英语新闻丨Ma Ying-jeou calls for peace and prosperity

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Ma Ying-jeou, former chairman of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, said on Tuesday that both sides of the Taiwan Strait should cooperate to avoid war and work together to rejuvenate the Chinese nation.2024年4月2日,台湾国民党前主席马英九表示,台湾海峡两岸应该合作,避免战争,共同振兴中华民族。He made the remarks during a visit to the former residence of Sun Yat-sen, the renowned Chinese revolutionary and statesman, in Guangdong province with a Taiwan youth delegation on the second day of his visit to the Chinese mainland.在访问中国大陆的第二天,他与台湾青年代表团参观了著名的中国革命家和政治家孙中山在广东省的故居,并发表了上述讲话。Sun was born in 1866 in the former residence and died in 1925.He is known to the Chinese people as a great pioneer of China's democratic revolution for his leading role in the 1911 Revolution, which ended thousands of years of feudal rule in China.孙中山出生于1866年,逝世于1925年。他领导了辛亥革命,结束了中国几千年的封建统治,被中国人民称为中国民主革命的伟大先驱。He also lived in the former residence several times in the 1890s and 1910s.在19世纪90年代和20世纪10年代,他也曾多次住在这里。"Dr. Sun Yat-sen is the idol I've admired all my life. Today, as I visited his former residence, I was deeply moved," Ma said in a group interview.马英九在采访中表示:“孙中山先生是我一生崇拜的偶像。今天,当我参观他的故居,我深受触动。” "One hundred and thirteen years ago, Chinese society was marked by extreme poverty and backwardness, and the people could not see hope."“113年前,中国社会极度贫困落后,人民看不到希望。”Sun led the revolution for 40 years, striving to make the country more prosperous and to seek happiness for the people, Ma said, adding that Sun was a great man whose influence is everlasting for both sides of the Taiwan Strait.马英九说,孙中山领导革命40年,努力使国家更加繁荣,为人民寻求幸福,并补充说,孙中山是一个伟大的人,他的影响在台湾海峡两岸是永恒的。"The people on both sides of the Strait belong to the Chinese nation and are all descendants of the Yan Emperor and Yellow Emperor," Ma said.他说:“海峡两岸人民同属中华民族,都是炎黄子孙。”"I hope that people across the Strait can remember Dr. Sun's teachings-'peace, struggle, save China'.“我希望海峡两岸的人们都能记住孙先生的教诲——‘和平、奋斗、救中国’。”"I earnestly hope that both sides can cooperate together, avoid war, commit to peace, struggle, rejuvenate China, and jointly create peace and prosperity.“我真诚希望双方合作,避免战争,坚持和平,奋斗,振兴中国,共同创造和平与繁荣。”"This is also the greatest wish of our generation of Chinese people."“这也是我们这一代中国人最大的心愿。”Ma led the youth delegation in offering a flower basket to a statue of Sun inside the museum near the former residence.马英九带领台湾青年代表团向孙中山故居附近的博物馆里的孙中山雕像献上花篮。The 20 members of the youth delegation also toured the former residence and viewed a museum exhibition detailing Sun's upbringing and revolutionary history.台湾青年代表团的20名成员还参观了孙中山故居,并参观了一个详细介绍孙中山成长经历和革命历史的博物馆展览。Ma and his group also visited the office of BYD, China's largest electric vehicle manufacturer, and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge on Tuesday.2024年4月2日,马英九及其代表团还参观了中国最大的电动汽车制造商比亚迪的办公室和港珠澳大桥。At BYD's office, accompanied by Song Tao, head of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Ma learned about the company's most advanced electric vehicle technology and products and inquired about the mainland's incentive policies for promoting electric vehicles.在国务院台湾事务办公室主任宋涛的陪同下,马英九在比亚迪的办公室了解了该公司最先进的电动汽车技术和产品,并询问了大陆推广电动汽车的激励政策。"Which one is the most effective policy encouraging electric vehicles?" he asked.他问道:“哪一项政策对于鼓励新能源汽车是最有效的?”A BYD executive responded that "the most effective measure is 6.6 million charging piles, or the supporting infrastructure."比亚迪的一位高管回答说:“最有效的措施是660万个充电桩,即配套的基础设施。”According to the National Development and Reform Commission, the Chinese mainland had built more than 6.6 million charging piles of various types nationwide by the end of June last year.根据国家发展和改革委员会的数据,截至去年6月底,中国大陆已在全国范围内建设了660多万个不同类型的充电桩。Song added that new energy vehicles enjoy certain preferential policies regarding road use rights and license plate distribution, making more consumers willing to purchase electric vehicles.宋涛补充说,新能源汽车在道路使用权和车牌分配方面享有一定的优惠政策,这使得更多的消费者愿意购买新能源汽车。In the afternoon, Ma and his group visited the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to learn about its construction and operation.下午,马英九一行人参观了港珠澳大桥,了解了大桥的建设和运营情况。rejuvenatev.使年轻;使更新;使恢复精神incentive policies激励政策