英语新闻丨Foreign firms see profitable future in China

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Nearly 90 percent of foreign companies expect their profits to remain stable or increase in China over the next five years, with a large number of them identifying technological innovation as the primary growth opportunity in the Chinese market, according to a survey released by China's top foreign trade and investment promotion agency on Tuesday.中国最大的对外贸易和投资促进机构10月31日发布的一项调查显示,近90%的外资企业预计未来五年,其在中国的利润将保持稳定或增加,许多受访公司表示技术创新的中国市场最大的发展机遇。The study, conducted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and involving 700 foreign companies, found that over 80 percent of respondents were satisfied with China's business environment in the third quarter of 2023, and about 80 percent anticipate that their profits will remain stable or improve in 2023.这项由中国国际贸易促进委员会组织、涉及700家外资企业的研究发现,超过八成的受访公司对2023年第三季度的中国营商环境表示满意,约八成预计2023年的利润将持平或有所提高。Though the global investment sentiment remains subdued, foreign enterprises have sufficient confidence in investing in China, said Zhang Xin, spokesman for the Beijing-headquartered CCPIT. They are happy with the operational aspects such as market access, process of acquiring business premises, access to essential infrastructure facilities and services, and the resolution of commercial disputes in the country, he added.中国国际贸易促进委员会北京总部的新闻发言人张鑫表示,虽然全球投资依然低迷,但外资企业来华投资的信心十足。他补充说,外资企业对中国的市场准入、经营场所获取流程、基本基础设施和服务的获取以及商业纠纷的解决等运营方面感到满意。"Regarding development opportunities, foreign firms have consistently believed that technological innovations are the most significant growth opportunities in the Chinese market for three consecutive quarters," he said, noting that about half of them have expressed an interest in increasing investment in China's western region.“从发展机遇方面看,外资企业连续三个季度认为技术创新中国市场是最重要的发展机遇,”他说,“约有一半的外资企业有意增加在中国西部地区的投资。”China's peaceful and huge market, as well as its latest move to implement measures to broaden market access for global investors in several key areas, including the relaxation of restrictions on foreign investment in listed companies, will offer multinational corporations more growth opportunities, said Chang Xiuze, a professor of economics at the Academy of Macroeconomic Research in Beijing.北京宏观经济研究院教授常修泽说,中国是一个和平且巨大的市场,加上中国最近在几个关键领域放宽对全球投资者市场准入的措施,包括放宽对外资投资上市公司的限制,将为跨国公司提供更多的增长机会。Fueled by China's pool of talent and industrial upgrade, foreign businesses operating in China, especially manufacturers and service providers, will persist in establishing digitally empowered factories, adding innovation hubs and striving to expand their market share in various sectors, such as automotive, logistics, retail, green technology and high-end manufacturing, he said.他说,在中国人才储备和产业升级的推动下,在华经营的外资企业,尤其是制造商和服务提供商,将坚持数字化工厂的建设,增设创新中心,并努力扩大其在汽车、物流、零售、绿色技术和高端制造等各个领域的市场份额。Echoing the sentiment, Sally Loh, president for China of United States-based elevator manufacturing company Otis Worldwide Corp, said the Chinese market is a key contributor to the group's global performance.美国电梯制造公司奥的斯全球公司中国区总裁罗小莉也表示,中国市场是奥的斯全球业绩的重要贡献者。"We will continue to grow our business in both the new equipment and service segments in China, as this market leads our service digitalization deployment," she said. "Our innovation, smart manufacturing and talent localization in China are important pillars of our global business."她说:“我们将继续扩大中国新设备和服务领域的业务,中国市场引领着我们的数字化服务的布局。在中国的创新、智能制造和人才本地化是我们全球业务的重要支柱。”Foreign direct investment used in China's manufacturing sector amounted to 262.4 billion yuan ($35.9 billion) between January and September, representing a 2.4 percent increase on a yearly basis, with high-tech manufacturing seeing a growth of 12.8 percent year-on-year, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed.商务部数据显示,1月至9月,中国制造业使用外商直接投资2624亿元人民币(折合359亿美元),同比增长2.4%,其中高科技制造业同比增长12.8%。In terms of development aspirations, foreign companies surveyed by the CCPIT expressed the hope that the Chinese government will take steps to ensure the stability of the country's supply and industrial chains, enhance its industrial support capabilities and clustering effects, and bolster the continuity and stability of policies that assist businesses in times of need.在发展愿景方面,接受中国贸促会调查的外资企业表示,希望中国政府采取措施,确保全国供应链和产业链的稳定性,增强产业支撑能力和集聚效应,并加强政策的连续性和稳定性,帮助企业渡过难关。Zhao Jinping, former director of the department of foreign economic relations at the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that for many global business leaders, there has been a significant shift in traditional perceptions about the business environment in China.国务院发展研究中心对外经济研究部原部长赵晋平表示,对于许多全球商界领袖来说,他们对中国营商环境的传统观念已经发生了重大转变。"They no longer simply expect the government to provide good services. Rather, they now seek government support to facilitate their innovation activities and gain access to sectors previously restricted to them," he said.“他们不再简单地期望政府提供良好的服务。相反,他们现在寻求政府的支持,希望这些支持能促进他们的创新,并帮助他们进入以前受限制的行业,”他说。Since the beginning of this year, numerous multinational company executives have repeatedly shown strong interest in coming to China. They have engaged in discussions with business partners and held meetings with Chinese officials.自今年年初以来,许多跨国公司的高管都不断表现出对来华发展的浓厚兴趣。他们与商业伙伴进行了讨论,并与中国政府进行了会谈。For example, Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with Tim Cook, CEO of US tech giant Apple Inc, and Severin Schwan, board chairman of Swiss healthcare company Roche Holding AG in Beijing in mid-October, encouraging multinational companies to share the benefits of the Chinese market and achieve mutual development.例如,10月中旬,商务部部长王文涛在北京会见了美国科技巨头苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克和瑞士医疗保健公司罗氏控股公司董事会主席塞维林·施万,鼓励跨国公司分享中国市场的利益,实现共同发展。The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade n. 中国国际贸易促进委员会High-end manufacturingn. 高端制造