英语新闻丨Former Peking University student who killed mother

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Wu Xieyu, a former Peking University student who killed his mother, was executed on Wednesday after China's top court approved his death sentence.2024年1月31日,北京大学毕业生吴谢宇因弑母被执行死刑。此前中国最高人民法院已核准其死刑判决。The execution was carried out by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court in Fujian province, where Wu was convicted of intentional homicide, fraud and the illegal purchase of identity cards and given the death penalty.吴谢宇因犯故意杀人罪、诈骗罪及非法购买身份证件罪,被福建省福州市中级人民法院判处死刑并执行。The court told Wu, 29, he had the right to apply to meet family members before the execution, but he did not make an application. The execution process supervised by Fuzhou prosecutors.法院已告知现年29岁的吴谢宇在执行死刑前有权申请会见其家属,但他并未提出此类申请。此次执行过程由福州市检察机关监督。According to the Supreme People's Court statement approving the death sentence, Wu, from Fujian, was pessimistic and tried to commit suicide. After his father died of an illness he thought the life of his mother, Xie Tianqin, was meaningless, so he prepared to kill her in early 2015 and bought some items for that purpose.根据中国最高人民法院的死刑核准声明,来自福建的吴谢宇性格悲观,并曾有自杀企图。在其父亲因病去世后,他认为母亲谢天琴的生命已无意义,因此在2015年初就预谋将其杀害,并为此购买了所需物品。On July 10 that year, when Xie arrived home, Wu hit her repeatedly in the head and face with a dumbbell, resulting in her death, and then fled the scene, the statement said.声明指出,2015年7月10日,当谢天琴返回家中时,吴谢宇使用哑铃多次猛烈击打其头部和面部,导致谢天琴死亡,之后他逃离了现场。Previous reports said Wu wrapped his mother's body in layers of bedsheets, plastic sheets and activated carbon bags after the killing.此前的报道称,吴谢宇在杀害母亲后,用多层床单、塑料膜和活性炭包裹其尸体。To cover up the killing, Wu "borrowed" 1.44 million yuan ($201,000) from relatives and friends, telling them he and his mother would need the money when she accompanied him as he traveled overseas to study. In reality, he squandered the money, the top court said.为了掩饰杀人行径,吴谢宇以出国留学需要资金为由,向亲友“借”得144万元人民币(约合20.1万美元)。最高人民法院表示,实际上他将这些钱挥霍殆尽。 He also purchased more than 10 identity cards to hide his real identity and avoid arrest, it added.此外,他还购买了10余张身份证件以掩盖真实身份、逃避法律制裁。The relatives became suspicious when Xie failed to contact them for some time, and they found his mother's body in February 2016 in her faculty dormitory apartment at the Fuzhou middle school where she worked.由于长时间未能与谢天琴取得联系,亲友们开始产生怀疑。2016年2月,他们在谢天琴工作的福州某中学教职工宿舍内发现了她的尸体。Wu was then named as suspect by local police. He was captured in Chongqing in 2019 after being on the run for more than three years.随后,吴谢宇被当地警方列为犯罪嫌疑人。经过三年多的逃亡生涯后,他于2019年在重庆被捕。The Fuzhou court heard Wu's case in late 2020, and handed down the death penalty in August 2021.2020年底,福州市中级人民法院审理了吴谢宇一案,并于2021年8月判处其死刑。In May last year, the Fujian High People's Court upheld the original ruling.2022年5月,福建省高级人民法院维持了原判。In China, a death sentence made by lower courts must be submitted to the top court for review. The sentence can only be carried out after it is approved by the top court.在中国,下级法院作出的死刑判决必须提交至最高人民法院进行复核。只有在最高人民法院核准后,方可执行死刑。On Wednesday, the top court said that Wu's behavior had constituted the crimes of intentional killing and the illegal purchase of ID cards, and the sum of the money involved in the fraud he perpetrated was extremely large.周三,最高人民法院表示,吴谢宇的行为已构成故意杀人罪和非法购买身份证件罪,且其诈骗金额特别巨大。"Wu should be punished, as his killing method was cruel, which seriously violated human ethics and trampled on the public's emotion, with severe negative effects to society," it said.最高人民法院表示:“吴谢宇的杀人手段残忍,严重违背人伦道德,践踏了社会公众的情感,社会影响极其恶劣,应依法予以惩处。”It agreed with the verdicts made and upheld by the lower courts, saying the facts in the case were clear, the evidence was sufficient, the application of the law was correct and the sentencing was appropriate.最高人民法院同意并维持了下级法院作出的裁决,认为该案事实清楚、证据确实充分、定罪准确、量刑适当。Squanderv. 挥霍,浪费Trample v. 践踏