英语新闻丨Fraud suspects handed over to Chinese police

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A total of 164 suspects involved in online fraud were handed over to Chinese police by Lao law enforcement officials and brought back to China on Monday, said the Ministry of Public Security.公安部表示,老挝执法人员已将总计164名涉嫌网络诈骗的嫌疑人移交中国警方,并于周一(9月12日)带回中国。These suspects were engaged in fake investment and finance-related online scams and were detained as a result of collaborative efforts between China and Laos in law enforcement.这些嫌疑人参与了虚假投资理财的网络诈骗,中老执法合作将其拘留。They were escorted to China's Henan and Hebei provinces and Chongqing by police via chartered civil aircraft, according to the ministry.公安部称,他们由警方通过民用包机押送到中国河南、河北以及重庆。Prior to this, police from Anhui province had already brought back 15 suspects from Laos. In total, the 179 suspects were connected with about 270 cross-border online fraud cases spanning 13 provinces and municipalities in China, the ministry said.此前,安徽警方已从老挝带回15名嫌疑人。公安部表示,这179名嫌疑人共与中国13个省市的、约270起跨境网络诈骗案件有关。The ministry stated that due to the increasing number of online fraud cases involving fake investments and financial management fraud with significant losses since the beginning of this year, it had organized public security agencies in Hebei, Anhui, Henan, Chongqing and other regions to conduct comprehensive investigations into these cases.公安部表示,由于今年以来涉及虚假投资理财类网络诈骗案件增多,损失巨大,公安部已组织河北、安徽、河南、重庆等地的公安机关对这些案件进行全面调查。After thorough analysis, the police discovered that a number of fake investment fraud cases involving amounts of more than 1 million yuan ($140,000) were traced to Laos. To resolutely bust the fraud groups, the ministry sent police officers from Hebei, Anhui, Henan and Chongqing to form a working group in July to cooperate with police in Laos.经过深入分析,警方发现一些涉及100万元(14万美元)以上金额的虚假投资诈骗案件可以追踪到老挝。为了坚决打击诈骗团伙,公安部在7月派出河北、安徽、河南和重庆的警察与老挝警方合作,组成专案组。According to the ministry, fake investment and financial management fraud is one of the most financially damaging types of scams on average per individual case.公安部表示,虚假投资理财类诈骗是平均每个个案经济损失最大的诈骗类型之一。In such cases, some fraudsters employ various tactics to lure victims into what they claim to be "investment" group chats.在这类案件中,诈骗者采取各种策略,将受害者引诱进他们声称的“投资”群聊中。They often impersonate investment mentors or financial advisers and use tactics like sending fake investment success messages or conducting "live classes" to gain the trust of their victims.他们经常冒充投资导师或理财顾问,并使用发送虚假投资成功信息或进行“直播课程”等策略,获取受害者的信任。Others target victims through online dating platforms, forming romantic relationships to exploit their targets by promising high financial returns through supposed special resources, the ministry said.该部表示,还有一些人通过在线约会平台锁定受害者,建立暧昧关系,通过承诺特殊资源获得高额财务回报来利用他们的目标。On July 19, Lao police carried out an operation in Savannakhet, resulting in the capture of 15 suspects. Subsequently, with the assistance of the Chinese police working group, Lao police carried out 10 operations in various regions. As a result, they detained 164 suspects, including nine key members of the fraud groups and 23 fugitives, and seized tools used for their activities.7月19日,老挝警方在沙湾拿吉进行了一次行动,逮捕15名嫌疑人。随后,在中国警方专案组的协助下,老挝警方在各地区开展了10次行动。最终警方拘留了164名嫌疑人,其中包括9名诈骗集团的关键成员和23名逃犯,并缴获了他们的作案工具。Lou Xiandi, director of the ministry's online fraud information monitoring center, said that the ministry has been continuously intensifying efforts to combat cross-border online fraud and had sent working groups to countries and regions such as Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia for law enforcement cooperation.公安部防范电信网络诈骗信息监控中心主任楼先迪表示,公安机关一直在不断加强打击跨境网络诈骗的力度,已向泰国、菲律宾、柬埔寨、老挝、越南和印度尼西亚等国家和地区派遣专案组进行执法合作。Moreover, the ministry has also stepped up law enforcement cooperation in border areas, particularly in Yunnan province, leading to the capture of a significant number of online fraud suspects, he said.此外,该部还加强了在边境地区的执法合作,特别是在云南省,成功逮捕了大量网络诈骗嫌疑人。Yang Wanfang, head of the ministry's working group sent to Laos, said that the capture of the suspects not only led to the resolution of several major cases and the apprehension of many suspects, but also instilled a sense of deterrence within local fraud groups.公安部赴老挝工作组组长杨万方表示,逮捕嫌疑人不仅成功解决了几起重大案件,逮捕了许多嫌疑人,也给当地诈骗集团威慑感。"The fraud groups' hideouts in Laos were scattered and concealed in various locations. While we had a general idea of their locations beforehand, on-site investigations and close collaboration with the Lao police were necessary to pinpoint them precisely. This process consumed a significant amount of our time and effort," he said.“这些诈骗集团在老挝的藏身之处分散在不同的地方。虽然我们事先对他们的据点有大致了解,但需要通过现场调查并与老挝警方的密切合作来精确定位。这个过程消耗了我们大量的时间和精力。”Following the crackdown, many fraud suspects either relocated to different areas within Laos or refrained from engaging in further criminal activities, he said, adding that online fraud has become a globalized trend in terms of its forms and methods, making international cooperation crucial in combating it.他说,在打击行动之后,许多诈骗嫌疑人要么转移到老挝的不同地区,要么不再从事进一步的犯罪活动。他补充说,网络诈骗在形式和方式方面已有一种全球化趋势,通过国际合作打击网络诈骗非常重要。Fraud英/frɔːd/美/frɔd/n.欺诈﹐诈骗Suspect英/sə'spekt/美/'sʌspɛkt/n.嫌疑人