英语新闻丨HK to welcome new giant pandas as gift

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Hong Kong is set to welcome a new pair of giant pandas presented as a gift by the central government, the special administrative region's chief executive, John Lee Ka-chiu, announced on Monday at a reception to celebrate the 27th anniversary of its establishment.7月1日,香港特区行政长官李家超在庆祝香港回归祖国27周年的酒会上对中央政府向香港特区赠送一对大熊猫表示衷心感谢,并已展开准备工作,迎接大熊猫来港。They are expected to arrive in Hong Kong in a few months and settle at Ocean Park, joining Ying Ying and Le Le, two previous gifts from the central government.预计将在几个月后抵达香港的这对大熊猫将在香港海洋公园定居,与中央政府此前赠送的大熊猫“盈盈”和“乐乐”共同生活。Lee said the move fully demonstrates the nation's care and support for Hong Kong. He added that this year also marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which makes the gift even more special.李家超表示此举充分体现了国家对香港特区的关心和支持,并补充道今年也是中华人民共和国成立75周年,两只大熊猫作为礼物也更加特别。He spoke about how two pairs of giant pandas previously given to Hong Kong by the central government had woven their way into the collective memory of generations of Hong Kong people, who adored them.他还称,中央过去赠送的两对大熊猫陪伴一代又一代香港人成长,是大家的集体回忆。即将来临的一对大熊猫将会成为香港人的亲密“家人”,为他们带去欢笑和喜悦。The Hong Kong government has been liaising with related mainland authorities to discuss arrangements for the arrival of the giant pandas.特区政府已与大陆相关部门展开对接,商讨大熊猫赴港的安排。In 2022, Hong Kong went into mourning when the world's oldest male panda in captivity died at Ocean Park zoo. Born in the wild in Sichuan province, An An, together with its female mate Jia Jia, was given to Hong Kong by the central government in 1999. An An was euthanized at the age of 35 — the equivalent of a human living till 105.2022年,全球最长寿的圈养雄性大熊猫“安安”在香港海洋公园与世长辞。“安安”出生于四川,1999年与雌性伴侣“佳佳”一起被中央政府赠与香港。“安安”在35岁时以安乐死免于痛苦,该年龄等同于人类的105岁高龄。The pandas set multiple Guinness World Records in 2015 — Jia Jia becoming the oldest giant panda under human care, and An An the oldest male giant panda under human care.这对大熊猫在2015年创下了数项世界吉尼斯记录——“佳佳”成为了人类照顾下全球最长寿的大熊猫,“安安”则成为人类照顾下全球最长寿的雄性大熊猫。Ocean Park Chairman Paulo Pong Kin-yee said giant pandas have always been the park's most popular animal ambassadors. They have brought countless precious memories to over 55 million local and global visitors since 1999. Pong said the addition of new giant pandas will enrich Hong Kong's tourism resources and enhance Ocean Park's conservation and education efforts.海洋公园公司董事局主席庞建贻表示,大熊猫一直是公园最受欢迎的动物大使。自 1999 年以来,它们为超过5500万国内及全球游客带来了无数珍贵的回忆。新增的这对大熊猫将丰富香港的旅游资源,并进一步增强海洋公园的保护及教育成效。Hong Kong lawmaker Tan Yueheng said that giant pandas are beloved national treasures with a large global fan base. He said he believes the arrival of the new giant pandas will ignite a tourism boom and inject vitality into the local tourism industry. 香港立法会议员谭岳衡表示,大熊猫是深受喜爱的国宝,拥有庞大的全球粉丝群体。相信新的大熊猫的到来将点燃旅游热潮,为香港旅游业注入活力。Tan said that giant pandas have become valuable intellectual property in recent years.谭岳衡还说,近年来,大熊猫(IP)已成为宝贵的知识产权。Hua Hua, from Chengdu, has become a name card of the tourism industry in Sichuan's provincial capital, and driven related industries such as cultural and creative products and themed hotels. Similarly, Fu Bao in South Korea has garnered hundreds of millions of views online.来自成都的“花花”已成为四川旅游业的名片,带动了文创周边、主题酒店等相关产业的发展。同样,出生于韩国的大熊猫“福宝”也获得了数亿网络浏览量。Hong Kong should seize every opportunity to capitalize on the new giant pandas' arrival in the city, Tan said.谭岳衡表示,香港应抓住每一次宝贵的机遇,将大熊猫相关产业链发展起来。Euthanizen. 安乐死