英语新闻丨Harbin unveils Asian Winter Games mascots

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The Organizing Committee for the 9th Asian Winter Games unveiled the official emblem, mascots and slogan on Thursday for the regional games scheduled for February 2025 in Harbin, Heilongjiang province.周四(1月21日),第九届亚洲冬季运动会组委会公布了亚洲冬季运动会的官方会徽、吉祥物和口号,该运动会将于2025年2月在黑龙江省哈尔滨市举行。The mascots of the 9th Asian Winter Games — Siberian tigers "Binbin" and "Nini" — made their public debut amid cheers at an unveiling ceremony in Harbin.第九届亚洲冬季运动会吉祥物——东北虎“滨滨”和“妮妮”——在哈尔滨举行的揭幕仪式上首次亮相。They were created by a team from the Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University, and symbolize the in-depth exploration and shaping of the unique natural and cultural heritage of the Northeast — the Siberian tiger culture.它们由清华大学美术学院团队创作,象征着东北独特的自然和文化遗产,体现了他们对东北虎文化的深入了解。"The archetypes of Binbin and Nini are two cute little Siberian tigers born in September 2023 at the Siberian Tiger Park in Harbin," Zhang Qixiang, mayor of Harbin and vice-chairman and secretary-general of the Organizing Committee for the 9th Asian Winter Games, said at the ceremony.“滨滨和妮妮的原型是2023年9月在哈尔滨东北虎林园出生的两只小东北虎,”哈尔滨市市长、第九届亚冬会组委会副主席兼秘书长张起翔在仪式上说。"Their names mean 'Welcome to Harbin', and show Harbin's eager anticipation and sincere welcome to friends from Asian countries."“它们的名字意为‘哈尔滨欢迎你’,表达了哈尔滨对亚洲各国朋友的热切期待和真诚欢迎。”Binbin represents the ice events as he shows off his winter sportswear and shares his joy of ice dancing, while Nini represents the snow events, wearing traditional Chinese clothes.滨滨是冰上项目的吉祥物,仪式上展示了他的冬季运动服,并分享了他在冰上舞蹈的快乐,而妮妮则是雪上项目的吉祥物,穿着中国传统服装。In traditional Chinese culture, the tiger is a symbol of good luck and is endowed with many positive characteristics, among which integrity, strength and courage are highly consistent with the Olympic spirit.在中国传统文化中,老虎是吉祥的象征,具有许多积极的意涵,其中正直、顽强和勇气与奥林匹克精神高度一致。Binbin and Nini integrate the cute image of the tiger with the unique characteristics of Harbin's winter ice and snow and folk cultures.“滨滨”和“妮妮”的设计将老虎的可爱形象与哈尔滨冬季冰雪的独特特色和民俗文化融为一体。The emblem of the 9th Asian Winter Games in 2025 — "Breakthrough" — was also created by the team from the Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University, and expresses the beautiful pursuit of accelerating the construction of China's sports power in the new era, making unremitting efforts to challenge the goal of higher, faster and stronger, and making new contributions to Asian ice and snow sports.2025年第九届亚冬会会徽“超越”也由清华大学美术学院团队设计,体现了新时代加快体育强国建设的美好追求,为挑战更高、更快、更强的目标而不懈努力,为亚洲冰雪运动做出新的贡献。The design integrates elements such as the sprinting posture of speed skaters, the lilac flower of Harbin city and the logo of the Olympic Council of Asia, combining Chinese culture with Olympic elements.设计融合了速滑运动员的冲刺姿势、哈尔滨市花紫丁香、亚奥理事会会徽等元素,将中国文化与奥运元素相结合。The short track speed skater's agility and elegance embody the sportsmanship of the athletes across Asia and is the proud manifestation of the host city Harbin as a "City of Olympic Champions".短道速滑运动员的敏捷和优雅体现了亚洲运动员的体育精神,是主办城市哈尔滨作为“奥运冠军之城”的骄傲。The blooming lilac symbolizes Harbin's city culture of warmheartedness while the swirling ribbon adds a joyous visual impression.盛开的紫丁香象征着哈尔滨温暖的城市文化,而旋转的丝带则在视觉层面上增添了欢乐之感。The OCA symbol in the upper left represents the long-standing aspiration of Asian countries to pursue progress and peace.左上角的亚奥理事会标志,代表了亚洲国家长期以来追求和平与进步的愿望。With gradients of blue and purple, the emblem simulates the light and shadow refracted when sunlight hits ice.会徽用蓝色和紫色的渐变来描绘阳光到在冰面上折射出的光影。The overall line structure of the emblem can be seen as a variant of the Chinese character jiu, which means nine, signifying the 9th Asian Winter Games.图形整体线条结构可以看出是一个变体汉字“九”,直意为第九届亚冬会。The external contour lines form a cursive Chinese character he, which means harmony, conveying the Chinese people's deep longing for solidarity, common progress and a happy convergence with Asian friends.外部轮廓线形成草书“和”字,寓意和平,传达了中国人民与亚洲朋友对团结协作、共同进步、和谐共处的深切向往。"The emblem and mascots created by our team express the full connotation and innovative image design, reflecting the natural characteristics and the humanistic spirit of Harbin city, and the core concept of the Asian Winter Games, as well as the cultural heritage and values of the host country and host city," said the chief designer Chen Lei, who is also head of the department of visual communication design at the Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University.“我们团队设计的会徽和吉祥物以丰富的意蕴和新颖的图像,充分反映了哈尔滨的自然特征和人文精神,反映了亚洲冬季运动会的核心理念,以及东道国和主办城市的文化遗产和价值观,”总设计师陈磊说,他是清华大学美术学院视觉传达设计系的主任。The slogan of the 9th Asian Winter Games — "Dream of Winter, Love among Asia" — highlights the concept of connecting Asian countries with ice and snow, creating new growth poles of ice and snow economy, and promoting cultural exchanges between Asian countries, according to the committee.据组委会介绍,第九届亚洲冬季运动会的口号是“冰雪同梦,亚洲同心(Dream of Winter, Love among Asia)”,表现了用冰雪连接亚洲国家的精神,此次亚冬运会将创造冰雪新的经济增长极,促进亚洲国家之间的文化交流。It also highlights the practice of the vision of "a community with a shared future for mankind", and the Asian Winter Games should be used as a link to promote cooperation and common development among Asian countries.这是“人类命运共同体”理念的实践,以亚冬会为纽带,促进亚洲国家之间的合作和共同发展。The words "Dream of Winter" mean that the stage has been set for Asian athletes to demonstrate the unique charm of winter sports and realize their dreams, reflecting an irresistible urge to push physical limits and the unremitting pursuit of the Olympic spirit and motivating more people to engage in winter sports.“冰雪同梦”意味着亚洲运动员在冬季运动中一展雄风的梦想舞台已经生成,体现着对身体极限的挑战和对奥林匹克精神的不懈追求,激励着更多人投身冬季运动。The words "Love among Asia" voice the shared hope of the people of Asia in promoting solidarity and friendship with sincerity and warmth, and enhancing mutual learning and progress among the various cultures through exchange and respect.“亚洲同心”,体现了亚洲人民的共同愿望:以真诚之心、热忱之行促进团结和友谊,以交流互鉴、相互尊重促进不同文化交流和进步。"From Sept 19 to Oct 18, 2023, the organizing committee officially opened up global solicitation for the design of the Games' emblem, mascot and slogan," said Zhang. "We received a total of 4,608 valid works from 31 provincial-level administrative regions and overseas, including 3,518 slogan design works, 760 emblem design works and 330 mascot design works."张起翔说:“2023年9月19日到10月18日,组委会正式向全球征集奥运会会徽、吉祥物和口号的设计。”“我们共收到有效作品4608件,来自31个省级行政区和海外地区,其中标语设计作品3518件,会徽设计作品760件,吉祥物设计作品330件。”"The slogan, emblem and mascots of the 9th Asian Winter Games present the aspirations of the people of Harbin and the historical envoys of the Party and the country," he said.他说:“第九届亚冬会的口号、会徽和吉祥物体现了哈尔滨人民的愿望,也是党和国家的历史使命。”"We believe that these cultural symbols will surely become the historical mark of the 9th Asian Winter Games in 2025, the dazzling stars in the historical process of the world Olympic movement, and the new coordinate system for the high-quality development of Heilongjiang and Harbin," he added.“我们相信,这些文化符号必将成为2025年第九届亚冬会的历史标志,成为世界奥林匹克运动史上耀眼的明星,成为黑龙江和哈尔滨高质量发展的新坐标。”Harbin successfully won the bid to host the 9th Asian Winter Games on July 8, 2023, marking the third time that the regional games will take place in China.2023年7月8日,哈尔滨成功申办第九届亚冬会,这是该运动会第三次在中国举办。Harbin hosted it in 1996 and Changchun, capital of Jilin province, was the venue for the Games in 2007. The multisport event is usually held every four years.1996年,哈尔滨主办了亚冬会,2007年,亚冬会由吉林省会长春主办。亚冬会每四年举行一次。On Wednesday, the inaugural meeting of the Organizing Committee for the 9th Asian Winter Games, scheduled for 2025, took place in Harbin.周三,2025第九届亚洲冬季运动会组委会成立大会在哈尔滨举行。During the meeting, a comprehensive report on the event's preparations was presented, and the committee deliberated and approved the organizational structure and functional allocation plan for the 9th Asian Winter Games Organizing Committee (Executive Committee), as well as the rules that the committee needs to abide by.会议全面汇报了赛事筹备工作,审议通过了第九届亚冬会组委会(执委会)的组织架构和职能配置方案,以及执委会需遵守的各项规定。Asian Winter Gamesn. 亚洲冬季运动会Dream of Winter, Love among Asia冰雪同梦,亚洲同心