英语新闻丨HK youths keen to work with GBA

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Hong Kong youths' recognition of theGuangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Areahas reached new heights, with 66 percent of respondents in a recent survey expressing their willingness to develop in the area, and 67 percent either "agreeing" or "strongly agreeing" with the development plan of the GBA, according to the survey released on Tuesday.2024年1月16日发布的一项调查显示,香港年轻人对粤港澳大湾区的认可度达到新高,在最近的一项调查中,66%的受访者表示愿意在该地区发展,67%的人“同意”或“强烈同意”粤港澳大湾区的发展计划。The percentage of youths' recognition of the development plan of the GBA was nearly twice as high as the response in 2021, and marked a record high for the tracking index launched in 2018.如今年轻人对粤港澳大湾区发展计划的认可率几乎是2021年的两倍,创下了2018年推出的跟踪指数的新高。The survey was conducted by the Hong Kong Guangdong Youth Association and another three organizations, and interviewed 1,000 Hong Kong youths aged 15 to 39 and 530 Hong Kong youths residing in Guangdong province from September to October. The goal of the survey was to take the pulse of youths' views on the development of the GBA.这项调查由粤港青年协会和其他三个组织进行,于2023年9月至10月采访了1000名15至39岁的香港青年和530名在广东省居住的香港青年。调查的目的是了解年轻人对粤港澳大湾区发展的意见。Among the interviewees who have plans for further study, more than 70 percent intend to go to the Chinese mainland. Among those who are studying in Guangdong, 42 percent indicated a desire to return to the special administrative region within five years. The survey organizer believed that it shows that Hong Kong residents have a high potential to work and study between the two places.在有深造计划的受访者中,超过70%的人打算去中国内陆。在广东省学习的受访者中,42%的人表示希望在五年内回到香港特别行政区。调查组织者认为,这表明香港居民在两地工作和学习的潜力很大。Adam Kwok Kai-fai, founder and executive chairman of the association, said that in view of the shortage of talent and labor in Hong Kong in recent years, the government should adopt multipronged approaches, and start attracting students who have the potential to the SAR to pursue further studies as early as possible, as well as encouraging those who have finished their studies in Hong Kong to stay, so as to provide talent for the city's transformation into "eight centers"—eight key areas set out by the nation for the city in its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25).该协会创始人兼执行主席郭启辉(Adam Kwok Kai-fai)表示,鉴于近年来香港人才和劳动力短缺,政府应采取多管齐下的措施,尽早开始吸引有潜力的学生到特区深造,并鼓励那些在香港完成学业的人留下来,为香港转型为“八大中心”提供人才——国家在“十四五”规划(2021-2025年)中为香港设定的八个关键领域。Lawyer Elvis Lam Gwong-kin, who completed his university studies on the mainland and who has practiced in the GBA since 2016, agreed with the measures proposed in the report, including optimizing the government's funding for students to pursue study on the mainland—the Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme.在内地完成大学学业并自2016年以来一直在大湾区执业的林光健(Elvis Lam Gwong-kin)律师同意报告中提出的措施,包括优化政府为学生在内地学习提供的资金——内地大学学习资助计划。Lam told China Daily that it provides incentives for youngsters to choose the mainland for study as it significantly reduces the cost of studying.林光健律师告诉《中国日报》,它为年轻人选择在内地学习提供了激励,因为它大大降低了学习成本。The scheme allows students from poor families who have dreams of going to college or graduate school to continue their education, he added.他补充说,该计划可以让那些梦想上大学或研究生的家庭贫困的学生继续接受教育。Lam also proposed simplifying the government's Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme, which provides a HK$10,000($1,300) subsidy for job positions in the GBA's mainland cities for 18 months. Lam suggested canceling the requirement of only those who have recently graduated from college, allowing more youngsters to apply for the employment scheme.林光健律师还建议简化政府的大湾区青年就业计划,该计划为在大湾区内地城市工作18个月的人员提供1万港元(1300美元)的补贴。他建议取消对刚毕业大学生的要求,让更多的年轻人申请就业计划。。A PhD student from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine shared his personal experience of studying and starting a business on the mainland at the news conference. He said studying on the mainland can help Hong Kong students become more familiar with the cultures of each place, as well as the national development guidelines and policies, giving them the upper hand in pursuing their own careers.在新闻发布会上,广州中医药大学的一名博士生分享了他个人在内地学习和创业的经历。他说,在内地学习可以帮助香港学生更加熟悉每个地方的文化,以及国家的发展方针和政策,使他们在追求自己的事业时占据优势。Patrick Choi Cheong-wa, a Hong Kong interior designer who founded an architectural design company in Foshan, Guangdong province, told China Daily that he hopes that the authorities can launch entrepreneurship support programs for Hong Kong youngsters, providing support like apartments, capital, training and professional guidance. 在广东省佛山市创办了一家建筑设计公司的香港室内设计师蔡清华(Patrick Choi Cheong-wa)在接受《中国日报》采访时表示,他希望政府能够为香港年轻人推出创业支持计划,提供公寓、资金、培训和职业指导等支持。Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area n.粤港澳大湾区14th Five-Year Plann. “十四五” 规划