英语新闻丨Guilin battles severe flood, set to restore normalcy

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Authorities in Guilin, a popular tourist destination in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, have been going all-out to combat the city's most severe flooding since 1998, with priority given to minimizing casualties and economic losses.中国南方广西壮族自治区旅游名城桂林的政府一直在全力以赴抗击该市自1998年以来最严重的洪水,优先考虑最大限度地减少人员伤亡和经济损失。Floodwaters began to recede on Thursday in the city, which had experienced downpours for more than a week, causing the rapid rise of the Lijiang River, which runs through the city.在经历了一周多的暴雨后,该市的洪水于6月20日开始退去,这场暴雨导致了穿过该市的漓江水位迅速上升。The water level of the Lijiang reached 148.55 meters on Wednesday, which was 2.55 meters above the warning line and the highest since 1998, local authorities said.当地政府称,6月19日漓江水位达到148.55米,比警戒线高出2.55米,是1998年以来的最高水位。In response, the local flood control department raised its emergency response for flood control to Level 1, the highest in the four-tier emergency response system, on Wednesday.为应对水位的上涨,当地防汛部门于6月19日将防汛应急响应提升至一级,这是四级应急响应系统中的最高级别。The receding water of the Lijiang was expected to reach a level lower than the warning level on Thursday night, according to the city's water resources authority, but it warned of the continued risk of geological hazards, including mudslides and collapses.据丽江市水利局称,预计6月20日晚上漓江退水的水位将低于警戒水位,但该局警告称,地质灾害的风险仍在继续,包括泥石流和崩塌。A local resident surnamed Lin said most of the main urban area had been flooded due to its low terrain, with the deepest water being about chest level for an adult.一位林姓当地居民说,由于地势较低,主城区的大部分地区都被淹没了,最深的水大约能到达一个成年人的胸部。For safety reasons, the Guilin Railway Station temporarily suspended passenger transportation services beginning on Wednesday because of flooding in the adjacent square and inside the station's waiting area.出于安全考虑,由于相邻广场及桂林火车站候车室内发生洪水,桂林火车站自周三起暂时暂停了旅客运输服务。As of 2 pm on Thursday, the water in the station square had been removed, and workers continued to dredge and disinfect the area.截至6月20日下午2点,车站广场的水已被清除,工人们继续对该区域进行疏浚和消毒。Meanwhile many scenic spots closed temporarily starting on Wednesday, and several bus routes were canceled or had to detour, authorities said, adding that many schools in the urban area have suspended classes since Wednesday.当地政府表示,与此同时,许多景点从6月19日开始暂时关闭,多条公交线路被取消或不得不绕行,并补充说,自6月19日以来,许多城区的学校已经暂停了上课。The continuing torrential rains have also affected vast southern regions, especially in Fujian and Guangdong provinces.持续的暴雨也影响了南方广大地区,尤其是福建和广东。In Shanghang county, Fujian, which was hit the worst by the heavy rain, 15 villages still had not restored communication as of Wednesday, and work to reopen roads and restore telecommunications has been carried out around the clock, according to CGTN.据CGTN报道,在受暴雨袭击最严重的福建上杭县,截至6月19日,仍有15个村庄没有恢复通信,重开道路和恢复电信的工作已昼夜不停地进行。In addition, more than 520 villagers in the county had been relocated on Wednesday due to potential landslides, and emergency supplies for the villagers have been prepared at the resettlement site. The supplies included daily necessities and adequate drinking water and food, according to the county government.此外,由于潜在的山体滑坡,该县520多名村民已于6月19日被重新安置,为村民准备的应急物资已在安置点准备就绪。据县政府称,这些物资包括日常必需品、充足的饮用水和食物。In Meizhou, Guangdong, another city hit hard by recent flooding, a 99-year-old woman who had been stranded in Shangtian village for four days was sent to a hospital for treatment. She was later discharged after her condition was stabilized.在另一个最近遭受洪水袭击的城市广东梅州,一名被困在上田村四天的99岁老妇人被送往医院接受治疗。她后来在病情稳定后出院。In a heartwarming display of community support, Keram Amir, a restaurant owner in Meizhou who comes from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, cooked and distributed 1,000 nang, a type of flatbread, to the flood victims in Pingyuan county on Wednesday.6月19日,来自新疆维吾尔自治区的梅州餐馆老板克拉姆·阿米尔(Keram Amir)做了1000个馕,分发给平原县的洪水灾民,这是一种温暖人心的社区支持。The Ministry of Finance, together with the Ministry of Water Resources, has issued 916 million yuan ($126 million) for flood control in southern China and for drought resistance efforts in the north.财政部和水利部已经拨款9.16亿元(1.26亿美元)用于中国南方的防洪和北方的抗旱工作。downpours暴雨Geological hazards地质灾害low terrain低洼地区