英语新闻丨Israel presses incursion in Gaza

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Israeli troops pushed deeper into Gaza on Tuesday, driving tanks and armored bulldozers through the rubble of shattered buildings and hunting for Hamas militants, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu categorically ruled out a cease-fire.10月31日,在以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡断然拒绝停火之后,以色列军队深入加沙地区,驾驶坦克和装甲推土机穿过被炸毁的建筑物废墟,追捕哈马斯武装人员。Israel said its forces attacked Hamas gunmen inside the vast tunnel network beneath Gaza.以色列方表示,以军袭击了加沙地下庞大地道网络中的哈马斯持枪人员。The tunnels are a key objective for Israel as it expands ground operations inside Gaza to wipe out the Hamas movement. Hamas has so far released four out of the 239 hostages Israel says were captured on Oct 7. Many of the hostages are believed to held in the tunnel network.隧道是以色列在加沙扩大地面行动以消灭哈马斯运动的一个关键目标。以色列称,哈马斯在10月7日挟持了239名人质,迄今已释放了其中4人。"Over the last day, combined IDF combat forces struck approximately 300 targets, including antitank missile and rocket launch posts below shafts, as well as military compounds inside underground tunnels belonging to Hamas," the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement.以色列国防军在声明中说:“在过去24小时内,以色列国防军袭击了约300个目标,其中包括反坦克导弹和火箭发射阵地,以及哈马斯的隧道和军事设施。The fighting came after Netanyahu on Monday evening slapped aside a call from 120 countries for a sustained humanitarian truce.10月30日晚的战斗发生前,内塔尼亚胡于对 120个国家要求持续人道主义停战的呼吁置之不理。"This will not happen," he told foreign media, vowing Israel would "fight until this battle is won".他向外国媒体表示:“这不会发生”,并发誓以色列将“战斗到这场战斗胜利为止”。"Calls for a cease-fire are calls for Israel to surrender to Hamas," he said.他说:“呼吁停火就是呼吁以色列向哈马斯投降。”China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin on Tuesday said the top priority now is the immediate full implementation of the United Nations' resolution as it reflects the strong voice of most countries, and to cease fire, stop violence and prevent the situation in Gaza from further deteriorating so there will not be an even greater humanitarian disaster.10月30日,中国外交部发言人汪文斌表示,当务之急是全面落实联大决议,该决议反映了大多数国家的强烈呼声,停火止暴,避免局势进一步恶化,防止出现更大的人道主义灾难。Every country has the right of self-defense, he said, but it needs to abide by the international law and protect the safety of civilians.汪文斌指出,各国都有自卫权,但都应遵守国际法,特别是国际人道法,保护平民安全。Wang said the root cause of the cycle of conflict between Palestine and Israel is the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and noted that the basic rights of the Palestinian people have not been guaranteed for a long time.他表示,巴以冲突循环往复的根源在于巴勒斯坦领土长期被非法占领,巴勒斯坦人民独立建国的权利被长期忽视,巴勒斯坦民众的基本权利长期没有得到根本保障。"History has proved that violence cannot bring lasting peace and a cycle of violence and revenge only leads to further suffering," he said, adding that China will go ahead with unremitting efforts to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting resolution to the question of Palestine.汪文斌说:“历史证明,武力无法带来持久和平,以暴易暴只会陷入冤冤相报的恶性循环。”中方将为推动巴勒斯坦问题早日全面公正持久解决不懈努力.Israel launched the operation on Oct 7 in retribution for Hamas-led raids that killed an estimated 1,400 people, according to Israeli officials.以色列官方称,以色列于10月7日针对哈马斯的袭击发起了反击,该袭击造成约1400人死亡。More than three weeks of massive and sustained Israeli aerial bombardments have been followed by a large-scale ground offensive inside Gaza.在持续进行了三个多星期的大规模空中轰炸之后,以色列又在加沙发动了大规模地面进攻。Global backlash全球反对On Monday, witnesses saw "dozens" of Israeli tanks operating on the southern outskirts of Gaza City.周一,目击者看到“数十辆”以色列坦克在加沙城南郊活动。Israel's military also released images of mechanized units grinding through coastal sands in northern Gaza. They claimed an early victory: The rescue of one missing woman soldier from Hamas captivity.以色列军方还公布了机械化部队在加沙北部沿海沙地上行进的画面。他们宣称取得了早期胜利:从哈马斯手中营救出一名失踪女兵。But the toll from Israel's bombing campaign in Gaza has sparked a global backlash.但以色列在加沙的轰炸行动造成了巨大的伤亡,引发了全球反对。According to Gaza authorities, Israel's operation has killed more than 8,000 people, many of them children.据加沙当局,以色列的行动已造成8000多人死亡,其中有多数儿童。Thousands of buildings have been destroyed and the territory's 2.3 million residents have little access to water, food, fuel and other essentials.数以千计的建筑物被摧毁,加沙地区 230万居民几乎无法获得水、食物、燃料和其他必需品。Nearly 120 governments voted in favor of a nonbinding UN resolution calling for a sustained truce.近120个国家的政府投票赞成一项无约束力的联合国决议,呼吁持久停战。Gaza is believed to be on the brink of a humanitarian crisis, with very limited access to food and water, no fuel for electricity, and the "total collapse" of the health system.加沙正处于人道主义危机的边缘,食物和水的供应非常有限,没有燃料供电,医疗系统“完全崩溃”。On Monday, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA said the limited number of aid trucks entering Gaza was insufficient to meet the "unprecedented humanitarian needs".10月30日,联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处表示,进入加沙的援助卡车数量有限,不足以满足“前所未有的人道主义需求”。"Nearly 70 percent of those reported killed are children and women," said Philippe Lazzarini, who heads UNRWA. "This cannot be 'collateral damage'."近东救济工程处负责人菲利普·拉扎里尼表示:“据报道,近70%的遇难者是儿童和妇女。他们不应该是战争的‘附带损害’”。Even Israel's staunchest allies have voiced concern over the dire humanitarian situation inside the territory.就连以色列最坚定的盟友也对加沙地区严峻的人道主义局势表示担忧。In Washington, the National Security Council's spokesman John Kirby said "pauses" to allow aid into Gaza should be considered.在华盛顿,美国国家安全委员会发言人约翰·柯比说,应该考虑“暂停”允许援助进入加沙。Israel said it is inspecting cargo to make sure weapons are not being smuggled in, and is monitoring to guarantee supplies are not seized by Hamas.以色列表示,他们正在检查入境加沙的货物,确保没有武器走私,且正在进行监控,确保物资不被哈马斯夺走。In Israel, citizens are still trying to comprehend the events of Oct 7.在以色列,人们仍在试图理解10月7日事件。Very little is known about the fate of the more than 230 hostages — aged between a few months and over 80 years old.对于230多名人质(年龄从几个月到80多岁不等)的命运,人们知之甚少。Hamas on Monday released a video of what it claimed were three women hostages, seated against a tile wall.哈马斯周一发布了一段视频,其中有三名女性人质坐在瓷砖墙边。One of the women called on Israel to agree to Hamas' demand to exchange hostages for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.其中一位认知呼吁以色列同意哈马斯的要求,用人质交换以色列关押的巴勒斯坦囚犯。The time and place of the recording could not be verified.录像的时间和地点无法确认。Netanyahu decried the clip as "cruel psychological propaganda".内塔尼亚胡对此表示强烈谴责。Israel Defense Forces n. 以色列国防军Collateral damagen. 附带性的破坏〔尤为军队等用语〕Humanitarian disastern. 人道主义灾难