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英语新闻︱九价HPV疫苗接种年龄放宽China's top drug regulator has expanded the use of an imported vaccine against nine strains of the cancer-causing human papillomavirus to girls as young as nine and adults up to age 45.近日,九价人乳头瘤病毒疫苗(酿酒酵母),也称九价HPV疫苗,获得中国国家药品监督管理局批准,适用接种人群拓展至9-45岁适龄女性。While hailing the decision as part of China's endeavor to accelerate elimination of cervical cancer, experts said that given the tight supply of the 9-valent vaccine and increasing evidence of the efficacy of homegrown vaccines, it is wise to receive any approved HPV vaccines available.专家称赞此举彰显了中国加速消除宫颈癌的决心。鉴于九价HPV疫苗一针难求,且国产HPV疫苗也能有效预防宫颈癌,因而接种任一获批HPV疫苗都是明智之举。The National Medical Products Administration first granted authorization to Gardasil 9, a 9-valent HPV vaccine created by global pharmaceutical giant Merck, for use in females aged 16 to 26 in 2018. On Tuesday, the administration said that its use is now broadened to females aged 9 through 45.2018年,药企默沙东研发的九价HPV疫苗“佳达修9”首次获批用于16岁至26岁的女性。8月30日,国家药品监督管理局宣布该疫苗适用接种人群拓展至9岁至45岁的适龄女性。Currently, three imported HPV vaccines and two domestic vaccines have been approved for use on the mainland. Gardasil 9 is the only one that can shield nine strains of HPV, while the others offer protection against either two or four strains.目前我国已有五款HPV疫苗获批注册,包含了三款进口HPV疫苗和两款国产疫苗。“佳达修9”是唯一能够预防九种HPV病毒类型的疫苗,而其他疫苗则可以抵御两种或四种HPV病毒类型。Qiao Youlin, a professor at the School of Population Medicine and Public Health at the Peking Union Medical College, said that HPV vaccines work best among teenage girls and those who have not had a sexual encounter, but sexually active women can still benefit from getting vaccinated.中国医学科学院北京协和医学院群医学及公共卫生学院乔友林教授指出,青少年女孩接种HPV疫苗,容易激发更好的免疫反应,未发生性行为的女性接种HPV疫苗将获得最佳预防效果。"Expanding the age group eligible for the 9-valent vaccine will offer more options for Chinese females of different ages to prevent HPV infection and protect their health, and advance China's action to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer," he said in a news release published by Merck on Tuesday.8月30日,乔友林教授在默沙东公众号发布的文章中表示:“九价HPV疫苗获批扩龄更是令我们倍感振奋,其将为我国不同年龄层的女性预防HPV感染和降低相关疾病风险带来更多守护健康的选择,并进一步推动我国加快消除宫颈癌的步伐。”In China, nearly 110,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer last year, and 59,000 had died of the disease, said Zhao Fanghui, a professor at the National Cancer Center and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences' Cancer Hospital, citing data from the Global Cancer Observatory, a cancer data platform associated with the World Health Organization.国家癌症中心、中国医学科学院肿瘤医院的赵方辉教授援引世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构的数据称,2020年我国宫颈癌新发病例约11万,死亡病例约5.9万。"Official data also show that the incidence of cervical cancer in China is rising and the average age of patients is getting younger, which is highly concerning," she said.赵方辉说:“官方数据显示,我国宫颈癌呈现发病率上升、发病年轻化的趋势,这是非常令人担忧的。”Eliminating the disease would require consolidated efforts in boosting the vaccination rate, especially among those aged under 15, as well as promoting early screening and treatment. Due to limited supplies and low awareness, China is now lagging far behind some leading countries in terms of immunization coverage, according to Zhao.赵方辉表示,消除宫颈癌还需加强努力,提高疫苗接种率,尤其是15岁以下人群的接种率,促进癌症筛查和早诊早治。由于HPV疫苗供应有限,公众认知不高,中国目前的疫苗覆盖率仍处于较低水平。However, the rising number of highly effective domestic vaccines available on the market is expected to ramp up the efforts.不过,具有高保护效力的国产HPV疫苗数量逐年增加,为中国宫颈癌防治事业增添了新动力。Six homegrown 9-valent HPV vaccines have entered the third stage of clinical trials, according to information shared by Dong Shaozhong, a researcher at Walvax Biotechnology, during a forum held during the weekend. Doses that protect against even more strains are also under research.沃森生物研究员董少忠表示,6种国产九价HPV疫苗已经进入Ⅲ期临床试验阶段,预防更多HPV病毒类型的疫苗也在研发中。Even though the highly-coveted 9-valent vaccine is not easily available at present, Zhao said unvaccinated groups should not hesitate to receive a dose that protects against two strains.赵方辉表示,九价HPV疫苗一针难求,适龄女性不必盲目等待高价次疫苗,可尽早接种二价HPV疫苗。A new study published in the journal The Lancet Infectious Disease on Friday shows that Cecolin, the first domestic vaccine that protects against two HPV strains, is 100 percent effective in protecting against genital lesions-a precancerous condition-and 97.3 percent effective against persistent infection.8月26日,《柳叶刀-感染病学》发表的一项新研究表明,国产HPV疫苗馨可宁可有效预防HPV16型和18型病毒类型,对HPV16型和/或18型感染相关的病变终点的保护率为100.0%,对HPV16型和/或18型持续性感染(6月以上)的保护率为97.3%。Zhao, who is involved in the study, said the data shows that the domestic vaccine's efficacy is on par with its international alternatives.参与此项研究的赵方辉教授表示,数据显示,国产疫苗与进口疫苗的疗效不相上下。Moreover, the two types of HPV that the vaccine is capable of protecting against cause about 84.5 percent of cervical squamous cancer cases-the most common form of cervical cancer-in China, higher than the global average of 70 percent.馨可宁能够预防约84.5%的宫颈癌鳞癌病例,宫颈癌鳞癌是我国宫颈癌当中最为常见的类型,发病率高于全球平均水平七成。"The follow-up study that tracks more than 7,300 women for about 5.5 years adds evidence to the long-term protection provided by the domestic vaccine," she said. "It can also inform the formulation of public health policies and boost public confidence in and acceptance of domestic vaccines," she said.赵方辉介绍说:“研究团队对7300多名志愿者进行了为期5年半的随访,为国产疫苗的高保护率提供了数据支撑”赵方辉说道:“研究结果为公共卫生政策的制定提供了必要信息,还有利于提高公众对国产疫苗的信心与接受度。”While the latest authorization for Gardasil 9 means that more well-off groups can access the vaccine, Zhao suggested the general public not hesitate to receive available vaccines as soon as possible.虽然“佳达修9”接种年龄放宽意味着更多富人能够打上疫苗,但赵方辉建议公众不必执着高价数疫苗,及早接种疫苗。记者:王小予cervical英[ˈsɜ:vɪkl];美[ˈsɜrvɪkl]adj. [解]颈的;子宫颈的shield英[ʃiːld];美[ʃiːld]vt.保护;掩护;庇护;给…加防护罩n.盾;护罩;盾形奖牌;保护人eligible英[ˈelɪdʒəbl];美[ˈelɪdʒəbl]adj.有资格的;(作为结婚对象)合适的alternative英[ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv];美[ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv]n. 可供选择的事物adj.替代的,备选的;另类的