英语新闻丨Landslide rescue work underway

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President Xi Jinping has called for all-out efforts to search for and rescue the people missing after alandslide on Monday in Zhenxiong county of Yunnan province.2024年1月22日,云南省镇雄县发生山体滑坡,习近平总书记呼吁全力搜救失踪人员。Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the instruction after the landslide buried 18 houses and left 47 people missing at around 6 am on Monday in Liangshui village.在22日早上六点左右,凉水村发生山体滑坡,18栋房屋被掩埋,47人失踪。在这之后,中国共产党中央委员会总书记、中央军事委员会主席习近平,下达了相关指示。As of press time, rescuers had pulled eight people out of the rubble, but all of them were dead, local authorities said. Over 500 residents had been evacuated.Roughly 300,000 cubic meters of soil and rocks collapsed in the landslide, according to a preliminary estimate.当地政府表示,截至发稿时,救援人员已从废墟中救出8人,但他们都已逝世;超过500名居民被疏散。据初步估计,大约有30万立方米的土壤和岩石在滑坡中坍塌。Xi said that rescuers must take every measure to search for the missing and minimize casualties, and he also demanded that monitoring and early warning be enhanced at the site to prevent secondary disasters.习近平强调,救援人员必须采取一切措施寻找失踪人员,尽量减少人员伤亡。同时要求加强现场监测和预警,防止二次灾害。Efforts should also be made to comfort the families of the victims and properly accommodate villagers affected by the disaster, he said.他还指出,要努力安慰遇难者家属,妥善安置受灾村民。Xi said natural disasters, as well as traffic accidents and work safety incidents, are prone to occur with the Spring Festival approaching and due to the recent cold waves.习近平指出,随着春节临近和近期寒潮的影响,自然灾害、交通事故和生产安全事故易多发。He asked authorities across the country to fulfill their responsibilities to prevent and curb the occurrence of major accidents with casualties.他要求全国有关部门履行职责,防止和遏制重大伤亡事故的发生。They should take comprehensive measures to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, he emphasized.他强调,有关部门应该采取综合措施,确保人民生命财产安全。Premier Li Qiang asked the local government to evacuate residents who are under potential threat as soon as possible, and to make appropriate arrangements for them, considering that the area where the disaster occurred is in a cold alpine region.考虑到灾区地处寒冷的高山地区,李强总理要求当地政府尽快疏散可能受到威胁的居民,并作出适当安排。Vice-Premier Zhang Guoqing has led a work group to Yunnan to guide the rescue operation.副总理张国清已率工作组赶赴云南指导救援行动。A woman who lives not far from the landslide site said she felt as if an earthquake was happening when the disaster happened.住在离滑坡现场不远的一名妇女说,灾难发生时,她感觉好像发生了地震。"There was big noise when the landslide occurred. The ground shook once," the woman was quoted as saying by Jimu News, a Hubei-based news outlet.湖北新闻媒体极目新闻援引这名女子的话说:“当山体滑坡发生时,有很大的噪音。地面摇晃了一下,” According to a media release from the Ministry of Emergency Management, 812 members of the national comprehensive fire and rescue team have joined the rescue operation in Liangshui village, with the help of 174 vehicles.据应急管理部发布的一份新闻稿,国家综合消防救援队的812名成员在174辆汽车的帮助下,加入了凉水村的救援行动。In addition, 102 members of the country's national rescue team usually dedicated to workplace accidents and 33 employees with China Anneng Construction Group Corp joined the rescue operation, the media release said.另外,国家救援队的102名队员和中国安能建设集团公司的33名员工也加入了救援行动。Rescuers first had to move big rocks out of the way with the help of excavators before they carried out search work in certain areas.救援人员必须首先在挖掘机的帮助下移开挡道的巨石,然后才能在某些地区进行搜索工作。Li Shenglong, a firefighter from Zhenxiong county, said the big rocks posed a great challenge to the rescue operation.镇雄县的一名消防员李胜龙说,这些巨石给救援行动带来了巨大的挑战。Temperatures in the village dropped below 0 C on Monday, and the wind made conditions bitterly cold, he said. However, rescuers had to wear light clothing to ensure that they could move flexibly.他说,22号村子里的气温降到了0摄氏度以下,大风使天气非常寒冷。然而,救援人员必须穿着轻便的衣服,以确保他们能够灵活地行动。Using life-detection instruments, Li and his teammates had to closely monitor the locations where the excavators worked. "Once any signs of life are detected, we will turn to small excavators or just dig with the help of tools by ourselves," he said.李胜龙和他的队友必须利用生命探测仪器,密切监视挖掘机工作的地点。他说:“一旦发现任何生命迹象,我们就会求助于小型挖掘机,或者仅仅依靠自己的工具进行挖掘。”TheNational Health Commission said in a media release that two villagers who suffered soft tissue injuries because of the landslide had been hospitalized.国家卫生健康委员会在一份媒体新闻稿中表示,两名因山体滑坡而软组织受伤的村民已被送往医院。After the landslide occurred, the commission asked emergency medical rescue teams from Sichuan and Guizhou provinces, both of which are adjacent to Yunnan, to be ready to go to Zhenxiong at any time, it said.山体滑坡发生后,国家卫生健康委员会要求四川和贵州的紧急医疗救援队随时准备前往镇雄,因为这两个省份都与云南相邻。The commission also said members of the national medical expert team for emergency rescue in the two provinces were told to be ready if needed.国家卫生健康委员会还表示,已通知在这两个省进行紧急救援的国家医疗专家组成员,时刻准备着应对突发状况。Furthermore, a work group sent by the Yunnan health commission had arrived at the site. Some hospitals at the provincial, prefectural and county levels in Yunnan were instructed to be prepared to receive disaster survivors.此外,云南省卫生委员会派出的工作组已抵达现场。云南省的一些省、地、县三级医院接到指示,已经做好接收灾害幸存者的准备。landsliden.【地质】山崩National Health Commission国家卫生健康委员会