英语新闻丨High tech benefits the disabled

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Technology was the major theme of this year's National Disability Day, which fell on Sunday, as emerging technologies ranging from wearable devices to brain implants help people with disabilities better connect with society, according to the China Disabled Persons' Federation.中国残疾人联合会表示,今年的全国助残日的主题是科技,因为从可穿戴设备到脑植入物等新兴技术正在帮助残疾人更好地融入社会。National Disability Day cast a spotlight on a range of innovations aimed at helping disabled people lead independent and dignified lives.全国助残日聚焦于一系列旨在帮助残疾人过上独立而有尊严生活的创新技术。These advancements included an artificial intelligence exoskeleton — a wearable, AI-powered robotic frame designed to enhance the physical abilities of the lower body.这些进步包括一种人工智能外骨骼——一种可穿戴的人工智能驱动机器人框架,旨在增强下肢的物理能力。The technology could potentially help tens of millions of Chinese with walking disabilities due to nerve damage caused by a range of conditions such as hemiplegia, paraplegia and cerebral palsy, said Shuai Mei, a Beihang University professor specializing in robotics.北京航空航天大学机器人专家帅梅表示,这项技术理论上可以帮助数千万因各种疾病(如偏瘫、截瘫和脑瘫)导致神经损伤而行走不便的中国人。She noted that conventional treatments are time-consuming and often have unsatisfactory results.她指出,传统的治疗方法耗时较长,且往往效果不佳。However, the exoskeleton technology has presented a shortcut.然而,外骨骼技术提供了一条捷径。"These robots help paralyzed individuals stand, walk and engage in smart rehabilitation training," Shuai said, adding that the devices provide high-intensity, repetitive training that improves walking consistency and effectiveness. “这些机器人可以帮助残疾人站立、行走,并进行智能康复训练。”帅梅补充说这些设备提供了高强度、重复性的训练,有助于提高行走的一致性和有效性。The robots also assist in daily activities by recognizing the users' intentions and aiding in tasks such as walking, climbing stairs and squatting, Shuai added.帅梅补充说,这些机器人还可以通过识别用户的意图,帮助他们完成诸如行走、爬楼梯和下蹲等日常活动。Breakthroughs have also been made in individual brain functional segmentation research, which studies the brain regions responsible for specific cognitive functions or behaviors, according to scientist Liu Hesheng of the Changping Laboratory in Beijing.北京长平实验室的科学家刘合生表示,在个体脑功能分区研究方面也取得了突破性进展,该研究旨在研究负责特定认知功能或行为的大脑区域。Such expertise is crucial for investigating brain disorders, cognitive functions and variations in brain organization, he said.他表示,这种专业知识对于研究脑部疾病、认知功能和大脑组织差异至关重要。Neuroscience discoveries offer hope for improving assistive technologies for those with disabilities, and as human knowledge of the brain grows, scientists can develop smarter tools to help those in need.神经科学发现为改善残疾人的辅助技术带来了希望,随着人类对大脑的认识不断加深,科学家可以开发出更智能的工具来帮助有需要的人。"Scientists are currently trying out ways to tweak certain brain circuits directly. This has led to some big breakthroughs in treating certain conditions," he said, adding that implanting brain stimulators — which replicate the activity of neurons and synapses in the brain — has shown promise in treating Parkinson's disease.“科学家目前正在尝试直接调整某些脑电路的方法。这已经在某些条件下的治疗方面取得了重大突破。植入脑刺激器(能够模拟大脑中神经元和突触的活动)在治疗帕金森病方面显示出了希望。”Brain researchers are also working on nonsurgical, noninvasive options to help conditions such as stroke impairments, cerebral palsy and autism, Liu said.脑科学研究人员在研究非手术、非侵入性的方法来帮助诸如中风后遗症、脑瘫和自闭症等疾病的患者。Other innovations that are improving accessibility for people with disabilities include intelligent speech-to-text technology; homegrown cochlear implants; augmented reality solutions for improved information accessibility for the hearing impaired; Braille and tactile graphic display technology enabling blind individuals to interpret graphics; intelligent prosthetics; and neurostimulation rehabilitation devices that target urinary issues in those with spinal cord injuries.其他改善残疾人可及性的创新技术还包括智能语音转文字技术、国产人工耳蜗、增强现实解决方案,以改善听力障碍者的信息获取能力;盲文和触觉图形显示技术,使盲人能够解读图形;智能假肢;以及针对脊髓损伤患者排尿问题的神经刺激康复设备。In recent years, China has increased its efforts in the research, development and application of assistive technologies for people with disabilities.近年来,中国加大了对残疾人辅助技术研究、开发和应用方面的投入。The Government Work Report by the State Council this year proposed strengthening the research, development and application of technologies in health, elderly care and disability assistance, among others.今年国务院政府工作报告提出要加强健康、养老、残疾人辅助等领域的技术研究、开发和应用。Neurostimulation神经刺激Prosthetics修复学