英语新闻丨iPhone 不支持微信?回应来了

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9月2日,“苹果 微信”这一词条登上微博热搜。有消息称,微信可能不支持iPhone16,并提醒用户一定不要更新系统。该消息一出,引发网友讨论。有媒体致电苹果官方热线,接线的苹果中国区技术顾问表示,第三方言论关于iOS系统或者苹果设备能否再使用微信,包括微信后续能否在苹果应用商店继续上架和下载,需要由苹果公司和腾讯之间相互沟通和探讨,才能确定之后的情况。该技术顾问表示,目前苹果正在与腾讯积极沟通,来确认后续腾讯是否还会继续向苹果应用商店提供软件下载的抽成。“大家关心的以后微信还能不能下载使用,也需要等官方发出的提示为准,我们对第三方消息没有办法做任何评判,上述解释也仅供参考。”Apple Inc will be unlikely to end its support of the texting app WeChat on iPhone 16, and the two sides are expected to deepen cooperation instead, sources on Friday.The comments were made in response to the news that the upcoming iPhone 16 may not support WeChat.Several sources close to the matter confirmed to China Daily that it is a rumor.Wang Peng, an associate researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, said that it is unlikely that the two sides will not support each other no matter from a technical or market perspective."WeChat, as a social platform widely used by Chinese users, is essential. If iPhone 16 doesn't support WeChat, it will have a huge impact on Apple's sales in the Chinese market, which is obviously not in Apple's commercial interests," he said.As for the future direction of Apple and WeChat in China, Wang expected that the two sides will reach a consensus through negotiations and continue to provide users with high-quality products and services."In the future, with the continuous development of smartphones and application services, the improvement of the ecosystem and the seamles integration of services will become an inevitable trend, and the cooperation between Apple and WeChat will continue to deepen in this context," he added.Reporter: Cheng Yu