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Manner Coffee, one of China's most popular domestic coffee brands, apologized on Friday night after a series of conflicts involving baristas and customers whose patience waned after waiting too long for their orders. The coffee chain vowed to reduce the waiting time and pay more attention to its baristas after overwhelming criticism over its intense workload placed on its employees.  6月21日,中国最受欢迎的国产咖啡品牌之一“Manner”发布微博咖啡师与顾客发生冲突表示道歉。Manner咖啡表示,此后将尽可能减少顾客等待时间,加强对咖啡师伙的日常关心,提升咖啡师的工作舒适度。"We are deeply sorry for the recently conflict between our baristas and clients…the company is highly concerned about those incidents and apologized to our customers as soon as possible in addition to speaking to the barista," Manner Coffee said in a statement on Friday.“对公司近日发生咖啡师伙伴与顾客冲突事件深表歉意。了解到相关情况后,公司高度重视,第一时间向顾客致歉,也对当事咖啡师伙伴进行了安抚。”Manner咖啡于6月21日晚的微博声明中表示。The statement came after three fights between baristas and impatient clients in recent weeks. In one of its outlets in coffee-addicted Shanghai on Monday, a customer expressed her dissatisfaction with waiting for too long and threatened to file a complaint. The female staff member, seemingly overwhelmed, lost her composure and poured coffee grounds on the face of the customer while shouting, "Go ahead, complain!"该声明发表于近几周Manner咖啡师与客户之间涉及的三场争吵。6月18日,在上海“咖啡街”的一家Manner门店里,一名顾客对等待时间过长表示不满,表示要投诉。随后女店员不知所措,情绪失控后将咖啡粉泼向顾客并说:“你去投诉吧!”Manner Coffee later confirmed that the female employee involved in the incident had been dismissed.Manner咖啡品牌方工作人员后回应此事件:涉事女员工已被辞退。In a separate incident on the same day, a customer complained about the long wait time for their order, and when the staff member suggested canceling the order, it ignited dissatisfaction among customers, culminating in a verbal dispute and a physical altercation.同天另一家Manner咖啡门店,一名顾客抱怨其订单等待时间过长,当Manner咖啡员工建议顾客取消订单时,引发了顾客的不满,最终导致了口头争执和肢体冲突。The police intervened, the staff member has apologized to the customer, and they have reached a settlement.该事件经警方介入,Manner咖啡员工已向顾客道歉,双方达成和解。The incident has sparked heated discussion on social media as many questioned whether the rapid expansion of Manner Coffee is at the sacrifice of its baristas. “Manner咖啡员工与顾客发生争执”在社交媒体上引发激烈的讨论,许多人质疑Manner咖啡的快速扩张是否是以牺牲其咖啡师为代价的。In one of the most liked comments under Manner Coffee's statement on Sina Weibo, a comment reads like: Manner is growing fast. Increase employee's salary; arrange time reasonably and increase work staff, all those costs yet they help long-term development. Hopefully Manner don't be short-sighted.在Manner咖啡所发布的微博声明中,高赞评论说道:“Manner咖啡正在快速扩张阶段,应提高员工工资,合理安排时间并增加工作人员,所有这些(沉没)成本都有助长期发展。希望Manner咖啡不要目光短浅。”Manner Coffee has rapidly expanded in recent years and currently has 1,295 company operated stores nationwide, according to media reports. It is often referred as strong rivalry of Starbucks in China due to its growing popularity and cheaper price. Manner咖啡近年来迅速扩张,在全国拥有1295家直营门店。由于较高的受欢迎程度及低廉的价格,Manner咖啡被视为星巴克在中国的强大竞争对手。However, media also reported that Manner allocates staff according to the performance of the store. For daily sales below 5,000 yuan ($688), only one person is assigned to the store, while for daily sales of 6,000 yuan and above, two people are assigned. In comparison, Starbuck, Luckin Coffee and other coffee chains in China normally allocate three to four people at the store, according to Jiemian.根据界面新闻报道,一位Manner咖啡师透露,公司会按照门店业绩分配人手,日营业额5000元以下的,一个店只派1名员工,日营业额在6000元及以上的才会派2名员工。相比之下,星巴克、瑞幸咖啡和中国其他咖啡连锁店通常会在一个店分配3-4名员工。In the statement issued on Friday, Manner Coffee said it will optimize store operation arrangements to minimize customer waiting time; and enhance customer satisfaction. Moreover, it vowed to strengthen daily care for baristas, keep communication channels open for baristas, improve their work comfort, and pay attention to their health.6月21日发表的声明中,Manner咖啡表示将“优化门店运营安排,尽可能减少顾客等待时间,提升顾客服务满意度”。官微还表示:“加强对咖啡师伙伴的日常关心,畅通咖啡师伙伴关怀通道,提升咖啡师伙伴的工作舒适度,关注咖啡师伙伴健康。”baristan. 咖啡师company operated storesn. 直营门店