英语新闻|High-profile celebrities fined for tax evasion

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Taxation authorities have pledged to step up supervision on the entertainment industry after a popular actress and an internet influencer were hit with heavy fines for tax evasion.知名网红女演员因偷逃税被罚巨款后,税务机关宣布将加强对娱乐业的监管。Yuan Bingyan, a film and television actress who graduated from the prestigious Shanghai Theatre Academy, was fined almost 3 million yuan ($412,400) by tax authorities in Chongqing, where her company Chongqing Liyan Culture Media Co is registered, according to a statement on the State Taxation Administration’s website.国家税务总局网站消息,影视女演员袁冰妍被重庆税务机关罚款近300万元(约合41,2400美元)。袁冰妍毕业于业界权威的上海戏剧学院,其关联公司重庆丽妍文化传媒有限公司注册于重庆。The 31-year-old’s fines were for tax evasion and other penalties, including overdue tax payments.31岁的袁冰妍因偷逃税及其他罚金,包括逾期缴税等,被处以罚款。Chongqing Liyan Culture Media Co was separately ordered to pay a 1.32 million yuan fine for unpaid taxes and other penalties. All the fines have been paid, according to the administration’s statement.重庆丽妍文化传媒有限公司因未缴税款及其他罚金,先后被追罚132万元。有关部门称,罚款现已全被缴纳。Last year, local taxation authorities imposed a 978,000-yuan fine on Chongqing Liyan Culture Media Co for tax-related misconduct.去年,重庆丽妍文化传媒有限公司因税务相关过失被当地税务机关处以97,8000元罚款。Suspecting tax fraud, local tax authorities reminded Yuan, who held a controlling interest in the company, of their doubts and urged her to rectify the situation. However, Yuan failed to fully report her wrongdoings, prompting authorities to launch a formal investigation.袁冰妍是该公司的控股股东。重庆市税务机关曾怀疑袁存在税务欺诈,对其发出提醒并督促整改。然而袁未能如实上报过失,促使有关部门展开了正式调查。The probe revealed that Yuan did not declare part of her income, and illegally presented her personal spending as corporate expenditure. The practices reduced the amount of both personal and corporate taxes, the statement said.经查,袁冰妍取得的部分收入未如实上报,并将用于个人的消费性支出在其控股关联企业违规列支,以此减少了个人及公司应缴税款。“The tax department will continue to strengthen tax supervision in the field of culture and entertainment, strictly investigate and punish tax-related violations in accordance with the law, constantly improve the tax law compliance of employees and enterprises in the field, and create a fair tax (system),” it said.税务机关表示,“部门将继续加强文娱领域税收监管工作,依法严肃查处涉税违法行为,不断提升文娱领域从业人员及企业的税法遵从度,营造公平的税收系统。”Meanwhile, “gossip” livestreamer Wu Chuan was forced to repay a total of 13.6 million yuan, the taxation administration said in a separate statement.同时,税务机关在另一份声明中表示,网红主播吴川被罚缴纳总计1360万元。Wu, whose broadcasts on short-video platform Douyu can attract as many as 600,000 viewers, had dodged tax and resisted investigation.吴川在斗鱼短视频平台的直播观看人数达60万之多。他曾逃税并拒不接受调查。Better known on the platform by his alias “Soul Knife God”, he evaded 8.27 million yuan in personal income tax between 2018 and 2021 through methods such as concealing earnings or fabricating the nature of some of his income, it said.吴川以其网名“灵魂刀神”而为人所知。声明中指出,他在2018至2021年间通过隐瞒个人所得、伪造收入性质等手段,偷逃个人所得税827万元。According to the statement, tax authorities in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, where Wu is based, initially reached out to the host and asked him to fix his mistakes. However, Wu refused to cooperate, triggering a full inspection.吴川所在的广西壮族自治区税务机关最初要求其自查整改,然而吴拒绝配合,引发了全面审查。Taxation authorities said they will continue to strengthen supervision on livestream hosts, seriously investigate and punish tax-related illegal acts in accordance with the law, and promote the development and standardization of the industry.税务机关称,将继续加强对直播博主的监管工作,依法严肃查处涉税违法行为,促进娱乐业的发展与规范化。The pair are among a growing cohort of wealthy entertainers who have faced steep fines over income tax evasion in recent years as China works to combat unreasonably high incomes as part of the national drive to promote common prosperity.近年来,中国致力于打击不合理的高收入群体以促进国内共同富裕,除袁冰妍和吴川两人外,越来越多富有的娱乐业人员因偷逃个人所得税受到重罚。In a high-profile case in 2018, Fan Bingbing, a top actress with 63 million followers on microblogging platform Sina Weibo, was fined a mammoth 800 million yuan for dodging up to 255 million yuan in personal and corporate taxes. Following the announcement of the fine, Fan made a public apology and said she would overcome all difficulties and pay the fine.2018年的知名案件中,在新浪微博拥有6300万粉丝的顶流女演员范冰冰,因偷逃2亿5500万元个人及公司税款被重罚8亿元。处罚公布后,范冰冰公开道歉,称将克服一切困难缴纳罚款。On Saturday, People.cn, a news website controlled by People’s Daily newspaper, published a commentary warning that those who work in entertainment should strictly comply with the tax law and never harbor ideas of tax evasion.9月16日,人民日报名下的新闻网站People.cn发布评论,警告娱乐业人员严格遵守税法,切忌存有逃税的念头。“Celebrities should take the lead in complying with the law and take the initiative to assume social responsibility,” it said. “Unfortunately, some repeatedly evade tax and ignore the legal constraints, and ultimately suffer the consequences,” it said.评论说道,“知名人士应带头遵守法律,主动承担社会责任。不幸的是,一些人反复偷逃税款,无视法律约束,最终将自食其果。”Tax evasion英/ˈtæks ɪveɪʒn/美/ˈtæks ɪveɪʒn/n.偷逃税Net influencern.网红