英语新闻丨Heat in capital leads to heatstrokes

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As Beijing grapples with what is turning out to be its hottest June ever, a growing number of people in the capital have experienced heatstroke, leading to calls for the public to take precautions and avoid outdoor activities around noon.随着北京努力应对有史以来最热的6月,首都越来越多的人中暑,导致人们呼吁公众采取预防措施,避免中午前后的户外活动。According to the Beijing Meteorological Center, the capital experienced its fourth consecutive day of temperatures higher than 35 C on Thursday, exceeding the average number of days of 35 C or more for the month of June, which is 3.9.根据北京气象中心的数据,首都北京在6月13日经历了连续第四天的气温超过35摄氏度,超过了6月份平均35摄氏度或以上的天数,即3.9天。Meanwhile, the center renewed a yellow alert for lightning from 3 pm on Thursday to 5 am on Friday, with strong winds, sudden downpours and even hail expected.与此同时,该中心从6月13日下午3点至6月14日凌晨5点再次发布黄色闪电警报,预计将出现强风、暴雨甚至冰雹。China has a four-tier, color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe conditions, followed by orange, yellow and blue.中国气象灾害预警信号按颜色分为了四个等级,红色代表最严重的情况,其次是橙色、黄色和蓝色。On Wednesday evening, the National Meteorological Center continued to issue an orange alert for high temperatures as multiple regions experienced sweltering heat.6月12日晚上,国家气象中心继续发布高温橙色警报,多个地区出现酷热天气。The center predicted maximum temperatures will reach as high as 42 C in the provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan, and 39 C in Beijing, Tianjin and the provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Hubei.该中心预测,河北、山东和河南的最高气温将达到42摄氏度,北京、天津和陕西、山西、安徽、江苏和湖北的最高气温将达到39摄氏度。According to Beijing News, the emergency medical hotline in the capital has received on average more than 20 calls a day about heatstroke since the start of the month.据《新京报》报道,自本月初以来,首都急救热线平均每天接到20多个中暑电话。Wei Jiaqi, who works for the Beijing Emergency Help Center, said elderly people, tourists and people who work outdoors are more likely to experience heatstroke.在北京急救中心工作的魏佳岐说,老年人、游客和在户外工作的人更容易中暑。Fu Yan, a doctor who works in the emergency department of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, said the hospital has received patients with mild heatstroke and heat cramps, most of whom are seniors and outdoor workers.在北京积水潭医院急诊科工作的医生付燕说,医院已经接收了轻度中暑和热痉挛的患者,其中大多数是老年人和户外工作者。People should take measures to protect themselves against the summer heat, which can cause a number of ailments including nausea, fatigue, convulsions, dehydration, liver and kidney failure, and even death, she said.她说,人们应该采取措施保护自己免受夏季高温的影响,夏季高温会导致多种疾病,包括恶心、疲劳、抽搐、脱水、肝肾功能衰竭,甚至死亡。Human resources, health and disease control authorities in Beijing have conducted joint inspections of company work sites involving intense outdoor labor, including construction sites, utility areas and delivery service facilities, to make sure employers are making efforts to prevent heat-related ailments and protect their workers' health.北京市人社、卫健、疾控部门对涉及高强度户外劳动的公司工作场所进行了联合检查,包括建筑工地、公用事业区和送货服务设施,以确保用人单位正在努力预防与高温有关的疾病,保护员工的健康。Xu Chengkai, director at a construction site managed by the China Construction Second Engineering Bureau, said there are about 1,800 people working at the site.中国建筑第二工程局管理的一个建筑工地的负责人徐承恺(Xu Chengkai)说,大约有1,800人在该工地工作。The company has conducted safety training for its workers so they know how to protect themselves against the heat, he said.他说,公司已经对员工进行了安全培训,让他们知道如何保护自己免受高温伤害。It has also arranged its work shifts so that laborers work outdoors in the morning and late in the afternoon, and work indoors or take a break in rest areas around noon, he said. The company also offers workers medicine to prevent heatstroke, he added.他说,该公司还安排了工作班次,以便工人在上午和下午晚些时候在户外工作,中午左右在室内工作或在休息区休息。他补充说,公司还为员工提供预防中暑的药物。Li Chengkai, 29, who works at a culture promotions company in Beijing, said he puts on sunscreen and carries an umbrella to block the sun — things he said white-collar workers must do as they walk around the city.29岁的李成凯(Li Chengkai)在北京一家文化推广公司工作,他说自己会涂防晒霜、带雨伞遮挡阳光——他说这些是白领在北京行走时必须做的事情。He also said he drinks plenty of water and eats watermelon every day. "Beijing is getting hotter earlier, and I guess people just need to learn to deal with the extreme heat," he said.他还说他每天都喝大量的水和吃西瓜。他说:“北京变得越来越热了,我想人们是时候需要学会应对极端的高温。”heatstroke中暑dehydration脱水