英语新闻丨'Love in Nanning' gives singles a shot at romance

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A woman who attended a music concert for singles on Tuesday night in Nanning, capital of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, said meeting like-minded people is the most important part of dating.4月9日晚,广西壮族自治区首府南宁市举办了一场单身音乐会,其中一位女性观众表示,结识志同道合的人是约会的意义所在。"I'm a music enthusiast, and this concert, combined with the singles' activities, makes me very excited," she said, adding that those attending the concert all loved music, making it easier to communicate该女士谈到:“我自己很爱听音乐,这场活动不仅有音乐,还融合了单身人士社交活动,参加音乐会的人往往都喜欢音乐,更有共同语言。所以我享受”。The "Love in Nanning" event was held ahead of Thursday's Sanyuesan Festival, a traditional festival of the Zhuang ethnic group that is held on the third day of the third month in the Chinese lunar calendar.“爱在南宁”活动于4月9日举办,两天之后就是三月三节。这是一个壮族的传统节日,固定在农历三月初三。Singers and bands performed classic love songs at the concert to create a romantic atmosphere for single men and women.The concert opened with the song Love ING as a soundtrack for mixing activities and climaxed with a bonfire around which nearly 1,000 people danced.音乐会上有歌手、乐队演绎经典情歌,为单身男女营造浪漫氛围。音乐会以歌曲《恋爱ING》作为开场音乐,现场各种活动热闹非凡,近千人围着篝火翩翩起舞,将音乐会推向高潮。Social media platforms helped spread word of the event, which was repeated on Wednesday and Thursday. Concerts are also planned every Saturday, with tickets for available shows already sold out.社交媒体平台也对该活动进行了广泛宣传。周三和周四均有单身音乐会场次。每周六会举办音乐会,现有演出门票已售罄。"In addition to the single men and women participating in the event, all the staff members on the stage are also single, making it a true singles party," said Zhang Chao, the concert's director, adding that he hopes participants enjoy the music and find romance.音乐会总监张超表示:“除了参加活动的单身男女外,舞台上的所有工作人员也都是单身,这是一场真正的单身派对。希望参与者能够享受音乐,享受快乐。寻找浪漫”。To ensure all participants are single, the information they provide when registering, including their name and ID number, is sent to the civil affairs bureau for verification.为了确保所有参与者都是单身,注册参加者提供的姓名和身份证号码等信息将被发送至民政局进行验证。give a shot尝试一下the Civil Affairs Bureau民政局