英语新闻丨More outbound flights expected for Spring Festival

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China is planning to increase the number of international flights available for the upcoming Spring Festival holiday, with a particular focus on adding more flights to neighboring countries and regions, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China on Monday.1月8日,中国民航局表示,中国计划在即将到来的春节假期增加国际航班数量,特别是增加飞往周边国家和地区的航班。This year's Spring Festival travel rush period is expected to begin on Jan 26 and end on March 5.今年春运预计于1月26日开始,3月5日结束。A record of over 80 million individual trips will be made by air during the 40-day rush, averaging 2 million individual trips per day, which is a 9.8 percent increase compared to 2019. 在为期40天的春运期间,航空旅客出行量将创历史新高,预计超过8000万人次,日均旅客出行量达到200万人次,比2019年增长9.8%。An average of 16,500 flights are scheduled each day during the travel rush. 旅游高峰期间,平均每天有16,500架次航班起飞。"During Spring Festival, the outbound travel market is expected to experience a temporary surge. Popular destinations will include neighboring countries and regions such as Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries. Additionally, there will be an increased demand for international trips for families and students," said Liang Nan, director of the transportation department at the civil aviation administration. She added the implementation of more convenient visa policies has made travel easier, resulting in an expected increase in people's desire to travel abroad. 民航局交通运输司司长梁楠说:“春节期间,预计出境游市场将出现短期增长。热门目的地将包括日本、韩国、东南亚国家等周边国家和地区。此外,以家庭为单位、留学生出境需求也会增加。同时,更加便利的签证政策的实施使出行更加便利,人们出国旅游的愿望有望增加。”Japan, South Korea and several cities in Southeast Asia are among the most popular destinations.日本、韩国和东南亚的几个城市是最受欢迎的目的地之一。According to Liang, airlines have applied to add more than 2,500 scheduled and chartered international flights during the holiday period.梁楠介绍到,假期期间,航空公司已申请增加2500多个定期和包机国际航班。These additional flights will primarily serve Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea and other neighboring countries and regions. Specifically, over 600 flights will be added to Japan and Thailand, over 200 to South Korea, 150 to Singapore, and 100 to Malaysia and Indonesia.这些新增航班将主要服务于东南亚、日本、韩国等周边国家和地区。其中,将新增日本、泰国600多个航班,韩国200多个航班,新加坡150多个航班,马来西亚、印度尼西亚100多个航班。More flights are planned for routes to Oceania and Europe. A total of 25 airlines have arranged 3,350 flights per week to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.计划有更多航班飞往大洋洲和欧洲。共有25家航空公司每周安排3,350个航班飞往港澳台地区。Data from the end of last year showed China had 4,782 weekly international round-trip flights, amounting to 62.8 percent of the pre-pandemic number. Chinese airlines operated 3,223.5 flights, equivalent to around 67 percent of the total volume, while international airlines operated 1,558.5 flights.去年年底的数据显示,中国每周有4782个国际往返航班,相当于疫情前的62.8%。中国航空公司运营了3,223.5个航班,约占总航班量的67%,而国际航空公司运营了1,558.5个航班。Liang said that the administration will continue to encourage airlines to add more flights to meet people's travel needs.梁楠表示,政府将继续鼓励航空公司增开航班,满足人民群众出行需求。Last week, Song Zhiyong, the head of the administration, said China will continue to support the recovery of the international civil aviation market this year. The administration aims to increase the total number of international flights to and from China to 6,000 per week by the end of this year, which is about 80 percent of the pre-pandemic level.上周,国家民航总局局长宋志勇表示,今年中国将继续支持国际民航市场的复苏。政府计划到今年年底将往返中国的国际航班总数增加到每周6000架次,约为疫情前水平的80%。Qi Qi, a senior civil aviation expert, said that with growing demand for international passenger travel, more international routes will inevitably resume this year.民航资深专家齐琪表示,随着国际旅客出行需求的不断增长,今年必然会恢复更多的国际航线。outbound英/ˈaʊt.baʊnd/ 美 /ˈaʊt.baʊnd/adj.出镜的chartered international flights国际包机航班