英语新闻丨Ministry: US control on investment a 'decoupling' move

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China has engaged in dialogue with businesses to evaluate the tangible implications of the United States executive order restricting high-tech, US-based investment going to China, and the Chinese government will take necessary measures based on the findings of this assessment, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.8月17日,中国商务部表示,近日已与企业座谈,了解行政令对企业的实际影响。在此基础上,我们正在对行政令的影响进行全面评估,并将根据评估结果采取必要的应对措施。Signed by US President Joe Biden in early August, the order authorizes the US Treasury Department to regulate the flow of US investment and expertise into three sectors in China — semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.该命令由美国总统乔·拜登于8月初签署,授权美国财政部对美国投资和专业技术流入中国的三个领域,即半导体和微电子、量子计算和人工智能进行监管。Addressing a regular news conference in Beijing, Commerce Ministry spokeswoman Shu Jueting said the US executive order authorizing investment restrictions toward China is counterproductive and can have detrimental effects.在北京举行的例行新闻发布会上,商务部发言人束珏婷表示,美国发布限制对华投资的行政命令损人害己。The ministry also said that China would welcome a visit by US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to the country, and relevant government departments of both sides are maintaining close communication regarding arrangements for a visit.商务部还表示,中方欢迎美国商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多访华,双方有关政府部门正就访华安排保持密切沟通。Experts said the US executive order is just another "decoupling" move that targets China but will eventually be more harmful to US industries and businesses.专家表示,美国的行政命令只是又一个针对中国的“脱钩”举措,但最终将对美国的产业和企业造成更大的伤害。Li Wei, a professor of international relations at Renmin University of China, said that although a number of senior US government officials, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, had visited China in recent months, the executive order restricting critical technology investment in China will have a severe impact on the interests of businesses and investors in both countries, increasing tensions in bilateral relations.中国人民大学国际关系学院教授李伟说,尽管包括美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯和美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦在内的多位美国政府高官近几个月访问了中国,但限制对华关键技术投资的行政命令将严重影响两国企业和投资者的利益,加剧双边关系的紧张。Chen Wenling, chief economist at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges in Beijing, said the US should stop its "decoupling" and "de-risking" approach with regard to the high-tech sector, because such an approach endangers the integrity of the global industrial chain.中国国际经济交流中心总经济师陈文玲表示,美国应停止其在高科技领域的“脱钩”和“去风险”做法,因为这种做法会危及全球产业链的完整性。While initially directed at China, this policy could potentially have far-reaching repercussions on the global stage, Chen said.她表示,虽然这一政策最初是针对中国的,但有可能在全球舞台上产生深远影响。China-US trade amounted to 2.64 trillion yuan ($364 billion) in the first seven months of 2023, down 9.6 percent year-on-year. The volume accounts for 11.2 percent of China's total foreign trade, making the US the third-largest trading partner of China, following the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the European Union, data from the General Administration of Customs showed.2023年前七个月,中美贸易额为2.64万亿元人民币(3640亿美元),同比下降9.6%。海关总署的数据显示,中美贸易额占中国对外贸易总额的11.2%,美国成为继东南亚国家联盟和欧盟之后的中国第三大贸易伙伴。In response to a recent hearing at the US House of Representatives, Shu, the spokeswoman for the Commerce Ministry, said that China firmly opposes forced technology transfers and there is no such thing as helping its businesses replace US companies by forcibly acquiring technology.针对美国众议院最近举行的听证会,商务部新闻发言人束珏婷表示,中方明确反对强制技术转让,更不存在通过强制获取技术帮助中国企业取代美国企业。"The statements from the US side are completely at odds with the facts. The essence of China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win," she said.她表示,美方与事实完全不符。中美经贸合作的本质是互利共赢。The spokeswoman emphasized that China welcomes companies from the US and other countries to thrive and prosper in China. The country strives to create a market-oriented and rules-based international business environment for all types of companies.“中方欢迎包括美国企业在内的各国企业在华发展、取得成功,努力为各类企业营造市场化、法治化、国际化的营商环境。”"Mergers and acquisitions aimed at acquiring technology and intellectual property rights are ordinary business cooperation practices," she said, adding that mandatory technology transfers are in violation of China's Foreign Investment Law and run counter to the nation's economic principles.她说,企业间通过并购获取技术和知识产权,是正常的商业合作行为。强制技术转让不符合中国的外商投资法,也不符合经济规律。Shu urged the US to treat Chinese companies fairly and justly, providing them with equal opportunities for their trade and investment cooperation activities in its market.“美方应公平公正对待中国企业,为他们在美国开展贸易投资合作提供平等待遇。”束珏婷说。In light of China recently implementing export restrictions on industrial products and materials containing gallium and germanium, Shu said the country's export controls are cautious and moderate, with the goal to effectively safeguard national security and fulfill international obligations.商务部新闻发言人束珏婷表示,对镓、锗相关物项的出口管制已于8月1日起正式实施。中国实施出口管制是审慎的、适度的,目的是为了维护国家安全,更好履行国际义务。Shu added that the ministry will adjust and refine the export control list for dual-use items in compliance with the provisions of export control laws in a timely manner.商务部将根据出口管制法的规定,适时调整和完善两用物项出口管制清单。Restriction英/rɪˈstrɪkʃ(ə)n/ 美/rɪˈstrɪkʃ(ə)n/n.限制规定,限制法规Counterproductive英/ˌkaʊntəprəˈdʌktɪv/ 美/ˌkaʊntərprəˈdʌktɪv/adj.事与愿违的,起反作用的