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“霉霉”演唱会大电影全国上映,掀全民K歌翻唱热潮......When Beijing native Jin Yu arrived for a special screening of Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour — the highest-grossing concert film of all time — she was surprised to see many audience members were dressed up, waving glow sticks, swaying and loudly singing along with the performer.当北京人金宇来到现场观看《泰勒·斯威夫特:时代巡回演唱会》的特别放映时,她发现许多在场观众盛装打扮,跟随着泰勒的音乐挥舞着荧光棒,舞动着身体,大声跟唱每一首金曲,眼前的热闹景象让她感到很惊喜。"It felt like I was attending a solo concert by Swift for almost three hours, but it only cost 100 yuan ($14). In addition, you could take out your smartphone to take photos or videos. That's usually forbidden when watching a movie in a theater," she says.她说: “感觉就像是在参加一场斯威夫特的个人演唱会,持续了近三个小时,但只花费了100元。你还可以拿出智能手机拍照或录像,这在电影院看电影时通常是被禁止的”。Under the helm of Emmy award-winning director Sam Wrench, the movie follows the 34-year-old pop icon and her dancers onstage, as Swift performs 40 songs from 10 albums during her 2023-24 The Eras Tour.这部有史以来票房最高的演唱会电影由艾美奖获奖导演萨姆·扳手(Sam Wrench)执导,讲述了这位34岁的流行偶像和她的舞者在舞台上的故事,斯威夫特在2023年The Eras巡演中演唱了10张专辑中的40首歌曲。The film has grossed over $261 million at box offices worldwide, including more than 78 million yuan on the Chinese mainland, according to statistics from trackers Box Office Mojo and Beacon. The 169-minute-long movie has also become the highest-grossing imported documentary of all time on the Chinese mainland.根据Box Office Mojo和Beacon的统计数据,该片全球票房收入超过2.61亿美元,其中中国大陆票房收入超过7800万元人民币。这部时长169分钟的电影也成为中国大陆有史以来票房最高的进口纪录片。With The Eras Tour breaking the Guinness World Record for the highest-grossing music tour in history, Alibaba Pictures — which is known for importing such acclaimed foreign movies as Green Book, Bohemian Rhapsody, Capernaum and Departures — recognized the film's prospects, facilitated its entry into the Chinese market, and helped to promote.随着《The Eras Tour》打破了历史上最高票房音乐巡演的吉尼斯世界纪录,阿里影业认识到了这类电影的前景,进而为其进入中国市场、推广宣传提供了极大助力。阿里影业还引进过多部著名影片,包括《绿皮书》、《波西米亚狂想曲》、《迦百农》和《启程》。Since its release in domestic theaters on New Year's Eve, the movie has received an impressive score of 9.3 points out of 10 on Douban, one of China's most popular review sites, due to its spectacular visual effects and Swift's superstardom.自除夕在国内院线上映以来,凭借其壮观的视觉效果和斯威夫特的超级明星形象,该电影在中国最受欢迎的评论网站之一豆瓣上获得了9.3分的骄人成绩。Song Zhe, a 29-year-old short-video director from Henan province, is one of the Chinese fans who was so captivated by the documentary's fresh and innovative format that he purchased two tickets for consecutive screenings.来自河南省的29岁短视频导演宋喆是泰勒的一名忠实粉丝,他为这部纪录片的新鲜和创新的形式所吸引,所以购买了两张连续放映的门票。"I have rarely experienced such an exciting and immersive movie-watching experience before," says Song, who works in Beijing, "When it came to some of the hottest Swift songs, the audience spontaneously stood in the empty space below the big screen, and started jumping and singing along. You couldn't even hear Swift's voice — only the cheers and shouts of the fans."在北京工作的宋喆表示,我几乎从未有过如此激动人心、身临其境的观影体验。他回忆当天播放到泰勒斯威夫特最热门的歌曲时,观众们自发地站在大屏幕下方的空地上,跟着跳起来唱歌。你甚至听不到斯威夫特的声音,只有歌迷的欢呼声和叫喊声。The documentary was filmed during Swift's performance at the SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, a venue that has hosted many headline-grabbing events, not least of which was the 2022 Super Bowl. Its visual effects are also impressive, allowing theatergoers to see close-ups of Swift on the big screen.这部纪录片是在斯威夫特在洛杉矶SoFi体育场表演期间拍摄的,该体育场举办过许多引人注目的活动,其中最重要的是2022年超级碗比赛。其视觉效果也令人印象深刻,观众可以在大屏幕上看到斯威夫特的特写镜头。Zhi Feina, a professor at the Chinese National Academy of Arts and an industry observer, says that the overwhelming success of the movie has helped many young people to socialize.中国艺术研究院教授、行业观察家支菲娜表示,这部电影的影响力超乎想象,同时也为年轻人提供了很好的社交机会。Although this format is new to Chinese theatergoers, Zhi says that similar films that document popular events have already become a regular genre overseas. For example, Japan has introduced ODS (Other Digital Stuff) screenings since 2005, which release recorded versions of stage plays, such as Kabuki, musicals and dramas, as well as concert recordings and sports broadcasts.虽然这种形式对中国观众来说是新鲜事,但支非娜表示,类似电影在海外已经成为一种常规类型。例如,自2005年起,日本就引入了ODS放映,发布歌舞伎、音乐剧和戏剧等舞台剧的录制版本,以及音乐会录音和体育广播。"China has more than 80,000 screens in over 12,000 cinemas, but most of the seats remain unsold during the comparatively slow box office season. Swift's movie could serve as a good example for domestic theater operators to learn how to attract a larger audience," says Zhi.支菲娜表示,中国拥有12,000多家电影院、80,000多个银幕,但当前票房处于淡季,大部分座位仍未售出。国内影院运营商可以借此机会,向这部电影学习如何吸引更多观众来到影院观影。Sha Dan, a curator at the China Film Archive and a veteran critic, views the movie's popularity as a signal to the Chinese film market to seek a breakthrough in attracting the generation born between the late 1990s and 2000s.中国电影资料馆馆长、资深影评人沙丹认为,这部电影的受欢迎向中国电影市场发出了一个信号,那就是吸引新时代年轻人观影应该是票房增长新的突破点。He also mentions that one of the top concerns among insiders in recent years has been the growing trend for young audiences to shift to short-video platforms instead of going to cinema.他还提到近年来业内人士最关心的一个问题,当下年轻观众更青睐短视频平台,电影院的受欢迎度随之日益下降。"If Chinese distributors could import more movies like this, the local market would become more culturally diversified, and cinemas could revive their functions as places for socializing and entertainment," he says.沙丹还表示,如果中国发行商能够进口更多这样的电影,中国电影市场将变得更加文化多元化,也有助于电影院恢复其作为社交和娱乐场所的功能。distributors 英/dɪˈstrɪb.jə.tər/  美/dɪˈstrɪb.jə.tɚ/n. 电影发行商curator 英/kjʊəˈreɪ.tər/  美/kjʊˈreɪ.tɚ/n. 馆长