《1974年贸易法》第301条规定的现有关税外,美国于5月14日宣布对一系列中国进口商品征收额外关税,包括电动汽车、锂离子电池、光伏电池、关键矿产、半导体、钢铁和铝。Notably, a World Trade Organization panel found in September 2020 that the Section 301 tariffs contravened its regulations.值得注意的是,世界贸易组织的一个小组在2020年9月发现,301条关税违反了其规定。After China's Ministry of Commerce vowed to take resolute measures to safeguard the rights and interests of Chinese companies, market watchers said that China has many options to counter Washington's actions that may not necessarily target US industrial goods, but could focus on other sectors.在中国商务部表态采取坚决措施维护中国企业的权益后,市场观察人士表示,中国有许多选择来反击华盛顿的行动,这些行动可能不一定针对美国工业产品,但可能会集中在其他行业。The US' protectionist measures could reignite a "trade conflict "with China and damage the US economy in the process. Since tariffs essentially tax US businesses and consumers by raising the cost of imported goods, this could lead to inflation and harm job growth, said Wu Xinbo, dean of Fudan University's Institute of International Studies.美国的保护主义措施可能会重新引发与中国的“贸易冲突”,并在此过程中损害美国经济。复旦大学国际问题研究院院长吴心伯表示,由于关税本质上是通过提高进口商品的成本对美国企业和消费者征税,这可能导致通货膨胀并损害就业增长。In the short term, the US might seem aggressive in its efforts to target emerging Chinese industries, but this approach is unlikely to yield practical results in the long run, said Chen Bin, deputy director of the expert committee at the Beijing-based China Machinery Industry Federation.中国机械工业联合会专家委副主任陈斌表示,从短期来看,美国针对中国新兴产业的努力可能显得咄咄逼人,但从长期来看,这种做法不太可能产生实际效果。As China has already taken the lead in the new energy sector, with the largest industry chain globally, additional tariffs cannot fundamentally alter the inherent comparative advantages of the Chinese manufacturers, he said.他表示,由于中国已经在新能源领域占据领先地位,拥有全球最大的产业链,额外的关税无法从根本上改变中国制造商固有的比较优势。Dismissing the "China overcapacity" narrative, He Yadong, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, told a news conference that the so-called "overcapacity" perceived by some Western countries is not an excess of capacity but rather an excess of anxiety.中国商务部新闻发言人何亚东对“中国产能过剩”的说法不以为然,他在新闻发布会上表示,一些西方国家所谓的“产能过剩”不是产能过剩,而是过度焦虑。It shows worries of some countries about their own competitiveness and market share, which they use as a pretext to discredit and suppress China, said He.何亚东说,这表明一些国家担心自己的竞争力和市场份额,他们以此为借口抹黑和压制中国。According to research by the Paris-headquartered International Energy Agency, to achieve carbon neutrality goals, annual global sales of new energy vehicles need to reach about 45 million units by 2030. This is more than three times the global sales in 2023, far exceeding the current global supply capacity.根据总部位于巴黎的国际能源署的研究,要实现碳中和目标,到2030年全球新能源汽车年销量需要达到约4500万辆。这是2023年全球销量的三倍多,远超目前的全球供应能力。As technology products in the new energy sector are updated and iterated more rapidly, new demand will continually emerge, said He.何亚东说,随着新能源领域的技术产品更新和迭代速度加快,新的需求将不断出现。"Overall, the global new energy industry is still in its early stages of development and rapid growth. Rather than overcapacity, there is a relative shortage of production capacity," he said.他说:“总体而言,全球新能源产业仍处于发展初期和快速增长阶段。不是产能过剩,而是产能相对短缺。”Sun Xiaohong, secretary-general of auto branch of the Beijing-based China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, said that share of Chinese EVs exported to the US is fairly small compared to other markets.中国机电产品进出口商会汽车分会秘书长孙晓红表示,与其他市场相比,中国电动汽车出口到美国的份额相当小。The number of Chinese EVs exported to the US sharply declined to fewer than 2,000 units in the first quarter of this year, cutting the US market's share of China's global EV exports to less than 0.5 percent, data from the General Administration of Customs showed.中国海关总署的数据显示,今年第一季度出口到美国的中国电动汽车数量急剧下降至不到2000辆,美国市场在中国全球电动汽车出口中的份额降至不到0.5%With such a minimal export volume, the impact of US tariff increases on Chinese EVs is essentially negligible, said Sun.孙晓红说,由于出口量如此之小,美国提高关税对中国电动汽车的影响基本上可以忽略不计。In a statement released by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade on Wednesday, industries like EVs, lithium-ion batteries and photovoltaic cells in China are at the forefront of technological innovation and market competition, deeply embedding themselves in global supply chains and making significant contributions to global efforts in energy conservation and sustainable growth.中国国际贸易促进委员会5月15日发布的声明显示,中国的电动汽车、锂离子电池和光伏电池等行业处于技术创新和市场竞争的前沿,深深扎根于全球供应链中,为全球节能和可持续发展做出了重大贡献。Concurrently, the US government is providing significant subsidies to domestic industries like EVs and semiconductors, a move that starkly contradicts the principles of a market-driven economy and international trade norms, and threatens the stability and security of global industrial and supply chains, according to the statement.声明称,与此同时,美国政府正在向电动汽车和半导体等国内产业提供大量补贴,此举与市场驱动的经济原则和国际贸易规范严重矛盾,并威胁到全球产业和供应链的稳定安全。