英语新闻丨Hangzhou Asian Games closes as unprecedented success

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The 19th Asian Games closed here on Sunday under the theme of "Enduring Memories of Hangzhou" for the closing ceremony, highlighting the power and unity of sports and the Asian Games.10月8日,第19届亚运会举行了以“最忆是杭州”为主题的闭幕式,彰显了体育和亚运会的力量和团结。Over the past 16 days, around 12,000 athletes from 45 countries and regions shared unforgettable moments in Hangzhou, marking the third time that China has hosted the continental multi-sports event, following Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.过去的16天里,来自45个国家和地区的约1,2000名运动员共享了在杭州的难忘时刻。这是中国第三次举办亚运盛会,前两次分别是1990年北京亚运会和2010年广州亚运会。With breakdancing and esports making their debuts as official medal sports, the Hangzhou Asian Games featured 40 sports, 61 disciplines and 481 events. China clinched 201 golds, 111 silvers and 71 bronzes, finishing atop the medal tally for the 11th consecutive edition since 1982 and bettering its previous record of 199 golds at Guangzhou 2010.杭州亚运会共设40个大项、61个分项和481个小项,霹雳舞和电子竞技作为正式奖牌项目首次亮相。中国队获得了201枚金牌、111枚银牌和71枚铜牌,自1982年以来连续11年位居奖牌榜榜首,今年更是打破了2010年广州亚运会199枚金牌的纪录。Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) acting president Raja Randhir Singh attended the closing ceremony at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium.国务院总理李强和亚奥理事会代理主席拉贾·兰迪尔·辛格出席了在杭州奥体中心体育场举行的闭幕式。Singh declared the Games closed, praising the organizers as "the perfect host that the OCA will never forget."辛格宣布本届亚运会闭幕,并称赞中国是“完美的东道主,亚奥理事会永远不会忘记这一点。”"The power of sport, the power of the Asian Games is to unite us all in life. I would like to thank the Chinese government, the Chinese Olympic Committee, the people of Hangzhou and the Hangzhou organizing committee (HAGOC) for what you have done and ensured that the Hangzhou Asian Games were an unprecedented success," said the OCA acting president.辛格说,“体育的力量和亚运会的力量将我们所有人团结在一起。我要感谢中国政府、中国奥委会、杭州市民和杭州亚组委。感谢你们所做的一切,让杭州亚运会取得了空前的成功。”"The Qiantang River continually flows into the sea, and the light of Asia will continue to shine brightly in the future. The Asian Games flame is about to be extinguished, but its spirit will live on," said Gao Zhidan, organizing committee president.组委会主席高志丹表示:“钱塘江源源不断地流入大海,亚洲之光将在未来继续闪耀。亚运会的火炬即将熄灭,但亚运精神将永远留存。”"On this continent where countries share mountains, rivers and close cultural bonds, let's promote peace, solidarity and inclusiveness through sports, uphold the Asian Games spirit, and work together to create a better future. Together, we will write a new chapter of an Asian community with a shared future," added Gao, also president of the Chinese Olympic Committee.高志丹也是中国奥委会主席。他补充道:“在这片亚洲大地上,我们共享山河,有着紧密的文化联结。让我们以体育促和平、促团结、促包容,维护亚运精神,共创美好未来,合力续写亚洲命运共同体的崭新篇章。”Enhanced with AR visual effects, the stadium, also known as the "Big Lotus", turned into a blooming garden with 19 giant osmanthus flowers during the parade of athletes, symbolizing the diversity of Asian cultures and the prosperity of Asia.奥体中心体育场也被成为“大莲花”。在AR视觉效果的辅助下,体育场在运动员入场时变成了盛开的花园,19朵巨大的桂花象征着亚洲文化的多样与亚洲的繁荣。Xie Zhenye, who achieved a golden double in the men's 100m and 4x100m relay in Hangzhou, served as Chinese delegation's flagbearer at the closing ceremony.谢震业担任中国代表队的闭幕式旗手。他在本届亚运会夺得了男子100米和4×100米接力两枚金牌。Transforming from spectators to participants, athletes marched into the stadium as part of the performance, along with elements of musical theater and art installations in the Asian Garden.运动员从观众变成了参与者。他们伴随着音乐和艺术装置走入体育场的亚运花园,成为了演出的一部分。With the OCA flag lowered and the OCA anthem played, Hangzhou mayor Yao Gaoyuan handed the flag to Singh, who entrusted the flag to Hideaki Omura, governor of Aichi prefecture and Hideo Nakata, deputy mayor of Nagoya, the host city of the 2026 Asian Games.伴着亚奥理事会会歌,亚奥理事会会旗缓缓降下。杭州市市长姚高员将亚运会会旗交给了辛格,辛格将旗帜交给了2026年亚运会举办城市日本爱知县知事大村秀章和名古屋市副市长中田英雄。Echoing with the opening ceremony where a digital torchbearer lit the cauldron together with swimming Olympic champion Wang Shun, the digital torchbearer returned for the closing ceremony.本届亚运会开幕式上,一名数字火炬手与游泳奥运冠军汪顺共同点燃了圣火盆。作为回应,数字火炬手再次现身闭幕式。Following the extinguishing of the cauldron, the digital torchbearer stepped out and transformed into starlight filling up the night sky, passing on the flame of sports and the spirit of the Asian Games.圣火盆熄灭后,数字火炬手走出来,化作星光,散落夜空,将体育之火和亚运精神传递下去。Behind China, Japan finished in second place with 52 gold, 67 silver and 69 bronze medals, followed by South Korea on 42-59-89. 27 countries and regions won gold medals, while 41 delegations pocketed at least one medal.日本队以52枚金牌、67枚银牌和69枚铜牌排在中国队之后,位居奖牌榜第二。韩国队以42枚金牌、59枚银牌和89枚铜牌位居第三。27个国家和地区的代表队获得了金牌,41个代表队摘得至少一枚奖牌。China's swimmers Zhang Yufei and Qin Haiyang were jointly awarded Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the Asian Games on Saturday.中国的游泳选手张雨霏和覃海洋于10月7日双双获得亚运会最有价值运动员。Olympic champion Zhang, 25, clinched six titles in her signature events, while 24-year-old world champion Qin pocketed five golds and a silver on his second Asiad appearance.25岁的奥运冠军张雨霏在个人善长的项目中获得了六枚金牌,24岁的世界冠军覃海洋在个人第二届亚运会中获得了五枚金牌和一枚银牌。Their compatriots Li Bingjie, Xu Jiayu and Wang Shun also made a splash in the pool with a haul of multiple gold medals, while Oluwakemi Mujidat Adekoya of Bahrain and China's Wang Chuqin clinched four golds in athletics and table tennis respectively.两人的队友李冰洁、徐嘉余和汪顺也在游泳项目中斩获多枚金牌。巴林队选手奥卢娃克米·穆吉达特·阿德科亚和中国队选手王楚钦分别在田径和乒乓球比赛中获得了四枚金牌。The Hangzhou Asiad also produced world-leading performances with a total of 13 world records having been broken.杭州亚运会中,13项世界纪录被打破,彰显领跑世界的水准。Enduring Memories of Hangzhoun.最忆是杭州Hangzhou organizing committee (HAGOC)n.杭州亚运会组委会