英语新闻|Maduro expresses faith in BRI, Huawei

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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Moros did not hold back his enthusiasm on Thursday when addressing journalists at the conclusion of his state visit to China.Speaking to media representatives from both nations at the Latin American country’s embassy in Beijing, he shared his thoughts on both the achievements of the state visit to China and also struck a personal note when discussing his weeklong stay in the nation.9月14日,委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗·莫罗斯在对中国的访问接近尾声时,面对记者发表了热情的讲话。在拉美国家驻华大使馆,马杜罗同中委两国媒体代表分享了自己对此次访问中国所达成成就的看法,以及到中国一周来的个人见闻。Holding up a state-of-the-art Huawei cellphone at the news conference, he unfolded the flashy new device, with its large screen showing a photo of President Xi Jinping shaking hands with him.在新闻发布会上,马杜罗打开一部华为最新发行的手机,大屏上是一张习近平主席同他握手的照片。“It’s Huawei’s latest cellphone that uses the latest technologies, and you can use this phone to directly communicate via satellite,” he said amid a flurry of flashlights from the assembled photographers.在一片闪光灯中,他对聚集的摄影师说道:“这是华为最新款的手机,使用了最前沿的技术,可以直接通过卫星进行交流。”“I want all my young friends to buy a good Huawei cellphone,” he added. “I believe this is the most secure cellphone I’ve ever used, and I believe it won’t be tapped by other countries.”“我希望我所有的年轻朋友都可以买一部好的华为手机。我相信这是我用过的最安全的手机,我也相信它不会被其他国家监听。”His faith in the quality of made-in-China electronic devices, which he expressed at the gathering, was equaled by his passion in elaborating on the tangible outcomes of his meeting with President Xi on Wednesday.马杜罗在发布会上对中国制造的电子产品质量表现出高度信任,而谈及本周三同习主席会面的实质性成果,他也是同样地热情。When a reporter asked about progress in bilateral energy cooperation, Maduro took out a printout of a joint statement on the establishment of an all-weather strategic partnership between China and Venezuela.有记者问及中委双边能源合作的进展,马杜罗拿出了一份关于建立中委两国全天候战略合作伙伴关系的联合声明。“Questions of interest to everyone can be answered here,” he said.他说,“大家有任何相关问题都可以在此提出。”“Our friends in the media can further utilize your outlets to further disseminate the contents of the relevant agreements.”“各位媒体朋友也可以利用你们的渠道,进一步推广相关协议的内容。”He also expressed support for China-proposed initiatives, including the Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative.马杜罗也对包括“一带一路”倡议、全球发展倡议等中国提出的倡议表示支持。This year marks the 10th anniversary of Xi proposing the BRI in 2013.今年是习近平主席于2013年提出“一带一路”倡议的十周年。Maduro said that during his talks with Xi, he discussed the expected status of Latin America in the bigger picture of the Belt and Road.马杜罗说,他在同习主席的会面中讨论了拉美国家未来将在“一带一路”倡议的巨大版图中占据怎样的位置。When asked about the BRI and the BRI cooperation agreements that Latin American countries have signed with China, Maduro blasted “smearing and suppression in the world, especially those made by Western media”.被问及“一带一路”倡议,以及拉美国家同中国签署的“一带一路”合作协议时,马杜罗谴责了“世界上尤其是来自西方媒体的抹黑和打压”。“In the current world, there are always some people using their narrow minds to measure and judge the real gentlemen, they always feel that what other people do is to affect their interests.”“当今世界,总有一些人用他们狭隘的思维去揣测和评判真正的绅士,他们总是认为别人所作所为的目的是损害他们的利益。”“But this kind of era, I think, is coming to an end and should come to an end,” he added.他补充说:“但我认为这样的时代就要结束了,也应该结束了。”Venezuela and Latin America’s partnerships with China were “not built against any third party”, he said.“委内瑞拉同中国、拉美同中国之间的伙伴关系不针对任何‘第三方’。”“We’re not trying to unite against anyone, to encroach on the natural resources or the development interests of other countries. We built these partnerships… to work hand in hand to promote common, inclusive development,” he said.“我们不会团结起来针对任何人,不会侵占自然资源,不会侵犯其他国家的发展利益。我们建立一系列伙伴关系……是为了携起手来,推动共同的、包容性发展。”Envisioning the future of the BRI, he voiced hope to “further attract Chinese enterprises to go to the Latin American region and increase investment”.展望“一带一路”倡议的未来,马杜罗希望“进一步吸引中国企业入驻拉美地区,增加投资。”Maduro’s visit lasted a week, from Sept 8 to Thursday. He traveled to Shenzhen in Guangdong province, Shanghai and Shandong province before taking a high-speed train on Tuesday to Beijing, the last stop of his visit.9月8日至14日,马杜罗的访问持续了一周。他先后到访了广东省深圳市、上海市以及山东省,随后于12日乘高铁前往此行的最后一站——北京。As part of the Venezuelan president’s packed schedule, Premier Li Qiang and Zhao Leji, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, met respectively with Maduro on Thursday.作为委内瑞拉总统访问行程的一部分,总理李强和全国人大常委会委员长赵乐际分别于14日会见了马杜罗。“I have great admiration for the Chinese people, and the Chinese leaders have always been very modest and very conscientious,” he said, calling the intensive talks in Beijing “highly constructive”.马杜罗说,“我非常钦佩中国人民,中国的国家领导人都很谦逊、很认真。”他认为在北京高强度的会面具有高度建设性意义。Next year, China and Venezuela will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations.明年,中国和委内瑞拉将庆祝两国建交50周年。Maduro said, “In the future we can go further to broaden our areas of cooperation and take further strides toward our centennial journey.”马杜罗说:“未来,我们可以进一步拓宽我们的合作领域,在我们的百年征程中大步前进。”At the climax of his response, he knocked the table top before him several times.在回答问题的高潮,他几次敲击眼前的桌面。“Our friendship is as solid as the table’s wood, and as sturdy as Taishan Mountain,” he said, referring to the majestic mountain and symbolic tourist attraction in Tai’an, Shandong province.他提到了山东省泰安市雄伟的地标性旅游景点,泰山。他说,“我们的友谊像这桌子的木头一样坚实,像泰山一样稳固。”All-weather strategic partnershipn.全天候战略合作伙伴Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)n.“一带一路”倡议Global Development Initiativen.全球发展倡议