英语新闻|Further moves outlined to ensure stable prices

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China will adopt further measures to ensure stable prices and sufficient supply of daily necessities and energy for household and industrial needs, according to decisions made on Tuesday at a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang.1月3日,李克强主持召开国务院常务会议,部署进一步做好重要民生商品和能源保供稳价等工作。To better coordinate the pandemic response with economic and social development, it is imperative to take stronger steps to ensure sufficient market supply and price stability during Spring Festival, and meet people's needs for medical care and winter heating, the meeting decided.会议指出,要更好统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,进一步强化重要民生商品、医疗物资、能源等保供稳价,确保春节期间市场供应充足和价格平稳,保障群众医药需求和温暖过冬。"Despite the moderation in economic growth last year, price rises have been kept at a relatively low level, which is no easy feat," Li said. "We did a lot of hard and meticulous work, and refrained from excessive money supply or continuously increasing deficit by a wide margin. This is an important foundation for price stability."李克强表示,过去一年我国物价保持平稳,粮食、能源等稳定供应能力进一步提升,这极为不易,为稳经济、保民生提供了有力支撑。The meeting emphasized the need to further enforce the system of provincial governors assuming responsibility for the "rice bag "and city mayors for the "vegetable basket", and conduct timely market reallocation.会议强调,要进一步压实“米袋子”省长负责制、“菜篮子”市长负责制,及时做好市场调配。Preparations for spring plowing and sowing will be made, and provision of fertilizers and other agricultural supplies, as well as related services, will be ensured to further promote grain production and firm up the basis for price stability.做好春耕备播准备和化肥等农资保障服务工作,进一步抓实粮食生产、夯实稳物价基础。The supply of medical and epidemic prevention goods will be improved and a list of key manufacturers drawn up to support their full production capacity, the meeting decided. Efforts will be made to address difficulties in the supply of raw and auxiliary materials, labor and funds to ensure uninterrupted production.要千方百计提高医疗、防疫物资供给能力,对重点企业建立清单支持满负荷生产,及时协调解决原辅料供应、用工、资金等方面遇到的困难,确保生产和供应不间断。Distribution networks for medical supplies, such as medicines, will be strengthened to meet the needs of medical institutions, stay-at-home patients, elderly care facilities and rural areas.加强药品等医疗物资调配,保障医疗机构、居家患者、养老院、农村地区等需求,为疫情防控提供保障。"Expenses of medical services and drugs that are covered by the medical insurance program should be reimbursed wherever possible to ensure people's demands for medical care and anti-epidemic supplies are met," Li said.李克强表示,对纳入医保范围的看病和药品费用,要应报尽报。On the energy front, the meeting decided that advanced coal production capacity will be unlocked on an ongoing basis and policies for addressing the difficulties of coal-fired power plants implemented.会议指出,要进一步抓好能源保供。持续释放煤炭先进产能,落实帮扶煤电企业纾困政策。Distribution of energy resources will be better coordinated and contingency plans drawn up for meeting electricity and natural gas demands during peak hours, to ensure residential use of energy and to shore up the power supply in key areas, industries and enterprises.强化能源调度,做好电力、天然气顶峰保供预案,确保民生用能,加强重点地区、行业和企业用能保障。The meeting also decided that logistics companies will be supported to redistribute transportation capacity, as appropriate, and reinforce their front-line staff to ensure stable operation of postal and delivery services during Spring Festival.会议指出,支持物流企业合理调配运力,补充一线力量,保障春节期间邮政快递稳定运行。"As the momentum of economic recovery and stable growth continues, energy demand is on the rise. Stronger efforts should be made to ensure a safe and stable energy supply, with priority given to residential use. On top of this, energy demand for production activities in economically strong provinces, key industries and enterprises must be met," the premier said.随着经济复苏和持续稳定增长的势头,能源需求不断上升。要支持能源企业节日安全正常生产,确保民生用能,加强重点地区、行业和企业用能保障,李克强指出。"We will continue to facilitate the smooth operation of both trunk and branch routes in transportation and logistics, and promptly address possible bottlenecks in last-mile delivery," he added.李克强表示,要持续做好交通物流大动脉、微循环保通保畅,及时打通末端服务可能遇到的堵点。Meticulous英 [məˈtɪkjələs]  美 [məˈtɪkjələs]adj.一丝不苟的Reallocation英 [ˌriːˌæləˈkeɪʃn]  美 [ˌriːˌæləˈkeɪʃn]n.再分配Auxiliary英 [ɔːɡˈzɪliəri]  美 [ɔːɡˈzɪliəri]adj. 辅助的